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Title: Unexpected Saviours
Author: Vicki
Pairing: W/S
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Alas I own nothing and Joss owns all
Summary: If u read it you'll find out.
Spoilers: Ummmm nothing really. Unless you haven't seen Season 4
Feedback: I'd like some feedback to let me know what I'm doing wrong.
Notes: Ok well I hate Buffy (the character) and if you like her its probally best if u don't read this. Um ok im still new at this so please be gentle.
Distribution: Why would anyone want this, but if u do for some strange reason just ask.

Chapter 1

Willow sat watching the crowds of people swarming around on the dance floor. Among the crowd were her best friends Buffy and Xander. Buffy was dancing with her newest `love' Riley and Xander was happily dancing with Anya.
Willow hadn't really wanted to come in the first place, but Buffy had convinced her as usual.
"Come on Willow you cant spend ALL day moping over Tara, you need to get out and have fun" Buffy had said earlier. However Buffy's idea of fun was for Willow to sit guarding their table and feel like a fifth wheel.
Willow thought to herself. With that final thought Willow picked up her bag, checking she had her trusty stake and holly water and then headed out.

The only thing to be heard in the park was the sound of Willows shoes clicking against the pavement. Willow walked along deep in thought, oblivious to the fact that someone was watching her. Suddenly a twig snapped to her right, dragging Willow out of her daydreaming.
"W..Who's there?" Willow called out nervously. She was replied with only silence. Willow pulled her jacket tighter around herself and started to walk quicker.
Willows glance shifted around her, she turned her head to look behind her. When she looked forward again she saw a shadow shift and out came a vampire.

In her own personal opinion it was one of the ugliest vampires Willow had ever seen. I'm too young. Crap is he actually drooling? Help> Willow's mind screamed with a dozen different thoughts at once.
"Hello pretty girl." The vampire called, "Come to me. I wont hurt you. Much"
Willows eyes widened and she slowly started to back away from him. "Now where do you think your going? I haven't even eaten yet." And with that last comment the vampire lunged at Willow throat, biting down hard.

Willow stood waiting for death to come quickly, when she felt a swish of air and dust settle on her. She opened her eyes expecting to see Buffy there, but instead saw someone else.
"Hello luv." Spike said just before Willow fainted.

Chapter 2

Spike grumbled to himself as he carried Willow to his apartment. He opened the door and walked in. Spike gently laid Willow down on his bed and went to get some blood to eat and something to get Willow cleaned up with.

Willow awoke to the sight of Spike sitting next to her gently cleaning her wounds.
"Ah I see sleeping beauty is awake." He said.
"Uhh yeah. Spike where am I?" Willow asked a little confused, looking around.
"Your at my place." Spike replied taping up Willow's neck wound.
"Your place? I thought you lived in a crypt?" Willow questioned.
"Well luv a guy like me can only live in a place like that for a little while until he goes cuckoo from staring at the same walls all day with nothing to do." Spike explained.
"Oh ok. So why am I here?"
"You're here pet `coz I brought you here. Can you remember what happened?" He asked delicately.
"Yeah. I was attacked by a vampire and then you came and *POOF *… Is that right?" Willow said.
Spike laughed softly, "Yep luv that's pretty much it"
Willow started to stand up, "Ok well thank you for saving my life and all but I should really get out of your way"
Spike gently pushed her back down. "Your still weak, that vamp took quite a bit of blood. You can stay here until sunset and then I'll take you back to the dorm, OK?"
Willow nodded and leant back against the pillow again. " So Spike if I'm going to be here al day, why don't you tell me about your self?"

2 hours later

"Oh my god. He didn't?" Willow asked laughing so hard that if she had been standing she would have defiantly fallen.
"He sure did. Next time you see him go `baaaa' and see what he does."
Spike laughed along with her.
Willow went red at the thought of Angel and sheep and lent her head on Spikes shoulder, still laughing.
Spike looked down at the girl he had become infatuated with for the past year he had been forced to help the Scooby gang after his deal with Adam had fallen through.
Unable to fight the temptation anymore Spike leaned down and softly kissed Willow on the lips. To his surprise Willow reached up and kissed him back. Not one to miss out on a chance Spike deepened the kiss, his hand going around to pull Willow onto his lap.
When the kiss finally ended, due to the fact that one of them had to breathe Willow was the first to speak. "Wow." She whispered.
"Yeah I know what you mean Red." Spike whispered back.
"Is this ok? I mean us? Is there an us or is this just a one-time thing? Or is a get back at Buffy by using her best friend deal? Or --- " Willow's blabber was cut off by Spikes lips pressing against hers.
"Red, after that kiss there had better be an us or I'll be forced to kill any other bloke I see you with." Spike said smiling, but Willow could see in his eyes that he was actually partly serious.
"Good." Willow replied, before reaching up and kissing him again.

Chapter 3

"Spike what are we going to tell the gang?" Willow questioned nervously.
"What do you mean luv? Don't you want to tell them? Are you ashamed to be dating a demon?" Spike asked, looking hurt.
"What? No! Of course not!" Willow reassured him, "I just meant how are we going to tell them that we're dating in the first place. I mean they don't exactly trust you after that whole Adam thing, even though you've already saved all their lives one time or another. And do you know they haven't once said thank you? I mean would it kill them to be polite? You go out of you way to… Sorry off topic." Willow blushed, finishing off her speech.
Spike looked at her with laughter in his blue eyes. "It's ok Red. I know they don't like me. In fact I don't like them.
You're the only one out of that little Scooby Gang I actually like. Well you and Anya. That girl really knows how to speak her mind… But don't worry your sexier." Spike finished, seeing the look on her face when he started talking about Anya.
Willow smiled in reply and snuggled deeper into his embrace.
The two sat in silence for a little longer before Willow spoke up.
"We should tell them tonight. You know so we don't have to sneak around. That way if they did find out they wouldn't get hurt by the fact that I hadn't told them earlier." Willow decided.
"Ok Red. But until its time to leave, I bet we can think of more enjoyable things to do." Spike whispered sexily. Willow's giggle was soon muffled again.

Later at Giles' place.

"Guys!" Willow called to her friends that were sitting around in Giles' living room. She looked fondly at each person she had grown to love. Xander, Buffy, Giles, even Anya and Riley and lastly Spike. Like Spike, Willow had been secretly in love with Spike for years, but had been to shy to actually tell him. With one final look at his face Willow tried to get everyone's attention.
"GUYS!" She yelled. Everyone looked up.
"Hey" she smiled, "um I have something I want to tell you. Ok where to begin…" Willow's voice trailed off slightly. "Ok right. Well last night I was walking home from the Bronze, Yes Buffy I know I should have told you but I really just had to get out of there, anyway I was taking the short cut through the park-"
"Willow" Giles cut in. "How many times have I told you not to walk through the park at night alone. Its dangerous."
"Yeah I know and I'm sorry, but I wasn't really concentrating.
Anyways I was walking along thinking about stuff and then this vampire came out and attacked me." Willow tilted her head to show everyone the bandage on her neck. "Oh my god. Willow!" Xander called running to her side to have a better look.
Spike suddenly growled low in his throat and pulled Willow closer to his side. Willow smiled at Xander, letting him know she was all right, so he went and sat back down next to Anya.
"Ok so can I continue?" Willow asked. Everyone nodded and she went on." Right so this vamp, he was big and ugly and I knew I couldn't get free. Then while he's munching away on my neck he suddenly turns to dust. So I look up expecting to see Buff, but instead I see Spike" Willow looked up and smiled at the man in question. "I fainted and he took me back to him place, which by the way Spike is actually pretty nice, and well ummmm " Willow trailed off blushing, not really knowing how to explain the rest.
"Me and Red are going out. Anyone got a problem with that, you can sod off." Spike finished for her.
This last statement was met by the shouts of everyone except Anya, who actually trusted Spike and Willow to make their own decisions. A loud whistle broke the shouts. "Guys ONE AT A TIME" Willow yelled.

Chapter 4

"Willow are you mad? Spike is a bloodthirsty demon! Do the words William the Bloody ring any bells?" Buffy shouted.
"Flattery will get you nowhere Slayer" Spike growled.
"Come on Wills, hah ha good joke, now back away from him." Xander laughed nervously.
"Yeah. It's a joke. Gotta be a joke. I mean she's just Willow after all and well he's Spike." Buffy joined in with Xander.
Willow who had been silent during the questioning spoke up, "And what the hell is that supposed to mean? That I'm just plain old boring Willow and someone as good looking as Spike could never been interested in men romantically. Why is that Buff? Is it because I'm not the Slayer? Is it coz I'm not as good looking as you?"
"What? No Wills of course not I just meant that…. Well it's a little far fetched don't you think?" Buffy rationalized.
Spike gave Buffy a disgusted look, "I'll have you know Slayer, Red has more passion, more beauty, more sex appeal in her little toe than you do in your entire body. So keep you bloody opinions to yourself, and if you can't be respect Willow's choices then stay the hell away from her!"
With one last glance he turned to Willow and started to guide her out the door.
"Willow." Called Giles, who until now had remained silent.
Willow turned and looked at him. "Does he make you happy Willow?" He asked. Willow smiled and replied, "Yes Giles, he makes me more happy then I've ever been.
"Good." Was all he said before turning and saying to a still yelling Buffy, "Do shut up Buffy." Spike and Willow smiled at the old watcher and turned to and left.

Chapter 5

Spike and Willow had been living together for almost 3 months, Xander and Buffy still refused to talk to her or even acknowledge her. But Willow didn't mind, she still had Anya, and Giles but most importantly she had Spike.
"Oh come on Spike, I'll be fine! I'm just going to Giles' place, and besides Buffy and Xander wont even be there." Willow told Spike.
Willow had just gotten off the phone to Giles and he had asked, rather begged her to go see him about a new prophesy.
"I dunno Red, they've been acting strangely recently. I think their up to something." Spike replied.
Willow gave Spike The Look.
"Awww Red. Don't do that," Spike groaned. Willow pouted some more, knowing Spike wouldn't say no.
"Please?" She begged. Spike heaved a sigh and stood up.
"Fine we'll go. But if they're anywhere around, we're leaving. OK?" He told her.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Willow squealed hugging him briefly, then raced off to get her shoes and coat.

Spike and Willow were walking in the park talking.
"You know how I was looking for that spell last week Spike?" Willow questioned.
"Hmmmmm" Came Spike's reply.
"Well I think I found one that can de-activate your-" Willow's explanation was cut short by Spike stopping and tensing up. "What is it?" She questioned.
"Slayer" came his hissed response. Willow glanced around nervously. Where was she? "Well well well, what do we have here Xan?" Came a call from the shadows.
"I dunno Buff. It looks like a vampire and his personal blood bank" Came the response.
Xander and Buffy were now in sight, standing in front of the couple. "Slayer, Prissy Boy" Greeted Spike through clenched teeth.
Buffy looked at Willow with contempt in her eyes.
"What Wills, no hello? I'm wounded, truly" Buffy taunted.
"You know Buffy, I don't hate you. And I don't understand why you're being such a bitch." Willow said.
"Bitch? Why Willow don't tell me you've grown up and learnt the big peoples language. Next thing you know you'll be saying Shit. I guess being a demons whore does that to a person." She laughed, Xander joining in.
It was that last remark that got Spike really pissed off. Spike lunged at Buffy, hitting her in the face. Then he pulled back, holding his head in pain. The chip had stopped him doing any real harm. Willow rushed to his side.
Xander and Buffy laughed at his display.
"You dickhead! You got blood on my favourite shirt!" Yelled Buffy. With that she lept at Spike, punching him in the face, body and head. Spike stood no chance. Willow looked on in panic, then remembered what she had been about to tell Spike before, she mumbled some words different words that sent Buffy flying into a tree then mumbled some more, quickly placing her hands over Spikes prone body, healing him instantly. Willow looked up to see Xander helping Buffy to stand and come towards her. She placed her hand over Spike's head and muttered the words she had memorized earlier. Spike, who had been lying back, knowing Willow knew what she was doing, suddenly sat up, the pain in his head having disappeared. He looked up at Willow questioningly, Willow smiled and said; "Go hit her and find out."
Not needing any more encouragement Spike walked up to Buffy and punched her as hard as he could, trusting that Willow wouldn't cause him pain. Buffy fell back shocked that Spike wasn't doubling over in pain. With one of his trademark grins Spike started hitting Buffy. Xander by now had run off, too scared of an un-chipped Spike to stick around.
Spike kept hitting her like a maniac for calling Willow a whore, until he felt a hand on his arm. It was Willow pulling him off. "Come on Spike she's not worth it. You know it and I know it. Lets just leave the stupid bitch to sit and wallow in her own pathetic ness."
Spike nodded once and stood up, checking Willow over for any bruises she might have gotten; satisfied she was uninjured he put his arm around her and led her home.

Chapter 6

"So Red, care to explain why all of a sudden I can hit again?" Spike questioned as soon as they were back at home.
"It was what I was trying to tell you before. The spell I found was to disarm weapons, so I re-worded a couple of sentences and voila!" Willow explained.
Spike, who had been listening with a smile on his face, exploded with happiness and picked her up, spinning her around in circles. Willow laughed along with him.
"Spike, Dizzy!" She shrieked. Spike slowly put her down, smile still on his face.
"I love you he declared."
"Yeah I know. Me too."

Later Still

" Spike?" Willow questioned.
"Yeah Red?" He answered.
"Lets leave?"
"What?" He asked startled.
"Leave. Lets just go. There's nothing keeping me here except Anya and Giles, and I can phone and email them. Lets go. I don't care where. Anywhere but here would be good." She explained.
Spike sat in thought for a while; leaving Willow to think that he didn't really want to leave with her. Willow stood and headed for the kitchen in defeat.
"Red" he called, "Paris is good this time of year!"
Willow laughed and ran into his arms, all doubts forgotten.