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LionHeart News ****News:**** I'm working my butt off on this thing and I'm having to re-write all this stuff on here, so it will definately take a wile to get this thing up and running in full action. If I've made any errors on here E-mail me and tell me the problem. I don't want to be lookin' like an idiot over a stuiped mistake..

****Poll:**** There's gonna be a poll on here so all yall can vote on your favorite stuff present on the site.
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LionHeart2413 Email: LionHeart2413

Independent2413 Email: Independent2413

Bballenboy12 Eamil: Bballenboy12

Bluedevil880 Email: Bluedevil880

Bluntsmokingoat Email: Bluntsmokingoat



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