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Absorb- the absorption of an opponent. This is not the same as the Android version because the Androids absorb energy only. This is the absorb that Buu and Cell use to absorb entire people. Cell uses his tail to absorb people and Buu can use any part of his body he wants.

Big Bang Attack- this is strictly one of Vegeta's moves. He uses it often and first devises the attack when he turns Super Saiyan for the first time. This is the attack he uses against Android #19. To perform the maneuver, Vegeta turns one palm vertical and then releases the attack.

Fly- Simple attack. This is probably the most commonly used attack in Dragonball Z and GT. It is simply when a character flies. Some people think that a person in Dragonball can fly as soon as that person becomes stronger than the earth's pull of gravity. This is not so. The fly technique must be taught, like all techniques.

Energy Dan- The Energy Dan is used only once by Gohan in the DBZ movie "Dead Zone." The Energy Dan is when Gohan surrounds his body in a large ball of energy.

Eye Beam- The Eye Beam is a ki beam fired from the eyes. Piccolo uses a similar version of the Eye Beam called "Kousengan" when training Gohan. If you are familiar with the android saga then you will remember when Androids 19 and 20 destroy nearly an entire island using only this attack.

Fusion- Fusion is more of a technique or strategy than an attack. Fusion is done by a very complicated dance or a pair of Porta Earrings. If the dance is done correctly the resulting warrior will be extremely powerful. The only drawbacks to Fusion is that one can only stay fused for 30 minutes, increased cockiness, and that if the dance is done wrong an incredibly weak, clumsy, and stupid person will be made.

Galactica Ring- This is another one of Gotenks' hopelessly stupid atacks. The Galactica Ring is when Gotenks forms a ring of energy that looks like a donut, he uses this attack to attempt to defeat Buu. Buu is caught in the "donut" easily but breaks through it with ease.

Gatlik Gun- The Gamit Gun is Vegita's version of the Kamehameha. The attack looks very similar and even the motions performed to gather the energy for the attack are similar to those performed for the Kamehameha.

Super Ring Chain- This attack was just too funny to leave out of the list. This attack is performed only by the mindless Gotenks when he shrouded Buu in a ball of energy and then played, you guessed it, volley ball with him. This is used only once in the Buu Saga and when Gotenks uses it even Piccolo joined in and played as well.

Spirit Bomb- This is probably the most powerful attack in all of Dragonball. Taught to Goku by King Kai. Goku forms the Spirit Bomb using the energy from everything on the earth, and sometimes everything in the universe. Goku destroys many of the most powerful villains in history using his Spirit Bomb.

Healing Power- This is a technique used by Dende and Kibito. Healing Power is the ability to heal someone who is very severely injured or near death.

Iai Zari- Yajirobe used this attack to cut off Ooharazu Vegeta's tail in the Saiyan Saga. It is a simple slash of a Japanese sword called a Katana.

Kaio Ken- This was another attack taught to Goku by King Ki. The Kaio Ken is a technique that increases a warrior's speed, strength, and accuracy. In the Saiyan Saga, Goku does the Kaio Ken x3 but in the Frieza Saga he does Kaio Ken x20.

Kamehameha- This is by far the most popular attack in Dragonball. It was invented by Master Roshi and stands for "Turtle Destruction Blast." I would guess that the power of the Kamehameha increases with the power of the person performing it (I doubt that Master Roshi's Kamehameha is as powerful as Super Saiyan Goku's). The Kamehameha is used very often in Dragonball and Dragonball Z. Kamehameha is what Goku relies on, when all else fails just bring your palms together and this extremely strong blast just might save the day.

Destructor Disk- The Destructor Disk is probably Krillin's most powerful attack. If he charges it with enough energy, it can cut through almost anything. Krillin can even fire multiple Destructor Disks at the same time, from each hand. There are many variations of the Destructor Disk in Dragonball, like the ones Frieza uses that seek out and follow Goku near the end of the Frieza Saga.

Kikoha- This is Tenshinhan's most popular attack besides the Solar Flare. To perform the attack, he forms a triangle with his fingers and unleashes an unusually strong blast from it. The Kikoha is very effective but very dangerous to the person who is doing it.

Beam Cannon- The Beam Cannon is used only by Piccolo and is actually two attacks in one. The attacks that join are a straight beam and a corkscrew-like beam that spins around it. Piccolo charges the attack by bringing his pointer and middle finger to his forehead and gathering all the needed energy. He then extends his arm and lets the beam go. When he uses it against Raditz he has to charge the attack for over five minutes but by the end of Dragonball Piccolo can do the "Screw Beam of the Devil" at will.

Masenko- The Masenko is Gohan's special move. He uses it very often in the Frieza Saga. Gohan performs the Masenko by crossing his hands with his palms facing out and raising his arms over his head. He then brings his arms down parallel to his chest and fires the blast. Although the American versions of Dragonball have Gohan saying "kamehameha!" he is really doing the Masenko.

Oozaru- This is more of a strategic transformation than an attack. Ooharazu can only be performed by a Saiyain with a tail. When a Saiyan with a tail looks at the full moon he transforms into a large ape-like creature. In this state the Saiyan's power level increases tenfold.

S.S Deadly Bomb- The S.S. Deadly Bomb is a large red energy ball used by Android 13 in DBZ Movie 7. This attack could supposedly "turn half the Earth into a fine powder."

Instant Transmission- This is the attack that Goku learned on the planet Yardratt after the Frieza Saga. The Instant Transmission can only be done if Goku can lock onto the energy of the person in the area he wants to teleport to. For example, to prove that he wasn't only moving very fast, Goku locked onto the energy of Master Roshi 10,000 miles away from where he was and brought back Roshi's famous trademark sunglasses.

Spirit Bomb- This is the remote-controlled energy ball that Yamcha uses. He can control the ball by the movement of his fingers. It is not as powerful as the one done by Goku.

Solar Flare- This is one of the reasons why Tenshinhan is the most powerful human. The Solar Flare, or Solar Flare in America, is when Tenshinhan absorbs the energy from the sun to create an incredibly bright flash that temporarily blinds his opponent. Tenshinhan usually takes this time to attack or flee if the opponent is too much for him.

Time Freeze- I thought that this was a very cool attack and I still wonder why it was limited to use in only one episode. This attack was used by Guldo of the Ginyu Force. The Time Freeze is exactly what it sounds like, Guldo would do a few hand motions and then hold his breath. As long as his breath was held in, time would be paused long enough for him to attack or run away. The attack was probably never used again because Vegeta cut Guldo's head clear off with a flick of his wrist.

Wild Boar Attack- Another one of Gotenks' odd and brainless attacks is the Wild Boar Attack. It is basically a running head butt.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack- This attack is another one of Gotenks lame and hopeless attacks. He forms the ghost in his mouth and then spits out and looks more like Gotenks accept it's a ghost. He does this attack to Buu.
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