Dear Puller(s):
This letter is to inform you of all necessary information for the 1st annual Keystone Nationals Truck and Tractor Pull. This event is Friday, March 28, 2008 and Saturday, March 29, 2008. We are asking that all pullers for Friday night’s session to be in the building by 3:00pm on Friday. For Saturday Mid-Day we would like pullers to start moving in the building Friday, but if that is not possible then you will need to be in the building by 9:00am on Saturday. There is enough pit space for all machinery to pit indoors.

Upon arrival at the complex, you will be directed to the hauler parking area. Our staff will be parking you so we ask that everyone is courteous and park where you are directed. Enclosed you will find your parking pass that you will need to have displayed in your vehicle to get in and out of complex parking. If they do not see a pass they will try to charge you to park. There will also be RV parking.

Once your hauler is parked please find registration and let them know that you have arrived. Registration will be located in the pulling arena at the end of the track (finish area). When you sign in, you will be given your pulling number, armbands and you and your crew will need to sign the insurance wavier sheet that you sign at every pull. Also, at this time you will need to pay $45 if you are planning to use electric. The Farm Show complex is charging this $45 fee for plugging into one electrical outlet. They said that they will be policing this, anyone caught who did not pay the fee will be charged double. The staff also asks that there be no generators inside or directly outside of the pit building. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause, but in order to use the facility in the future we must follow the rules of the Pa Farm Show Complex.

We ask that you fill your vehicle with fuel before entering the pit building. There is to be no refueling in the building, and for those who need to refuel before pulling again there will be a designated refueling area.

Our staff will be available to assist you in getting your vehicles to and from your haulers. Upon entering the building, the vehicle will be weighed and draw bars will be checked. After pulling, the top 3 vehicles will be reweighed, and weighed again going into the finals. Please keep someone at your vehicle until a tech official has been there and has approved the vehicle to pull. All tractors will be lifted by the front tow hitch. Please be sure that your hitch is adequate enough to hold the weight of your vehicle. Vehicles will be lined up in the pit area by number. If you have more than one vehicle, they will not be together unless you are together in the line up. There will be day and night security to make sure all vehicles are safe inside the building.

Be sure that all smoke pipes are fastened well. If your smoke pipe blows off, falls off, or any other circumstance during your pull, YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED.

Fans will be allowed in the pits from 3:00 – 5:30 on Friday, and 8:30 – 10:00 on Saturday morning. Please be respectful and courteous to all spectators as they are wondering around the pit area.

Golf Carts and ATV’s are not permitted in the pit area once your vehicle is inside and parked in its space. Thank You,
Keystone National Representatives