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This site is strictly dedicated to all my "peeps" (laughing). You guys are great! I consider most of you as a good friend or a best friend because you are always there for me when I need you. Devin, you will always have me laughing about something no matter what the situation is. PJ, you and me go back a long way. We have known each other since birth, so you and me are basically family! Tyanne, you are always there to cheer me up if something goes wrong and you always seem to put a smile on my face! Brian a.k.a."Chucklehead #1", me and you go back since middle school. Every time we hang out something funny happens! Joe, you always have some kind of story that kills me every single day. Last but not least, Angie, you always seem to introduce something new to me whenever I get around you! A lot of the time I don't know if I can take you serious. You will say something serious or something I can't believe. Then after ten minutes, you will say something like "Chris, I'm kidding!". Then I will say "Your kidding? Your kidding? Man!" (laughing). I almost have a heart attack every time you do that to me! But anyway, I would also like to give some "Shoutouts" to some of my other "peeps" who are not on the page (because of the lack of pictures). These people are Oliver, Ben, Sam, Somp (and basically the whole crew), Aaron, Josh, Stephen, and many others. Well anyway, enjoy the site and I promise that its not about wrestling this time (laughing)! So, just relax! Also, make sure you hit up my guestbook.

Click on this thumbnail to see pictures of Devin a.k.a."Wally West".
Click on this thumbnail to see pictures of PJ a.k.a."The Phenomenon".
Click on this thumbnail to see pictures of Tyanne a.k.a."Starbucks".
Click on this thumbnail to see pictures of me a.k.a."The Shooting Star".
Click on this thumbnail to see pictures of Brian a.k.a."The Individual".
Click on this thumbnail to see pictures of Joe a.k.a."The Truly Incredible 1".
Click on this thumbnail to see pictures of Angie a.k.a."The Wild One".

Copyright © 2002 by The Shooting Star

Email me for any questions, comments, or complaints.

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