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Title: What it Takes to Be Truely Happy
Author: Talion
Pairing: F/A(us)/A
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to people who are NOT us! Please do not sure we mean no wrong.
Summary: Sequel to series "A Vampire for Every Slayer"
Feedback: Is lusted after!!!

* Faith breezed through the door of the flat, she had Chinese take out, and
movies. Setting the movies and food in Angelus' bedroom, she wondered if
she'd be seeing him tonight. She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to or not.
With all the teasing she'd done to Angel lately she wasn't sure if Angelus
wanted to pound her through a wall, or was ready to strangle her. Of course
the same could be said for Angel.

* Faith was in the bathroom showering when she spotted the bottle of gel on
the counter. Suddenly a purely evil idea sprung to mind. Finishing quickly,
because she never knew when Angel would come home any more, Faith moved
through the apartment taking every can and bottle of hair spray, mouse, and
gel and hiding them. Every last one disappeared form sight, and Faith slipped
on her newest berry colored night shift. It just grazed her thighs and the
side met in a lace racing stripe. Allowing one to see if the wearer wore bra
or panties, she was wearing neither. It was held together my spaghetti
straps, and the matching robe that covered it, wasn't made of much more.

*Faith dried her curls, leaving them untempered by chemicals (because she'd
hid them all away), and hit play on the VCR having popped in a video. She
just started on her rice and pepper steak when she heard the door slam, and
Angel growl as he stomped to the bathroom, obviously intending to clean
himself up. Swallowing hard, Faith silently said a quick prayer, and went
back to her movie.

Angel didn't spare a glance around the apartment before stomping into the
bathroom.  Pulling his clothes off and throwing them straight into the
rubbish he growled under his breath as he stepped into the shower. He was
meant to be meeting with a new client tonight and he had less than twenty
minuets to get the slime out of his hair, dressed and across town. Showing as
quickly as possible with it took seven washes for his hair to be free of the
demon slime. Getting out of the shower and drying himself quickly he growled
when his searching hand failed to find gel, then mouse and even the dreaded
hair spray. Growled loudly he made his way into Angelus' room and found a
grinning faith, "Where is it Faith. I have to go and meet a client ten
minuets ago."

* Faith looked up from her dinner and movie. "Where's what?" She asked
innocently. "Umm... Angel... I don't think going to a meeting naked is a good
idea." Faith shook her head, and smiled helpfully. "Pretty sure B would kick
your ass for it in fact. We would get better paying customers... but..."
Faith finished with out finishing her sentence and when back to her food, and
watching Cruel Intentions. "This chick looks so much like B..." Faith shook
her head, sighing.

Angel stalked over to the TV and with a snarl turned it off, "Where is the
gel and the mouse and what ever else you have moved from the bathroom. Either
you finished it all," He eyed her hair and shook his head, "Or you hid it. I
don't have time for this Faith. You wanna funk? Fine, after I see this witch.
Either tell me where the damn stuff is or I swear I will drag you with me in
that nightie… understand lover?" his last two words were growled deeply.

* Faith glared at Angel. "I'm not your lover. Here use my emergency stuff."
She reached into the table drawer and pulled out a bottle of herbal essences
gel. The heavily scented lavender kind. Tossing it to him, she picked up the
remote turning the movie back on. Not looking up she smiled at him. "And rest
assured... you won't be fucking me ANY time soon... *lover*." With that she
slurped a noodle, ignoring Angel's presence. Inside she was fuming. How DARE
he treat her like that? {Well if he doesn't lose his fucking attitude soon
I'm kicking his ever loving ass!} She growled, loudly, but to herself,
stabbing hard at a piece of meet.

Angel stalked out of the room throwing the gel back at her over his shoulder,
hearing it hit the bed and bounce. Dragging on clothes he was growling the
entire time. Finishing dressing his hands raked though his hard and he
snarled. Moving back into the other bedroom he hoisted the madly struggling
faith over his shoulder and made for the door, "Last chance Faith… Where did
you hide the hair stuff… or are we going to meet the witch with you in your
rather sexy nightie and nothing else?

* Faith struggled screaming and pounding on Angel's back. "Angelus would give
you the migraine of your life buddy!!!" Squirming out of his grasp she fell
to the floor with an oomph. Her legs open, and bent her hands back to catch
her. "Ouch! You ASS HOLE! I gave you gel!" She glared up at him. "And STOP
saying I look sexy... cause you are SO not getting any Mr. Brood Master

Angel growled and pulled her up, slamming her into the wall and turning her
around two finger sliding into her cunt, pressing deep and massaging her
g-spot with the other dealt with his pants. His fingers pulled out on to be
replaced but his cock as he slammed her into the wall again with the force of
his thrust, "The witch can wait, this is so much more fun." His fingers
reached around her hip and siding between her and the wall on his next
withdrawal, delved between her lips to caress her clit,

* Faith cried out first in shock, then with the sudden force of his thrusts.
"Angel! Fuck..." She tried to push off the wall, but it only served to push
him deeper into her body. She whimpered, a full body shudder passing over her
as he found his clit. "No...  Don't... stop..." She mumbled, already
beginning to work herself against his cock and hand. Hissing as the hard
surface of the wall rubbed the lick against her nipples.

Angel grinned and nuzzled his face into her neck, biting into the nape of her
neck with a low snarl escaping his lips, "Be truthful lover, this is what you
wanted isn't it? To be pounded into something until you want to pass out? You
know you could have just asked. I would and am always happy to oblige, you
should know that by now." His hips where working at a frantic pace, slamming
her into the wall hard as his cock drove deeply into her body, occasionally
hitting her cervix, his fingers cruel on her clit.

* Faith was in heaven, "Harder." She rasped, her cries incoherent her
thrusting not helping. "Please..." She moaned, wanting to cum already.
"Angel... now... please..." She was choking off most of the pleas, but
between him hands and cock, she was just on edge, he just had to keep this
pace for a few more minutes.

Angel started slamming her into the wall with every thrust of his hips,
fingers ruthless on her clit, pinching and rolling it between his fingers. He
snarled lightly in her ear before his teeth clamped down on her nape harshly,
breaking skin even without his fangs to cause a trickle of blood down her
neck that his tongue eagerly followed before his mouth attached to the bite

* Faith scream at the utter animalistic way she was getting fucked. Her
orgasm was pounding through her body and she was ready to pass out. Just when
she thought it was ending he bit her... not with his fangs but human teeth,
that's when she saw stars. She could feel the bruises from the wall and hi
hands, but she didn't care, her whole being was focused on squeezing him just
a little bit tighter then her muscles could comfortably manage, and then on
her third orgasm. "ANGEL..." The scream was choked out and she felt dizzy,
her strength giving out, as her head lolled back, resting on his shoulder,
whimpering as he continued his own assault on her still bucking lower body.

Angel held off his own orgasm with almost sadistic pleasure as he kept
pounding her into the wall, his free hand wrapping around her waist to both
angle her for better penetration and to keep her standing as her knees
buckled, almost sending her to the floor. Pulling out of her he picked her
up, stalking into his bedroom and dropping her onto the bed he manhandled her
into a kneeling position and slammed into her drenched body again with a

* Faith wasn't aware of her surroundings, she knew Angel had stopped. When he
picked her up and carried her to the bed, she thought he was Angelus, then
she noted the lack of TV, and food. Just before she got her strength back,
she felt him, and a deep shudder racked her form, then he was inside her
again, pounding her good and hard. Screaming she gripped the blankets,
bracing her arms, desperate not to fall over. "Ohh god... fuck… Angel…
please..." She couldn't believe it she was on the edge again. "ANGEL...
PLEASE!!! ANGEL..." Her head fell to the blankets again, arms giving out,
whimpering as his penetration ran deeper into her.

Angel had grabbed her hips and was pulling her back to meet his thrusts
keeping her positioned perfectly for deep penetration. He grinned wickedly,
his eyes slowing turned golden, razor sharp fangs gleaming in the dimly lit
room. "God's not here Faith. Only me. Now what do you want? Please what
Faith? Tell me." His voice was demanding, the unmade threat very clear… tell
him, or don't get it.

* Faith whimpered into the blankets his warning was headed but she didn't
know how to say what she needed.  Lifting her head, just slightly above the
blankets. "Fuck me... please..." She moaned as he thrusts harder into her.
Groaning into the blankets, trying to muffle the sound, trying to hide his
effect on her. Grabbing a few of her bearings, she lifts her head, "Please...
make.. make me cum again... please... I need... I need to..." She whined
feeling him pound slighty harder, hiding her face in the blankets to scream.

Angel thrust slightly harder at her words but he made a tisking noise. His
hand tangling in her hair to pull her up as her bent low over her back, his
mouth directly next to her ear as he kept thrusting away, one hand still
holding her hip even though she was meeting his thrusts without his help,
"Don't hold out on me slayer…' his voice was a soft hissing whisper in her
ear, "I want to hear you. Tell me Faith… do you want me to pinch your clit
again to make you cum… or to bite you again… or just keep fucking you harder
and harder until you think you'll never close your legs again… Tell me
Faith… or do you want it all?"

* Faith shook, air was becoming a priceless commodity, she had bit through
her lip, trying to concentrate as he spoke to her, and through her lusty haze
she heard only bits. "Ahhh.... uuhhhhnnn.... AAAhhhhh...."The more vocal she
became more he seemed to wants, until soon he had her screaming out right,
"YES... please... all of it.... Angel... Angel..." His name became her mantra
in a series of half whimpers, half screams.

Angel snarled and his hips sped up incredibly, thrusting his cock into her
body powerfully, driving her up the bed. His fingers slid over her hot and
damp skin, finding her sopping folds and moving between them to pinching her
clit hard several times. His fangs sank into her neck deeply, missing the
major blood flows so he could actively suck at the wound and not worry about
draining her.

* Faith screamed. She screamed repeatedly as her body shook, the wind was
taken from her body and she was left trembling begging for more, begging for
it to end, begging. Tears streamed down her face as she squeezed him harder
still, her body begging to be used just a bit harder. Her death grip on the
blankets moved to the headboard only after she had effectively ripped the
blankets apart. Shaking she held on tight, pressing back into him.

Angel felt his own long denned climax approaching and started rolling her
clit between his fingers, working the abused little bug, determined to wring
at least one more cum for her before he did. The hand on her hair pulled her
back against him slightly before abandoning it and reaching under her body to
tug and play with her nipples moving from one breast to the other. His
thrusts became slightly irregular as his own pleasure started to build, a low
snarl rumbling from his throat as he waited for her to start her convulsions

* Faith felt her body starting to react to him again, the pain that was
radiating from her body was nothing compared to the orgasm that was about to
roll through her system, pushing up to her knees, she slammed herself down on
him, whimpering and screaming as the tears continued, desperate to release
her form her own releases. Shuddering and bouncing she gripped him tight in
her now raw cunt, begging to feel him cum, needing to feel his seed deep
inside her womb.

Angel felt her response… her cunt clenching down on him unbearably. Tearing
his moth away from her neck he howled at the intense feeling slamming though
his body. His human again teeth finding her nape he slammed into her
tightening body, until her blood flowed into his mouth again, the bed head
slamming into the wall as every muscle in his body corded tight in the
instant before bliss. A full body shudder proceeded his climax, his seed
shooting deep into her warmth, cool mixing with hot to blend perfectly.

* Faith shuddered again feeling him fill her womb. Falling from him, on to
the bed, boneless, shaking from the fierce fucking she'd just received, she
closed her eyes, tiny whimpers coming from her abused lips, tears leaking
from her eyes. Her legs still framed his knees, leaving her open to him, but
she was petrified to close her legs, fearing he may have fucked her till her
legs couldn't close, just as he promised. Worse still, she hungered for more.
"Angel...." She whispered, questioningly.

Angel rolls to his side, his cock still buried in her body, fingers playing
with the hardened nubs of her nipples and her clit lightly, careful to not
wander too far from pleasure, "Yes Faith?" his hands worked her slowly, mouth
still on her neck, nibbling and caressing, teeth scraping her skin lightly,

* Faith moaned, shuddering as he continued to torment her, making the fire in
her body begin to burn bright again. "Angel..." She rasped, her voice horse.
She just said his name, knowing he was still there, slightly worried Angelus
would kick her butt for enticing Angel into such rough play. "Hard..." She
closed her eyes again, flushing away the tears. "Fuck me hard..." She moaned
moving to crawl away from him, unaware she had even voiced her minds request.
Oddly she noted her robe and nightie were still on.

Angel sat up slightly, grabbing her ankle before she got to far away, "And
just where do you think you're going? You know… there is something we haven't
done yet Faith." Pulling her back against his body he managed to remove his
shirt, pants not having made the trip to the bed room and ripped the silky
nothings that kept her skin from touching his. One hand reaching behind him
to search though the nightstand he grunted when the familiar bottle was
found. Opening it he smeared the content on his finger and spreading her legs
probed he anus.

* Faith whimpered as he took hold on her ankle, shredding her nightwear.
Feeling him pull her back, so they were skin to skin she felt her self grow
comfortable against him, the groaned as he probed her ass. "Ohh... ohh god."
She moaned pressing back on him, letting his finger in, hissing at the feel.

Angel smiled gleefully when she let his finger in, coating another finger and
adding it quickly, working then with short shallow strokes until she relaxed
further and then added a third finger, driving then into her ass just a
little harder. All the while his cock was growing harder and harder. Still
pumping his fingers into her, twisting them subtly, opening her further.
"Hands and knees again lover? Or do you wanna watch? Chose quick before I do."

* Faith moaned feeling him adding finger after finger, making her whimper
into the bed sheets again, her treacherous body thrusting in time with them.  
His question barely penetrating her lust hazed brain. "Wanna watch..." she
moaned, her breath coming in shallow gasps, barely sure she'd be able to take
all of him inside her tight back entrance, Angelus had never tried. "Be... be
careful..." She whispered, turning for him, her muscles contracting around
his fingers, making her cry out at her own movements.

Angel kept pumping his fingers into her ass, twisting them, opening her with
his free hand coated his hard cock with more lube. Pulling his fingers out of
her he pulled her legs over his shoulder and positioned his cock before
sliding in slowly, steadily until his cock was buried to the root in her
tight ass, his eyes boring into hers the entire time.

* Faith whimpered, her eyes closing at the invasion. Dear god he was much to
big... hissing she gripped his upper arms, groaning as he filled her
completely. "So big... so big.... hurts..." She whimpered, her mind, blank,
eyes closed as she bit into her lip, adjusting she found herself, flush with
wanting. Bucking slightly her eyes flew open as she cried out. "ahhUhhhh...."
She tried to look away something was burning in Angel's eyes making her
breath catch, something she couldn't name.

Angel felt Angelus rise very close to the surface. Neither of then were
totally in control of the body, so it was almost both of them fucking her.
They slowly started to withdraw out of her body, to only inch back in,
working her ass so very slowly. Eyes ringing with gold, the only true
indication how close they both were to loosing control. Bending over her, her
legs sliding off his shoulder to almost wrap around their waist he whispered
into her ear, "Do you know how tight you are around us baby? Do you Faith? So
tight and hot… almost hit enough to burn."

* Faith blinked at what he said, her body churning slowly with his movements.
Legs tightening around his solid form. "Us... ohhh.. Harder...." The question
forgotten as she began to burn for him again, for them both. She moaned low,
pulling him down for a kiss, her stretching nipples sending sparks to her
clit from he feel of his cold chest pressed against her own.

Angelus and Angel both felt her nipples burn the skin of his chest and swayed
slightly from side to side, rubbing his chest over the sensitive buds.
Kissing her deeply before making a path of kisses and licks down her neck and
onto her chest to capture a nipple and gnaw on it gently, the slight arching
of his body to reach it allowing his hand to slid between their bodies and
started brushing over her clit, teasing the abused scrap of flesh as their
hips sled up, driving deeper into the incredible tightness of her ass.

* Faith whimpered, her eyes closing at the invasion. Dear god he was much too
big... hissing she gripped his upper arms, groaning as he filled her
completely. "So big... so big.... hurts..." She whimpered, her mind, blank,
eyes closed as she bit into her lip, adjusting she found herself, flush with
wanting. Bucking slightly her eyes flew open as she cried out. "ahhUhhhh...."
She tried to look away something was burning in Angel's eyes making her
breath catch, something she couldn't name.

Angel felt Angelus rise very close to the surface. Neither of then were
totally in control of the body, so it was almost both of them fucking her.
They slowly started to withdraw out of her body, to only inch back in,
working her ass so very slowly. Eyes ringing with gold, the only true
indication how close they both were to loosing control. Bending over her, her
legs sliding off his shoulder to almost wrap around their waist he whispered
into her ear, "Do you know how tight you are around us baby? Do you Faith? So
tight and hot… almost hit enough to burn."

* Faith blinked at what he said, her body churning slowly with his movements.
Legs tightening around his solid form. "Us... ohhh.. Harder...." The question
forgotten as she began to burn for him again, for them both. She moaned low,
pulling him down for a kiss, her stretching nipples sending sparks to her
clit from he feel of his cold chest pressed against her own.

Angelus and Angel both felt her nipples burn the skin of his chest and swayed
slightly from side to side, rubbing his chest over the sensitive buds.
Kissing her deeply before making a path of kisses and licks down her neck and
onto her chest to capture a nipple and gnaw on it gently, the slight arching
of his body to reach it allowing his hand to slid between their bodies and
started brushing over her clit, teasing the abused scrap of flesh as their
hips sled up, driving deeper into the incredible tightness of her ass.

* Faith screamed, at the sensations running through her body. Tears priced
her eyes, and she held tight to him, barely capable of any real movement. She
was desperate to feel him feel her again. Her moaning and whimpering was
coming in tandem and soon it all combined into Faith's own personal brand of
a purr.

Angel smiled at her harshly, as both her and Angelus enjoyed the sight of the
slayer going mindless with need below them. Speeding up, working his cock
into her ass faster and faster he growled a long low sensual noise of pure
lust at the sight of faith lost in the pleasure they were giving her, "Cum
for us again Faith. Cum for your mate and Angel. CUM baby."

* Faith was totally lost, unable to fully grasp what he was saying about her
mate, her husband, all she was aware of was him pounding into her body,
sending her spiralling out of control, she heard the order and her body had
started it's orgasm before her mind had even fully processed the order.
Screaming clenching tight she gasped, before arching high off the bed,
holding tight to him, tears in her eyes leaking down the side of her face, as
her mouth opened wide as well as her eyes, in a wordless, soundless scream.

Angel and Angelus snarled at the sight of her cumming beneath them and lunged
for her neck, hips moving frantically as she clenched around his aching cock.
Slamming as deeply as possible, her blood flowing into his mouth he howled
around her neck and came, fulling her ass with his cold seed as he shoot
endlessly in pleasure.

* Faith writhed beneath him, screaming, her voice back, falling to the bed,
eyes wide but vacant, knowing there was blood flowing from her neck, her grip
on Angel was lost and she whimpered again, her throat was terribly sore from
all of the screaming, her body screaming for a break. "No more..." She
croaked, eyes still unfocused, tears sliding fro the sides of her eyes.
"Give... give me a few... please..." She was willing to beg at this point,
just a few minutes of rest, then he could fuck another few years off her life.

* Faith was lost, slowly swimming back to reality. The feel of him in her
recently abused ass, was becoming uncomfortable. "Angel... please...
hurts..." She squirmed as best she could, she began to regain some of her
motor skills. Snapping from her daze she reached up to touch her throat.
"YOU! You bit me over Angelus' mark! W...why!?" She was slightly angry, part
of her considering that sacred, it would be like her wearing Buffy's wedding
ring or something equally twisted.

Angelus smiled down at her, and pulled out of her body, "He didn't bite you
baby. I did… well I guess you could say we both did. We were both in control,
kind of… It's never happened like that before." Pulling her into his arms,
spooning into her back, his hands rubbing a slow pattern on her skin. "Are
you feeling better now love? Get what you needed for a little while?" he
kisses the back of her neck, lips brushing Angel's earlier bite, "Baby? I'm
not mad or anything, if you were worried about it. I enjoyed, we both did. I
hope we all did."

* Faith shuddered, her body moulding to him with out thought. Her mate... she
was beyond fully contented, now. "I feel well used, if that's what you mean.
I have NEVER had sex like that before.... Where the HELL did Angel learn or
even start doing those things?" She shuddered as memories washed over her.
Pulling his hand up she kissed it. "I'm glad you aren't mad at me... I was
kind of worried. And to be perfectly honest, I won't be able to walk
tomorrow... especially if I can entice you or him... or both of you into a
few more rounds." She stretched whimpering at the soreness. But I'm more then
happy and I desperately enjoyed it." She snuggled against him wriggling her
bottom. "I love you Angelus... and I'm kinda starting to like the hair-ball
too." She grinned.

* Faith waited a few minutes standing and walking back to hers and Angelus'
room. "Ohh.. And all his hair stuff... yours, mine, and B's is ALL under HIS
bathroom sink... he's not very good at looking for stuff." She smirks,
wondering whom she'll be dealing with next, hearing the faint growl mixed
with laughter.

Angel growled when he remembered the reason for all of this and went
searching for the phone, calling Wes and Cordy to apologise and make his
excuse. Hanging up before Cordelia could launch into one of her familiar
tirades he growled at Angelus who was still laughing at him.  Following her
into Angelus' room he grinned at her before laying down on the bed, watching
her brush her hair in the mirror, "So… you like huh Faith? What things am I
not meant to be doing lover? Fucking you against the wall? Or fucking that
tight ass of yours?"

* Faith visibly shuddered, and she knew he could smell just how wet she'd
gotten. "That's a good start... I just never figured you for the rough 'em up
type I guess... you know you're more hearts, flowers and candy... less big
bad mean guy." She smirked in the mirror. "Admit it, early was at the missing
gel... guess I have to make you angry to get a decent fuck out of you..." She
shrugged moving to pack up the chinse food from earlier, setting it on the
dresser, before deciding what to sleep in. "What should I wear to bed?" She
queried, wondering for a moment if he'd take the bait. Though she doubted it,
now that the gel was found.

Angel laughed and standing up strode over to her, "Something I can rip off
you? I'm not finished with you yet little miss slay girl." Three fingers were
shoved into her drenched cunt and he picked her up with his free arm, laying
her onto the bed and positioning himself between her legs, his mouth
capturing her clit, just holding it between his lips and letting his purr
vibrate it as he added a forth finger, looking up at her face he growled out,
"Ever been fisted lover?" before sucking her clit back into his mouth and
thrusting his fingers deep, finding her g-spot and massaging it firmly.

* Faith gasped at the sudden invasion the slight discomfort nothing compared
to the sensations he was reawakening. His words held promise of something
exceptionally new. "" She breathed now rhythmically moving on his
hand, groaning at the fourth finger. She shook her head, drenching his hand
trying to imagine how it would feel, what it would look like. She knew he
stretched her, but his fist, another jolt of electricity was sent through her
system ending at her clit, making her gaps and cry out.

Angel purred louder at her words and making sure she was ready he slid his
fifth finger into her body deeply, carefully folding it into a fist and
holding it there, just shaking it slightly, letting the vibrations run though
her body, his mouth still on her clit, sucking and purring strongly.

* Faith gasped, her body freezing, the pain radiated slightly from her
centre. As it subsided, she moaned, feeling the move meant, the tiny sparks
from his mouth on her clit, and she bucked slightly crying out, doing it
again, caught up in the new and incredible feelings. "An... Angel...
please..." she whimpered, head thrashing, body not getting accustomed, just
feeling more and more. "Please... make... Angel... please... cum..." She was
lost, unaware she was speaking let alone making no sense.

Angel kept moving his fist in her, not thrusting, realising she wasn't ready
to have his fist driven in and out of her body, but vibrating inside her and
twisting it, making sure to put pressure on her g-spot as his knuckled
brushed over it. Looking up at her face he whispered her name, "Faith, tell
me what you need baby. Tell me what you need me to do to you. Tell me it
all…" his vice was a low sensual purr, his eyes boring into her face, waiting
for her to ask for what she needed.

* Faith didn't know what he was expecting. She could barely find her voice,
her knees bending and unbending as she pressed her self against him, just
lightly. "C...cum. Make... please, make me cum..." She whimpered, not crying
out each time his knuckle grazed her g-spot making her wild. She was arching
again, still bucking slightly, so close to the falling. "ANGEL... MAKE ME
CUM!" She screamed, as another chance was deigned her.

Angel purred as his face lowered to her cunt again. Morphing he bit around
her clit, fangs carefully missing the sensitive bud and sucked strongly while
is arm pulled out slowly and then thrust back in, his knuckled pressing
against her g-spot firmly. Grinning devilishly three fingers from his free
hand slit into her still lubed ass and pressed on the other side of her
g-spot stimulating the nerves from both send as he continued to suck strongly
on her clit.

* Faith lost it. Her mind and body disconnected and pure feeling washed over
her, screaming as she felt it... she was going crazy. Bucking and screaming,
begging him for him, her body wouldn't seem to get enough of his torment. She
was sure that she would pass out soon, just as she thought she was going too,
she came again, tears forming in her eyes, as she pulling on him, begging,
pleading for anything he'd give her. "More, less, any thing, just

Angel purred at her reaction, sucking stronger on her clit. He slowly started
pumping his fist in her cunt, his knuckles brushing over her g-spot every
time. At first his movement was tiny but it built up until he was almost
pulling his fist out before plunging it back into her body. The three fingers
into her ass became four as they kept pace with his fist moving in her cunt,
forcing her walls to stretch around him.

* Faith arched, screaming, begging him, still begging. "Cum... Please... let  
me cum." She gasped, pulling hard at the blankets. "ANGEL PLEASE!!!  
PLEASE!!!!" She was crying again, her body shuddering desperate for yet
another  release.

Angel looked up at her and growled, "Cum for me Faith. Cum while my fist is
fucking your tight cunt. My fingers fucking your ass, I want you to cum right
now." Leaning forward he bit her clit with his suddenly human teeth as he
growled deeply.

* Faith felt her eyes widen, her heart stop, the order was like molten lava
moving through her veins, stilling just a mere second, she tightened around
his fist and fingers, causing such exquisite pain, she screamed with the
force of her orgasm, shuddering, almost desperate to move away from the
source, but still seeking it out, she arched bucking cumming hard, crying
hard, thrashing and soon, pulling away.

* Faith scrambled up the bed, balling into herself, still shaking as the end
of her orgasm washed over her, crying, and moaning. It hurt to close her
legs, and she was desperate to open them, to Angel again, allowing him free
rein over her body, and she turned into the embrace, as he moved up the bed,
coddling her. "I... I'm sorry... it... it hurt..." She tried to explain her
puling away, not wanting him to think she didn't enjoy his torment. "It...
not till the very end... felt so good before that." She whispered, through
her tears.

Angel held her against his body, one leg snaking between hers to open her
legs, "Trust me, keeping them open is the way to go sweetheart." Stretching
hugely he brought his hand to his face and licked it clean the other hand
resting on her hip, holding her to his body, "It's ok Faith. I understand."
Leaning forward he kissed her softly, "Stay right here I'm gonna run us a
bath, it will help." Standing he stretched, unmindful of his lack of clothes
or around state and padded into the bathroom, fulling the bath, adding a few
both oils before returning to the bed room and picking her up and carrying
her to the bath. Stepping into the bath he lowered them both to the water
with a sigh and relaxed his hold to allow Faith to get comfortable.

* Faith squirmed a bit, feeling Angel's hard cock against her, making her wet
all over again, she groaned at herself. {Fucking bitch in heat!} The water
soothed away some of the aches she felt, and brought out a few she didn't
know were there. Whimpering she sought out his strength, relaxing against
him. Her eyes closing as she began to let the soothing warm water and her
slayer healing rebuild her steam. "Why? You've never even touched me out side
of that first night... now your fucking me 8 ways from hell."

Angel shrugged slightly, his arms wrapping around her again, as he pulled her
against his chest, "Because I wanted to Faith. You provoked me as much as you
could… so I felt it was time to show you the results. And you enjoyed it
lover… You enjoyed having my cock and fingers in your ass, my fingers, cock
and then fist in your cunt. That tight little cunt of yours fit my entire
fist lover." He held his fist up and clenched it, smiled slowly, "And you
loved every minuet of it… Made you cum hard on command… it was fun for us

* Faith gasped at his fist, her body shuddering again, as she became wetter
still. Both hands came up and encircled his fist, not fully covering it.
"Holy Fuck! Th... That was inside me!" She shook her head. "I'm going to be
stretched out and loose for the rest of my fucking life!" She scowled at the
thought, thinking it sounded highly unattractive. "I stole the gel... name
any other thing I did to provoke you!" She challenged him. "AND I DON'T DO
ANYTHING ON COMMAND, MR. FOOFY HAIR-BALL!" She growled, arms crossing, even
as she snuggled closer to him.

Angel laughed, "Firstly, with those slayer muscles you'll be as tight as
normal in about twenty minuets if memory serves… You have been sniping and
teasing and generally irritating the shit outta me for days… you've been
trying to provoke something… did you like what you got lover? And Faith,
dear… you did cum on command. It was kind of fun…" he chuckled, "Oh relax
Faith. I know exactly what it means. But the funny thing is I almost think
you protest too much about not wanting a master some times."

* Faith growls slight. "Do not. Did not. I wouldn't do well as a sub. It's
not my style... B on a leash I could see... me, nope no way, no how. NEVER
gonna happen." She shrugged as if it ended the whole thought. "I loved the
result!" she shuddered again, glad for the water to stop the scent of her
arousal. "I wasn't being totally annoying. I was wondering what it would take
to get Angelus back out... with out having to ask, like a whiny housewife.
Instead... I got... psycho Angel... NOT that I'm complaining." She purrs
squirming, feeling her body had returned to its normal state of comfort.

Angel's chuckle ended in a sincere sounding "Yes dear." His mind wandering
off in the land of Buffy leashed for a night of play and pleasure. Shanking
his head he looked at Faith and pulled her face towards his, "It's ok to
enjoy it sometimes Faith. It's sometimes nice to give control to someone else
if you trust them enough… if you can trust." His eyes darkened with memories
for a moment before he once again shook his head, "You enjoy it sometimes…
just as sometimes the two of us enjoy being in control… it's not a bad
thing… it's just play for us."

* Faith shook her head. "Don't start down that road, please. That is a
conversation we never make it through with out growling, tears, yelling...
its so not worth it so long as it's not a real issue. For some people it's
not just play. It's a reality, a life style. Not everything in life is a
game." She shook her head, standing as the water cooled. Stretching high, she
stepped from the bath, towelling off and moving back to the bed, where she
laid down, curling up like a contented cat. "Going to join me? Or is he? One
of you had better make their ass into this bed soon, or I'll kick you both
out." She nuzzled the silken blankets, enjoying their feel.

Angel had followed her out of the bathroom, drying himself before joining her
in the bed, relaxing against the sheets, "I wasn't saying it's not serous to
some people Faith. I was saying it wasn't what this, you and Angelus and me
and Buffy where about. For us it's just a game, that's what I mean." Pulling
her against his body he nuzzled his face in her neck, licking and nipping at
her neck, "So are you sleepy?" He ground his crotch into hers with a purr,
"Did the hair-ball manage to were the poor little slayer all out?" his grin
was full of repressed laughter at her surprised expression, "What? You though
I was done for the night?"

* Faith looked at him eyes wide. She was in a sort of shock. He seem to go
from never wanting to touch her, to wanting to pound SOMETHING into her at
every turn. Who was she to argue? She'd been wet since the bath started.
"Nope." She reached down, pulling at him, her hand moving up and down slowly.
"Not tired... poor Hair-Ball... gonna have to work, just a bit harder!" She
grins up at him challengingly.

Angel laughed at her and with a quick move pulled her over his body into the
69 position, his face buried in her cunt in an instant, tongue pushing as
deeply into her as he could as he began to rapidly tongue fuck her with his
cool tongue. Nuzzling his face deeper into her wetness he morphed and let his
ridged forehead press against her clit with a very muffled chuckle.

* Faith gasped, moaning and shuddering as his tongue entered her body, making
her soak his face in seconds. "Oh, fuck... yess.... Right there... harder
Angel... please... y...yes fuck me just like that." She moaned, her tongue
snaking out to lick at his cock. Sucking at the head, she shuddered,
something about giving head made her so hot and wet. She couldn't explain it,
but she'd never had a complaint, quickly she downed him, taking him deep in
her throat, moaning around him, as his tongue worked fasters.

Angel kept working his tongue in and out of her cunt, ignoring her clit
except to nuzzle his ridged face deeper into her folds, pressing against the
engorged nub. His hands came up to up her breast, rubbing the hard nipples
the were burning into his skin, purring loudly, the vibrations travelling
deep into her core. Hips thrusting slightly he moaned as Faith continued to
take him down her throat.

Angel just lapped up the wonderful taste of her cum before starting again,
fucking her with his tongue, now rubbing his face side to side slightly, his
ridged rasping over her enflamed clit. His hips bucking harder he purred more
at he kept working her flesh, wanting to make her cum again before he did,
not that him cumming would signal an end. Just a short brake while he
recovered and made her cum more.

* Faith moaned, shaking moving her face up to lick at his head, her tongue
swiping away the precum she was tasting. His ridges began working her clit
and she shook harder, he was going to set her off again, and she's just cum.
she'd just managed to com own enough to regain her bodies movements, and
already he had he on the edge again. Fighting for a moment, not wanting to
cum. Then his fingers wormed inside her ass, stretching and rubbing the
sensitive tissue gently, and she screamed around his hard cock, read to
collapse after waves crashed over her body making her cum harder then ever.

Angel chuckled and kept moving his fingers, not letting her down from this
latest high, forcing her to start her climb again. Pressing his face forward
harder he made sure he was stimulating her clit as his fingers delved deeper
into her ass, finding nerves to tantalise while his tongue plunged into her
core. He was purring wildly now. his hips moving faster as her taste grew
stronger, his own long withheld cum approaching.

* Faith shuddered as he continued, her second cum, not even having worn off
completely and already he was forcing her to another one. Still harder then a
rock in her continuously sucking mouth. Desperate to make him cum she let her
body take over ignoring her mind. Her moaning picked up in volume and
vibration, her instincts allowed her to continue sucking him off, while she
began grinding against his mouth, just at the edge.

Angel purred when she started moaning louder, the vibrations rippling up and
down hie over stimulated cock. Barely resting the urge to flip them over and
fuck her face desperately hard he thrust his hips, pushing his cock deep into
her throat. Finally pulling his tongue out of her cunt he growled "Cum
Faith." Before attaching his lis to her clit, fangs scraping the surrounding
tissues and thrusting his hips on final time, cumming into her variously
sucking mouth, filling her mouth and throat with his cum.

* Faith swallowed all her offered. Taking more and more, his command beyond
obeyed, hearing his demand and tasting him made her so hot she was sure she'd
combust, drinking her fill and then cleaning him, when her shuddering had
ended, her muffled screams having ended allowing her to moan, nuzzling the
current object of her affections, licking his flaccid cock, completely clean,
kissing his balls, and inner thighs, moving off him, to lay on her side next
to him, completely unaware of her odd behaviour. Curling into a ball by him,
purring contentedly as she nuzzled his thigh.

Angel pulled Faith into his arms and purred for her, his hand stroking her
back lightly, chucking at her purr in response. Pulling her face to his he
kissed her softly, sharing her taste with her and moaned as it mingled with
his in her mouth. Curling his body around hers he nuzzled her neck, licking
it, rasping over first his own bite before Angelus'. Content to no speak he
just held her and closed his eyes, listening to her heart beating and
enjoying the warmth her body produced.

* Faith snuggled in, happy to have him hold her, she didn't even try to break
the spell with words, her mind stayed hazy and she purred contentedly with
her head nuzzling the cool skin of his chest. Her lips every once in a while,
meeting with the skin in a tiny kiss.

Angel just kept purring, stroking her back, watching her relax more and more,
"Did you enjoy that lover? Enough to do it again really soon?" his voice was
soft in her ear, a whisper of sound.

* Faith nodded, not wanting to change anything she was doing, rarely was she
this unguarded, even with Angelus. She was luxuriating in the feeling, but
her body was already seeking another form of release, and it wanted his

Angel purred louder and felt Angelus creeping closer, both of them basking in
the warmth she provided, "Sleep baby… more later, even with slayer resources
you need to nap. We'll be here when you wake…" pulling her closer, creating
as much skin to skin contact as he could his hands kept stroking her back
lightly, "Sleep Faith."

Angelus chuckled and pulled her legs around his hips, sliding his cock into
her and thrusting lightly, "We were both there… it was strange it's never
happened before. Normally one of us in is control and that's it, not both.
And I think it was that entire noble repression thing. He likes you Faith,
you are just about as sexy as they come, and he'd been controlling himself
pretty tightly… you him broke through, aren't you glad?" thrusting deeper he
purred to her, "Tell us about your dream… what did we do?"

* Faith moaned as he entered her. Blushing she looked at him. "Nothing... I'm
just not used to erotic dreams... never had much use for them." She
whispered, moving closer to the edge of the counter allowing her to rock her
hips. "I didn't break anything Angelus... his obsession with his hair did
it." She insisted, blushing redder as he complimented her. "You don't have to
say things like that, remember?" She pulls him down for a kiss.

Angelus watched her blush and was intrigued, "Oh, no you don't, tell me baby.
You called out for both of us, tell me love. Maybe we can make it happen for
you some time?" he nibbled on her ear as his voice whispered to her, "And I
never 'say' things like that that aren't true. You are sexy baby. Between
Angel and I there are two women who dominate our night dreams, you and Buffy.
Tell me what you dream about and I'll tell you his most frequent dream at the
moment. Tell me baby, please?"

* Faith closes her eyes reliving the dream as she tells him, rocking her hips
again. "I... I was riding you... hard and fast... it was so great, I'd cum
like a dozen times, and we were still going. Then Angel came in and pushed me
into your chest..." She gasped moaning as the images flew through her eyes.
"An... and he entered me ass, and I was there between both of you, and... and
when we all came, it was so good, and you just held me... sandwiched between
both of you, purring... it was so..." She moaned burring her head in his

Angelus purred at her story, thrusting his hips before picking her up off the
bench and cupping her ass to hold her. Hearing the details he bright his
finger to his mouth and wetted it before sliding it into her ass and
thrusting deeply, "What was it baby? It was so… erotic?"

* Faith nodded rapidly, gasping clutching him. "Ahhh... Angelus... please...
more.. more... please... make it real..." She rose using all the muscles she
could to ride him slowly as two more fingers invaded her ass. Nodding
whimpering biting her lip. "Yes.. oh please..." She was lost in her own mind,
the feelings there. Angelus moved pressing her back against the cool surface
of the refrigerator, and Faith came, screaming. "ANGEL... OH GODS PLEASE....
ANGELUS, CUM!!! Cum too please!" She thrashed, shaking her legs tightening
impossibly around is waist.

Angelus growled pounding her into the fridge, his hips and fingers working
her at a desperate speed. Working fast he kissed her deeply before he sank
his fangs into her neck, drinking deeply as he shot endlessly into her
burring heat, his hips still thrusting, his fingers keeping pace. Pulling her
legs tighter around his body he made his way to the couch and fell into it,
purring loudly, nuzzling her neck.

* Faith curled into Angelus, loving the feel of him, sighing as she came down
from her high, her mind cleared and she kissed him until she couldn't breath.
"So... what is this reoccurring dream, that certain vampires are having with
me in them?" She whispered, not wanting to break the conferrable silence,
wanting her words to mingle comfortingly with it.

Angelus chuckled, "Angel's dreams? He has one, the fave at the moment. He
walks in and makes his way into the bathroom, planing on having a shower and
probably going to bed and finds you and Buffy in the bath together, shaving
each other. First you do legs and underarms and then you shave each other's
cunts, getting the other off with your fingers when you were done." He
chuckled at her face and thrust his hips once, "And that's just the start."

* Faith groaned, almost shocked at the thoughts, Angel had. Shaking wondering
if maybe she talked in her sleep or Angel had read her journal. "Wha? How..."
She moaned as Angelus thrust into her. Shaking as the images of Buffy's bare
pussy, and the thought of Buffy's long perfect fingers deep in her own cunt.
"How did he know?" She whispered, thrusting back at Angelus.

Angelus chuckled, "We can smell you beloved. Many times in Sunnyhell he smelt
your response to her… the two of you dancing one night at the bronze… That
just fuelled his, our fantasies. The thought of watching the two of you… your
mouth buried in Buff's cunt eating her out… or the two of you 69ing." His
hips thrust a slow rhythm into her body, "I would love you watch you eating
Buffy out while I fuck your tight hot cunt, watching you lick and lap at her
until you both came and then swapping you around and watching her eat your
taste pussy when you watched us fucking as I watched you."

* Faith gasped, as his thrusting and the imagery of what said made her
shudder uncontrollably. "Angelus.." She whimpered, clinging to him, her leg
raised over his hip, nuzzling herself closer to him, letting him thrust
deeper into her begging body. She shook her head. "B... Buffy would never
allow that. He... he should know her, better..." She gasped as Angelus'
thrusting picked up a slight tempo. Leaning in she kissed him, tasting his

Angelus just smiled in response and started trusting his hips harder, driving
himself deeper into her clasping cunt, "I can see you fucking her baby. See
your tongue working her clit and hers working you, pink on pink, all wet and
sticky with each others cum, licking your tastes off both of your faces. What
do you dream about doing to her Faith? Tell us what you want to do to Buffy."

* Faith looked up shocked at his request, and shook her head, whimpering at
the tempo he was setting. Her nails dug into his flesh, as he thrust just a
bit harder. "No.... no that... I don't." She whispered looking away from him,
closing her eyes whimpering as she lied, and her mark throbbed to life in a
most painful way. Her pussy clenched around him at the sudden pain, and Faith
moved closer trying to angel him to kiss or lick her mark and sooth away the
unwanted throbbing.

Angelus realized the problem when she tried to maneuver him to lick his mark
and lowered his mouth to her neck, letting his breath wash over it, "Tell us
baby, we want to know what things you dream about doing to Buffy's wet pink
cunt. Tell us it all, tell now lover."

* Faith shuddered, desperate for his mouth on the throbbing mark.  
"Angelus... please... make it stop. I can't... you'll be angry with me...  
Angel would never let me near her again... please..." She whimpered,
pushing his face against thee scare, hoping against hope he wouldn't know.
Her every dream was of Buffy as hers, begging for things only Faith could
give, the sting of a whip, the cool chains around her wrists, clamps. As the
thoughts flowed through Faith's mind, they tumbled from her lips, with out
her knowledge, making Faith grip Angelus tighter inside her body, feeling his
cock tickle her clit, she came whimpering his name.

Angelus watched her as she came to the thought of dominating Angel's Buffy.
The soul was unsure of the idea, even though he loved the image of the two
slayers together. Rewarding her telling him Angelus sank his fangs into him
mark on her neck deeply, purring as he tasted her blood again. The taste of
her pleasure filled blood drove him over the edge and he came hard, fulling
her with the cool of his cum, moaning against her neck.

* Faith shuddered gain, moaning as the throbbing stopped and another orgasm
shook her, making her whimper, holding him to her, milking him for all her
could give her. As she calmed she shook her head, simply knowing her mouth
had formed the words she'd never wanted spoken. "Tell him not to worry.. I'd
never touch B like that." She whispered, into his neck. "'s not my
place." She closed her eyes, hating the way that sounded even to herself.
Turning from him she stood stretching the kinks from her body, she moved back
to the bedroom. She looked over her shoulder at him, with a smirk. "Come
on... you've missed a whole week of Muppets being locked up my the

Angelus smiled at her, "Want some ice cream baby?" Walking over to her in the
doorway he kissed her lightly, before taking her face between his hands, "I
promise you neither of us is angry at you love. And although he's not sure of
the idea… he knows you wouldn't ever do something like then unless she wanted
it. So relax baby." Kissing her again he repeated, "Ice cream?"

* Faith leaned into the kiss, moaning. "Please?!" She nodded smiling. "Oh!
Guess what I got!!!" She was digging through some of her stuff when Angelus
returned with the carton of strawberry-cherry-raspberry swirl. She held up
the CD. "Jim Henson fils greatest hits... I got volume one though 4!!" She
bounced slightly. Grabbing the remote she stripped Angelus' shirt and moved
onto the bed, as the theme song started.

Angelus grinned at her, a surprisingly boyish expression and followed her to
the bed, sitting and pulling her into his lap, taking the spoon and starting
to feed her the ice cream, enjoying the show, but her response to it more.
Her almost childlike joy was infectious and he found himself singing softly
along with her with the few songs he knew. Kissing her neck lightly he
patently watched through the succeeding shows, waiting to get her attention

* Faith laughed, when Fraggle rock ended, and looked at him. "Angelus... I
have something else to show you... that I got while you and Angel were busy
neglecting my body..." She moved from him, opening her jewelry box, avoiding
the mirror she put the two things in. Turning she showed him the gleaming
belly button ring, or stud to be honest it was a large garnet, one she'd
bought with his credit card. Moving onto the bed she pushed him down, her
mouth moving over his hard cock, the tongue ball caressing the velvety flesh.
"Like?" She questioned, moving her hand over him.

Angelus purred and pulled her up for a long deep kiss his tongue searching
out and playing with her tongue ring his cock hard and pulsing in her hands.
His hand trailed over her body and tugging on her navel ring incredibly
softly. "I love then babe." He muttered when their kiss finally broke.
Sliding his hand further down he started teasing her clit with feather light
touches, "Very sexy Faith."

* Faith whimpered into the kiss, and moaned long as his fingers gently played
with her belly ring. "I'm so glad you like." she murmured in his mouth. She
arched into his hand as he played with her, gripping his cock harder as she
pulled at him. "Please... let me..." She whimpered eyes falling. "Let me
please you Angelus..."

Angelus slowly pushed two fingers inside her and started thrusting slowly,
"You do please me Faith… in so many different ways. You know… after last
night I'm doubly glad you are a slayer… cause if you had been human… you
wouldn't be fucking again for quite some time. I love you my Faith… my mate."

* Faith whimpered bounding her hips lightly. "If i was human I wouldn't have
lived through last night." She looked at him with hooded lids. "He had your
whole fist inside me..." Her hand squeezed moving over him. "It felt so many
different way, I thought i would die, and I didn't even know from what." She
whispered, moving her mouth back down to his pulsing cock, sucking at it,
letting the stud in her tongue caress the sensitive underside.

Angelus purred and started pumping his fingers faster, "I can feel it lover.
Your cunt SO tight around my hand. My fist inside you, making you cum…
filling you up…in your ass, my cock in your tight ass… so tight around me…
you feel so good everywhere baby. So fucking good being inside you. Inside
you everywhere. Your heat and tightness… everything…. It's just amazing."

* Faith shook his words making her break the restraint she had, sitting up
she moved fro his hand, straddling his waist, impaling herself. "More..." She
begged, bouncing on him... wanting more of him, whimpering at the way her
filled her. Wanton lust spread through every poor, and she reached up pulling
and twisting her own nipples. "Oh Fuck Me ANGELUS... more please!" She begged
him. "Make me cum..."

Angelus flipped then over and started pounding into Faith, working brutally
until he was slamming into her cervix repeatedly. Bending over her he
attached his mouth to her neck, biting and sucking his way up and down it,
hips moving faster and faster. "Can you feel how deep I am lover? Can you
know how good you feel to me? So tight and wet around me… so fucking hot." He
growled words were spoken into her ear, "Cum for me Faith., cum for Angelus
NOW." And his fangs sunk into her neck, filling his mouth with her taste as
he thrust deeper and came, mixing his coldness with her incredible heat.

* Faith whimpered as he drove into her, his words making her even hotter, she
nodded, locking her legs about his waist. "I know... I know, if it's any
thing like the feeling of how deep you are to me... always deeper... never
enough, I always want more, farther.. more... I need you so much. You cool
me... so well My Angelus.. my Mate.. My Husband... My Love." She screamed as
he ordered her to cum. Whimpering and thrashing with the effort she used to
not pass out as he filled her, and drained her, as he pounded into her harder
and harder, making her weep, as she cry'd his name.

Angelus turned them to their sides, purring loudly against her neck, licking
and nursing lightly at the bite marking her as his, "My everything baby. I
love you my Faith." He kept nuzzling her neck, watching her fight against
sleep, "Sleep love… we'll be here when you wake… just sleep lover."

* Faith nodded snuggling into his arms. Kissing him, her lips never stopping,
parting so she could taste his skin, allowing the stud to run over his neck.
"I love you too Angelus. It's hard to breath with out you." She whispered,
biting down on his neck, darkening her own mark. She cuddled in, letting her
eyes drift closed.

Angelus purred softly for her as he let himself drift of, arms tight around
her, his purr still rumbling in his chest. Chuckling slightly on the edge of
sleep he commented silently to the silent observer, {Happy HairBall?}