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Welcome to Dale Jr's Articles page!!!  This page will have pictures and some articles from all the magazines and newspaper articles Junior in featured in!!  So pick a picture or read a article and have fun!!!!!

Sporting News September 2002 Issue!
(This has the article only no pic's)

Racing Milstones August 2002 Issue!
(This has pictures and the article)

People 50 Most Eligible Bachelors Issue June 2002!!
(This has pictures and the article)

Dec. 2nd edition of USA Weekend!
(This has pictures and the article)

November 2001 Issue of Nascar Illustrated
(This has pictures only)

Special magazine dedicated to the Earnhardt famliy
(This has pictures only)

August 2001 Issue of Playboy
(This one has both pictures and the Article!)

September 2001 racer Issue
(Pictures and article)

July 2001 Rolling Stone Issue
(Pictures and article)