Welcome 2005 ATPA East Coast Pullers Members, Officials and Promoters. New for this pulling season will be a Newsletter that we intend to do on a monthly timetable. We will do up to date results from each event on the 2005 schedule. We will probably include the Point Standings as well and any news concerning the East Coast Pullers.
Dave Moore is your ATPA East Coast Pullers Director (301) 432-5512. All information and requests, etc. regarding the ATPA East Coast Pullers will go directly to him (preferably from the class Reps) and he will take it from there with ATPA. No decisions are final until Dave`s announced approval.
Linda Shull is the Secretary and can be reached at: (540) 828-6986 or e-mail: shullle@jmu.edu
Official East Coast Pullers decisions will be posted at the East Coast Pullers site: www.atpapullersonline.com/eastcoast and updated on these Newsletters. Any questions or comments regarding the East Coast site can be sent to Linda Shull or Teresa Craig at:Mtmdsb@aol.com
For 2005, the class representatives are: Dave Moore - SS/PS - (301) 432-5512
Steve Willson - 2WD - (410) 257-6969
Earl Howard - MODIFIED - (410) 756-6088
Kevin Suess - 4WD - (717) 587-0357
Members are encouraged to contact their respective Rep. with any news, info, etc. regarding their class.
2005 East Coast Banquet Info
This facility features the patented Holidome fully enclosed indoor recreation center concept with pool, fitness room, sauna, whirlpool, mini golf and tabletop games. All of the facilities are under the same roof enabling guests to stay in the same building for their entire stay. The banquet facility will seat up to 900 persons which means that all pullers and their families will be in the same room in 2005. This is a “kid friendly” hotel. Kids 12 and under eat free in the hotel restaurants and those 18 and under may stay free in the same room with their paying parents.
The ATPA East Coast Series Board is also happy to announce that a general meeting for all interested pullers will be held this year on Saturday morning. All members of the Board including your individual divisional representatives will be present to answer questions and to listen to your ideas during this important session.
Other exciting new ideas are also under consideration for the 2005 ATPA East Coast Banquet week-end including a Friday night cocktail party and some special tours for spouses and families. More information regarding the banquet will be announced later via the internet and Newsletters by the ECS Board of Directors.
Single Rate | Double Rate | Triple Rate | Quad Rate | |
Standard | $89.00 | $89.00 | $99.00 | $99.00 |
The Bushwacker sled is headed South ! Mark Branthoover has confirmed that Temple Brizendine has purchased the "Bushwacker" sled. Mark said "after 30 years of running sleds it was time for a break." Thanks Mark for the dedication you have shown over the years. He also said "he and Linda will travel to a few events to visit with friends and enjoy Pulling from a differant point of view." Mark will be at the Pocomoke City event to run the sled for Temple. Temple has another comitment that weekend. Temple will work just about all the Maryland Pulls in 2005. Good luck Temple with your new venture. He will have a Test and Tune on April 16 if any East Coast Pullers are interested. He will be running the Bushwacker sled there. For info call: (804) 443-1903.
Beginning with the first pull of the 2006 season the cubic inch rule will be “unlimited” and all rules will fully comply with the ATPA rulebook for the Grand American division of Pro Modified Four-Wheel Drive Trucks.
The ATPA Office in Scottsburg, Indiana has named Kevin Suess of Lancaster, Pennsylvania as the spokesmen for the ATPA East Coast Series Pro Modified Four-Wheel Drive division effective immediately.
Additionally, The 6350lb. Pro Modified Four-Wheel Drive Trucks that run with the ATPA East Coast Series will be included in the very prestigious K&N Filters contingency program in 2005. This program with over $5000.00 in direct contingency payments set aside specifically for the East Coast trucks will be administered by the ATPA Office in Scottsburg, Indiana. Forms to apply for contingency payments will be available through Linda Shull, Secretary of the East Coast Series.
Each of the Pro Modified Trucks will be required to use a genuine K&N air filter at each stop on the 2005 East Coast Series schedule and each will be required to carry specific decals on both sides of the truck while in competition. The winner at each stop with the ECS will receive a check in the amount of $100.00 from K&N Filters in addition to the large purse already offered by the East Coast Series’ promoters. And the second place truck will receive a check for $50.00 when the truck fulfills all of the requirements of the K&N Contingency program. The ‘maximum’ pay-out for this program in 2005 has been set at $5100.00.
The Pro Modified 4x4 Trucks will open their East Coast schedule at Lancaster, PA in May and will finish at the Bloomsburg Fair in Pennsylvania on the first Saturday of October. Over eighteen events are planned for the East Coast Series trucks in 2005.
In closing, we hope that everyone finds this Newsletter to be informing and we look forward to doing monthly editions with the latest news and current points leaders and results. Thanks for reading and we`ll see ya at the Pulls !
2 10:00AM | TEST N TUNE WASHINGTON CO AG CENTER | ALL CLASSES | -- | BLUE STINGER | 301-416-7340 301-790-2342 |
24 1:00PM | WESTMINSTER, MD | SS/PS; MOD; TWD | $2,500 | REBEL SLED |
1 1:00PM | WESTMINSTER, MD RAINDATE | 410-848-6704 | |||
21 7:00PM | BUCK MOTORSPORTS PARK | SS/PS; 4WD; MOD | $2,500 | LOVE/LOVE | 717-284-2139 |