Freak Show: 10/27/01 Lil T with a headscissors to Huvi.
Lil T performing a victory roll to Huvi.
Iron man breaks a broom handle across the ribs of Lou Chi.
Lou Chi trying to sneak in...
Lou Chi squashes the ribs of Iron man.
Lou Chi beats Iron Man with PVC Piping.
Lou Chi strangles Iron Man.
Lou Chi chases Iron Man.
Lou Chi makes his entrance.
Lil T celebrates.
Iron man gets chokedslammed in to the burried alive pit through a piece of wood.
Huvi with a snap suplex.
Lou Chi and Iron Man battle down the ally.
Iron Man executes a neckbreaker on to concrete.
Iron Man with a face jam to Lou Chi.
Lou Chi Powerbombs Iron man on to a box.
Iron man folded up.
Lil T with a huge bulldog!
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