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Faith Christian Academy

"See Johnny sigh...
See Johnny high...
See Johnny fly...
See Johnny die...
Don't do drugs... its not smart and stuff..."

-Pictures from the Summer trip!
-New: Pictures from the Assembly!
-New: Human Videos Section

Welcome to the domain of Faith Christian Academy's "Teens in Prevention" school based organization (my, that was long). If you haven't heard of Teens in Preventionit's basically a network of school based organizations (or SBO's) that do drug prevention programs and activities. The really cool thing is that the teens are literally in charge. Who better to talk teens and young people than other teens? Think about it.

If you want to know more, I could go on rambling for five paragraphs, but that would put you to sleep so be sure and visit Lots of really good info.

Our school's SBO has been around for about two years. The group has grown and expanded to the point we've become pretty popular at the meetings along with some of the larger schools ("Hey, there's the Faith kids..."... either that or "Hey, there's Chad..."). Anyways, we went from being the group of kids Mr. Ramirez pulled out of class (Micheal, Joe, Tommy, Adair, Stephen, Alma, and the ex-alumni like James, Dustin, Luis, Starr, Loren, Enrique, Carla, Charlie L., Ariana, etc.) to an actual working part of the network. Now, in the 2001-2002 school year, over 20 new potential trainees have been recruited and will be taken to go through the two day training when DEA has their next training session.

Things have come and gone, but its only made us stronger... anyways, for now, check out the goodies on the site...

Got any questions? Comments? Something missing from the page? You can contact me, Commander Supreme Cicera Capelli (Just kidding)- no really, feel free to drop me a line at (Note: no, if you're wondering, this is not my normal email addy. I'm not supposed to put my normal email address up on this site, so that's why I'm using this one).

On a final note, no small creatures (except Joe) were injured during the making of this website...