
+ Darqness + Nerina de'Medici +

email Nerina

darq history

Dark Kiss

Chara Stats

Dear Diary

Nerina Darq > graced with an exhilirating physique of darq beauty,
elegantly portrays a perfected posture
which compliments the finest fashion attire... Her
soft spoken voice.. delicately appeals to the innocent
undertone of seduction , with unwavering eyes she
mysteriously explores unconquered terrains.

My mysterious intruder awaits,his presence has
grown familiar..I search the shadows expecting him at every
corner turned.Not one easily intrigued,yet something about him
draws me slowly in..like poison. He wants something from me, I know
not what he seeks. I have been at his mercy willfully, and he knows
this. He says he is not ready to reveal himself to me in the truest
form quite yet,but my time will come he assures me.I felt him
inside me,my mind,my thoughts, my soul. My breath irratic,my
heart pounding heavily I became intoxicated by the whole event.