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Title: Living Arrangements
Author: Talion
Pairing: F/A(us)/A
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to people who are NOT us! Please do not sure we mean no wrong.
Summary: Things get even more complicated (Part 3 of series A Vampire for Every Slayer)
Feedback: Is lusted after!!!

Angelus wakes up slowly, curled around the warm body of his mate and smiles, wondering what woke him when the phone rang and he heard the machine pick it up and Buffy's voice ring out, "Angel, it's me. I'm gonna be late Mom suddenly decided we needed to do the mother daughter bonding stuff, so we're doing dinner and old movies. I'll drive up after but don't expect me till around dawn. Love you . Bye."

Chuckling at the opportune nature of her delay he brushed a kiss across Faith's lips and untangled himself to go and make some calls. About 15 minuets later, he wandered into his room to find Faith was somehow managing to take up almost all of a king sized mattress. Laughing outright he climbed onto the bed and started kissing his way down Faith's body.

< Angel > {I want to talk to her Angelus.}

Angelus growled, {Bugger off SoulBoy. Firstly I said she didn't have to talk with either of you and secondly, I'm about to eat her out, no talking will be done.}

* Faith felt him leave the bed. Still too sleepy to get up she, sighed figuring he'd return for her soon. Slipping back to sleep, she sprawled out across the bed. Faith moaned, drifting in that place between wake and sleep, Angelus' mouth working the skin, down to her curls. His stopping is what finally woke her, growling slightly at his hesitance, she arched up, her distended clit brushing his lips. "Don't stop." She breathed.

Angelus chuckled when the Soul retreated quickly and turned his attention back to the much more important and enjoyable task of pleasing his mate. Licking out with his tongue, brushing only the tip of her swollen clit he chuckled again, and dove into her, pushing his tongue deep into her body, massaging her walls and drinking her down. Pulling out her slid a finger into her and looked up, catching her watching him, "Wakey, wakey Faith.

Faith shuddered at both his actions and his words. "Baby..." She moans arching into his face again, her eyes drifting closed. "More..." Her own tongue snakes out wetting her lips. She whimpers as he moves his finger, lightly flicking her clit. "More... Angelus... please..." She's rocking on his finger, desperate for more pressure on her clit. Her hands move up, beginning to kneed her breasts and toy with her nipples. "Yes... right there... more baby... more." She demanded.

Angelus snickered at the disparate tone of her voice and added a further finger, letting her fuck herself on his hand, only briefly and lightly brushing her clit. Watching enthralled as she plays with her full breasts and the wanton, pleasure filled expression on her face before latching his lips around her clit and sucking strongly, adding a third finger to her cunt and starting to control the rhythm, driving hard into her body, demanding a response. Vamping out he purred, vibrating her clit and sank his fangs into the surrounding flesh, still sucking, tasted the cocktail of her powerful slayer blood and more intimate juices

* Faith gasped, her body moving on his finger. When he added another finger, she jerked, moaning loud. "Yes, Baby... please... oh, feels so good." Shewhimpered, lost in a sea of erotic bliss. When he took over, sucking hard on her clit, she cried out. Then screamed when he growled sinking his fangs into her most sensitive flesh. Pinching hard and pulling on her nipples, she screamed his name. Cumming hard, she felt tears prick her closed eyes. Shudders washing over her, as she crest wave after wave. Angelus continued to suck, and finger her, even as she came down, furthering her cum.

* Faith groaned when his fangs retracted and his fingers left her. She thrashed, when he cleaned her. Then kissed her navel, leaving his head on her flat stomach. Looking down she gave him a sleepy smile. Realizing she still held her nipples, she blushed and rolled her eyes, dropping her hand to the bed. "Wow... can I schedule wake up calls? Cause, I'd be more of a morning... or, late afternoon person, if that's how I was waking up." She yawned and stretched, arching high like a cat. Her hands raised far aboveher head, as her legs spread wide, then strait. Soon returning back to its original position, she grinned. "Morning."

Angelus rested against her skin for several moments carefully cleaning his fingers. After grinned back up at her he slid up her body for a kiss. Growling softly against her mouth, "So suddenly you like the idea of living with me huh?" Kissing her again he fought gently with her tongue, playfully teasing hers into his mouth, before pushing between her legs and grinding into her groin. "Ready for the real wakeup call lover?" moving slowly he inched into her body, playing with her responses, seeing how quickly he could bring her to the peak again.

* Faith glowered at the mention of her living with him. Before she could get her smart asses reply, Angelus had her mind in a haze with his kissing and teasing. Then she was gasping, arching for more of him, as he slowly entered her. "Stop fucking around. She growled, turning them, so he was on bottom. She thrust down hard, screaming, and clawing his chest. Stopping for a moment to get some semblance of control, she growled down at him. "I *bounce* am not *bounce* living *bounce* with *bounce* you! *bounce* " She had found a rhythm now, and was going painfully slow on the up slide, clenching her muscles the whole way, but thrusting down hard. Making it hurt, wonderfully for them both. Leaning down she licked his nipples. "Tell me what you want, Baby." She crooned seductively.

Angelus snarled softly and considered flipping her back over before deciding to let her play, sure it would be good for both of them. Thrusting up into her body, reaching up to pinch and play with her nipples, mimicking her earlier movements. Still playing with her breast with one hand the other stroked down he body and delver into her wet curls, stroking and pinching her swollen clit, relishing her every move and cry. "Kiss me Faith, until you can't breath." He could feel is eyes start to change, almost sliding into game face and didn't stop it, fangs sprouting even as she brought her face to his, whispering against her lips, "Harder baby, make me cum."

* Faith couldn't resist. She heard his demands, felt his fingers on her clit. Terrorising her breasts. When she saw him shift, her nerves sparked and she thought she was ready to die. No one, not a single creature dead or alive, had this power over her, and nothing was more beautiful then her mate's true countenance. "Yes Baby... cum for me... cum hard inside, me. I love how it feels... easing my fire." She didn't know what she was saying. She couldn't hear her own words. Her bouncing became wild thrusting, forcing him deeper and deeper, literally grinding her bones into his. "Please, Angelus... I don't want to cum with out you... and I'm so funking close." Her nails raked his chest, stoping to mimic his torment on her nipple, using his much smaller ones. She slammed down a final time, arching and screaming his name, as her muscles tightened even more, milking him. Her body convulsing in orgasmic bliss.

Angelus bucked up into her harder, almost maddened by her admission of need. When she slammed down one last time and tightened around that bit tighter he howled. Sinking his own fangs into his lip he came shooting his cold seed into her deeply, feeling her heat burn him delightfully, pinching her clit one last time, drawing out her climax. Forcing her to pushes herself to the limits when her tangled his free hand him her hair and yanked her neck to his face, sinking his fangs in even as his body still shot inside her, growling and snarling into her flesh. Morphing back, lettings his fangs retract and licking a the bite, "Good morning Faith."

* Faith gasped, his fingers pinching, expanding her climax. Easing down, his fangs pierced her skin, and she came again, this time weeping. The feelings inside her, making her wild, and her nails dug deep into his muscled chest. "I need you." She whimpered lost, loving how his seed felt coating her insides. Cooling the fire inside her body. Not sure how or when she had ended up on his chest, she nuzzled in. Grinning when his muffled greeting met her ears. "Morning Angelus." She sighed contentedly. "On second though... no, wake up calls from you every day, would make it impossible for me to get out of bed. At all." She yawned, fighting back the haze his love making always seemed to inflicted apon her. She dozed happily soon, knowing he'd wake her when it was necessary for her to get up. Long before Buffy got there... Buffy!

* Faith shot up, moving off him and scrambling across the expanse of the bed, looking for her cloths. "YOU ruined my skirt! What the hell am I going to wear to get home!? I can't walk across town in my top! Slayer or no, I'd get gang banged. Don't growl at me! Help me get the fuck out of here... B, was due forever a fucking go. Thank gods for LA traffic I suppose!" She stubbed her toe, and winced. "Fuck... hell, shit." She bit her lip to keep tears in. "Damn it, that fucking hurt! And I'm missing the Muppet hour." She sat pouting, naked in the center of his floor, fresh from a wild morning of fucking.

Angelus chuckled softly at the picture she made and got of the bed, sitting next to her he grinned, "Buffy called to say she wasn't gonna be here until dawn, there's a message on the machine, so don't worry about her. As for clothes, you really don't need any here, you can wear a shirt of mine and one of my jackets to your place to pick up your stuff. Trust me no one will bother us. Or we can just shop." Taking the damaged toe he sucked it into his mouth, in and out. "Better now?"

< Angel > {I want to talk with her, before you two start fucking again.}

Angelus growled, "NO" {I said no SoulBoy. I told her she wouldn't have to talk to either of you if she didn't want to.}

< Angel > {Then ask her if she will you idiot.}

* Faith moaned when he sucked her toe. Jerking away from him when he growled and spoke. "No, what?" She gave him a look, letting him know she thought he was not of the ok. "Baby? Angelus?" She spoke tentatively. "Who.. who are you talking to?" She arched a brow, and looked around, as if she would see whom he was conversing with. "Want me to go get you some thing? Maybe a nice warm mug of blood?" She was standing now, tentatively moving for the door.

< Angel > {Ask her Angelus.}

Angelus growled again, {Fuck off Angel} "It's nothing baby."

< Angel > {Ask her.}

< Angelus > {She said before she didn't want to see either of you SoulBoy, her decision. *I'm* not the one who makes my mate's choices for her, that's you remember?}

Angelus stood up and pulled her into his arms, "It's SoulBoy. He wants to talk with you. I told him to fuck off, but if you want to.." His voice trailed off, he was hoping she would but he didn't want to push her any which way, "It's totally up to you baby. Eventually you have to, but not now if you don't want to."

* Faith looked at him, chewing her lip. "Will he leave us alone if I do?" She asked. She was nervous about this. And not sure if she was ready to deal with him, but she'd decided to stop running a long time ago. "He's not gonna yell and freak out on me, for... all this, right?!" Faith's eyes widened, as she remembered how he'd started avoiding her. Managing to not have to see her since she'd gotten out of prison. "I will... But, umm... I'd rather not, be you know naked. He's not you, and um... Angel and naked me, makes me uncomfortable." She continued to worry her lip feeling it break and tasted her blood.

Angelus saw the blood start to flow and swooped down to kiss her, lapping at her lip, catching her delicious blood, groaning softly. Pulling away only when she stoped bleeding her pulled her over to his wardrobe and handed her a burgundy velvet shirt, helping her on with it before pulling his leathers on, talking the whole time, "You don't have to talk to him now baby. If you say no, he's let us alone until Buffy gets into town. He's not going to yell or 'freak out' he wants to ask you a few questions. He also figured you're rather not see him, since you got out, cause you never came to see him, and he wants to settle any past issue you have with him. He's really into guilt you know?"

Angelus took her hand and pulled her into the main room, sitting on the couch and wrapping an arm around her and, "Maybe you and I should talk too. Unless you just wanna jump in and learn it as it happens? I've never had a mate before, but I have seen them together."

* Faith sighed. "Not true. I called, and Cordy told me, he didn't want to talk with me. I figured after all the trouble I caused... and then when I heard he and B had made up, I figured it best to let sleeping dog lie, ya know." She snuggled in, wishing she had underwear. "You got any boxers? Come on... I know you have to have black silk boxers." She grinned, knowing the look in his eyes, the hidden embarrassment. "You've got character boxers!" She exclaimed, running back into his room, digging through his drawers looking. "Come on, give. Please." She pouted when he, was at her side, stopping her, from further investigation. She kissed him, till she was breathless. "Give me boxers, and I'll talk to Hair-Boy. As for you and I... neither of us is exactly experienced in having a honey. I think we can wing it. We ain't doing to bad." She looked rather smug. Then looked at his clock. "Come on... I don't want to miss the Muppet hour. And that means, talking to Angel. Getting you back, and at least going home." She sighed, "And that gives us only two and a half hours."

Angelus sighed and gestured at his TV, "Why do we have to leave?" Pawing through his draws he found the boxers that Cordy had bought him as a gag gift. Passing the green silky things over, still in the packet he grinned, "Mavin the Martian or something. Someone thought if was funny." Kissing her soundly he grinned and walked out of the room, {Don't scare her off Hair-Boy, or I will make your life a living hell!} and shuddered giving up the body.

Angel sat on the couch and waited for Faith to come out of Angelus's room, {Don't worry Angelus, I won't hurt her.} Smiling slightly at Angelus's sudden protective streak he played back Buffy's message and nodded, "Have fun love."

* Faith entered the room, rather liking the feel of being in Angelus' underwear. {Well there's a though!} She was grinning madly when she wondered up to Angel, who she still thought was her Angelus. Putting her arms around him, she kissed him directly between the shoulder blades, and let her nails softly rake down his chest. "I plan to have lots of fun, Baby." She purred, smacking his ass before, moving to the couch. "Let Hair-Boy out, I wanna fuck you again, soon! And I don't want to miss the Muppets!"

Angel was shocked when Faith put her arms around him and speechless at her other actions, if he could have blushed he would have, "He already did Faith." Turning around and sitting on the recliner across from the couch he avoided her eyes for a moment, "I've been back since he left the room." Finally meeting her eyes he gave he a genuine smile, friendly and happy, "Congratulations Faith. How does if feel to be married?"

* Faith was blushing realising what she'd just said and did to Angel...Buffy's Angel. "Oh fuck!" She swallowed rushing to apologise. "How does it feel to be WHAT?!" Faith stood shaking her head. "I am NOT married! I'm gonna kill him! I can NOT believe he... ok... this is where I leave! Oh my gods!" She was growling and pacing, moving to Angelus' room again in search of her underwear. "Angel..." She moved back to the living room. "Who or what... Let me. I can NOT believe this!" She was ready to cry. "No one said ANYthing about marriage!" She was shaking. "I need... vodka... do you have vodka? And maybe some thing stronger... shit I've been clean for a long time... course my parol officer would get kinda pissy." Faith was now in the kitchen looking for some nice hard liquor. Her shaky hands, banging the cabinet doors.

Angel winced at her reaction and the demon's howl of protest. Following her into the kitchen he took her hands, "Calm down Faith please?" Pulling her back onto the other room her, "I thought you realised that's what a vampire mating is Faith. It's the only form of marriage we have. I'm sorry I didn't many to freak you. You and he are mated now, and I just wanted to congratulate you. Of all the insanity of the situation I think you two will be good for each other. And about Cordy telling you I didn't want to talk with you? She never said you rang. I would have spoken with you Faith, I was hoping after you got out you would come join the firm." He didn't dare make it a question.

Faith paced, trying to take it all in stride. "So I'm like... demon bride chick!" Shaking her head she ran her hands through her hair. "This is just too freaky. No. Vamps don't do monogamy. We HAD this talk... no where did it say I was Mrs. Angelus Vampire. Nope... that did not come into our little talk. I am so gonna tan his hide!" She fumed, not realising that she was speaking aloud, in vivid detail her plans to tie her mate up and beat him till he bleed or begged... possibly both. Shaking her head again, she flopped on to the couch. Stretching her legs out, giving Angel a rather pitiful look. "Work for you? Doing what? Scaring Wesley and being Cordy's verbal punching bag? Plus... I'm not sure I'm much use for anything. Believe it or not, my job ain't too bad... I make pretty good money for a waitress at a topless bar... especially for one of the few who wears her top." She was looking at the ceiling not paying him much attention. "I'd come work for you... but I make pretty good money... bout a hundred in tips a day." She sighed again.

Angel smiled at her softly, "Pay we can work out, but I know I can more than meet what ever you're earning now Faith. As for what you'll be doing? Well, partly what you are now, patrol, dust vamp and other demon types. And help with the other type investigations we deal with." He shrugged, "Help people mostly. Cordy will be a pain for al while, all the Sunnydale crew will need time, but if they can accept me and even him, they can you as well. I'm not pretending it will be easy Faith, but I know it's something worth working for." He shook his head free of his own quest and focused on faith again, "I think you and Angelus have things to talk about Faith, but I wanted to tell you I that I'm happy to have you around. And that I don't hate you, nor have I been trying to avoid you. And Faith? He'll enjoy being tied up, but remember turn about is fair play?" Leaning forward he pulled he forward into a hug.

* Faith returned that hug, pouting slightly. "He does have a top streak, hu?" Shrugging she stretched, her nipples hard and protruding against the silk of the shirt. "When do I get him back? Muppets in on soon." She raised an eye brow. "Married... fuck no." She was still dazed by the knowledge that, she might be married. "And... I'm not living here... you do know that right? I mean... I'm trying to get him to let me stay at my place, but he wants me to move into the apartment bellow." She huffed.

'Why won't you stay here Faith? Is it because of Buffy and me or because of you? You are welcome here anytime, wether it's him or me in control. You and he are mated, it's normal to live together. And if it's the money aspect? Consider it communal property. Between what he's accrued before and with all the investments we are making now. we could keep you and Buffy and the whole of the Sunnydale and L.A. gang in beyond comfort and still never run out of money. And what are the Muppets?"

* Faith sighed, falling back against the couch, dead weight. "Because, Hair boy, me and you... we'd fight all the time. I'm not so clean. I mean, wet towel on the bed... dirty cloths on the floor. I only do dishes once a week... and, when I run out of my stuff, I've been known to steal hair care products!" She nods raising an eyebrow. "Side's... I'm not seeing B as liking the idea of sharing, an apartment with me... or me sharing one with her favourite sex toy." She looks up, making an ick face. "And that's another thing. I don't think I'm ready to watch you and B be cuddly, or listen to your umm.... Well, listening to you fuck one another into mindlessness. Sorry!"

* Faith's eye widened comically as she approached the next question. "YOU don't know what the Muppets are? I don't believe it!" She sat up, and dragged him into Angelus' room. Finding the remote, she pushed him onto the bed. Finding the channel, they waited a few commercials. Then Kermit the Frog himself introduced the Muppet Show. Faith bounced to the music, singing along with the theme song. "I've always watched this." She smiled at him sadly. "Ever since I was a kid. Talk about the odd constant right?" She laughed, turning her attention back to the show.

Angel smiled at her and watched Faith more than the show, {Be nice to her Angelus, she's damaged goods that are finally repairing. She has such potential.}

< Angelus > {As Buffy would say, *what* *ever*. I like her just the was she is SoulBoy, don't you go trying to make her another Buffy.}

Angel chuckled softly, {Angelus don't worry *one* Buffy is more than enough, just as *one* Faith is as well. Have fun Angelus.} With the final thought Angel gave back control of the body.

Angelus grinned and with a slow move pulled Faith onto his lap, nuzzling the nape of her neck, "Having fun Faith?"

* Faith grinned. "You know I could actually see the change, from him being guarded... to you." She sighs, snuggling into him. "No sex right now...Muppets. Then Fraggles. We can skip the Smurfs... but that is as far as I'll let it go." She told him, never letting her eyes leave the screen. "Ohh! I love this song. They don't play it enough. So why do they make me cry..."She laughed, fully enjoying herself. "Why didn't you tell me I was Mrs. Evil Bad?!" She asked on the next commercial.

Angelus found himself at a loss for words, "I never thought about it that way, not really." Kissing her neck again he found himself caught up in the strange show on the screen, laughing with Faith, watching her hum and sing along. When the show ended he couldn't help but ask, "Ok, those are Muppets, what are fraggles?"

* Faith just sighed shaking her head forlornly. You've lived nearly what, four hundred years right? Ok... no Muppets, no Fraggles.... I mean... what did you DO in your spare time? The Fraggles are also Jim Henson products. Like Muppets, not as... umm... well, they don't act like they've been smoking grade a crack for WAY too long. They're fun loving, song singing, creatures who live in the rock, below the work shop." He was staring at her. Lost writing all over his face. Rolling her eyes, she sat up, Indian style. "Just watch." Then broke out in song with the theme song, clapping in perfect sync with the buggy eyed puppets. "Down in Fraggle Rock *clap* *clap* Down in Fraggle Rock." She was bouncing again, looking very young, and unguarded in the over sized shirt, with her smile plastered on her face. She blushed and smiled down at him, kissing his nose, before bounding off to the kitchen to steal the remainder of Buffy's ice cream. "B'll live. Can't watch Muppets and Fraggles with out ice cream. It a rule." She nodded authoritatively.

Angelus watched her with totally bemusement. This tough as nails slayer, never show a weakness, who was bouncing around his bed singing along with a show about furry mythical things and looking happier than either he or Angel had ever seen her. She was a perplexing creature. Watching her bop to the music and eat ice cream he didn't restrain his chuckles. Carefully waiting for the next break in the show he pulled her back to his lap and started feeding her the ice cream, smiling at her every expression.

* Faith was in heaven. She had Fraggles, Rocky Road, and Angelus... life was going pretty good. Pouting as she downed the last of the ice cream, and then the show ended, she heard the tell tail "Fa-la-lalala Fala-lala..." of the Smurfs theme, and sighed. Shutting off the TV. Muppets and Fraggles were enough for one day. He'd have to deal with Smurfs, Jem, and Thunder Cats tomorrow... suddenly her whole face fell. Kissing him hard, she willed away the sadness she felt realising he'd be here, with Buffy tomorrow... or Angel would be here with Buffy tomorrow, and Angelus would be gone. "So.." Hiding her slight sadness she plastered a grin to her face. "What shall we do...I'm not going through the sewers, and I need to go change before we can shop, dusk isn't for... three more hours." Her voice fell to a whisper, as she looked up into his eyes. "What?"

Angelus cupped her chin with his hand and brought her closer for another kiss. "What's wrong baby? When you were watching you were so happy, but not any more." Kisses her softly again he pulled her into his arms and leant against the bed head. "I know this must be strange for you Faith, it is for me, but I need to know what you're thinking. We need to understand what's going on."

* Faith sighed, then plucked at the boxers freeing imaginary fluff balls from them. "I was just thinking that tomorrow you'll be here... or no, He...Angel, will be here with B tomorrow." She nibbles her bottom lip. "Gave me funky feelings. ANYhow... are we gonna talk..." She straddles his waist, while stripping his shirt. "Or are you finally gonna fuck me?" She breathes, nipping his neck. Biting her mark on his skin. Rubbing down, on to his hard leather covered cock, the silk of the boxers, caressing her clit, making her whimper. "I miss you... I miss having you deep inside me... I miss feeling you pound into me... I miss the feel of your cum squirting deep into my cunt." She whispers the admission into his ear, licking the outer lobe. "Fuck me, Baby?"

Angelus chuckled deeply and turning his head, catching her lips in a soft kiss, "What do you want baby?" Flipping them over he ground into her silk covered crotch. "Long and slow, fast and hard?" getting to his knees he undid his leathers and pulled them off watching her with gleaming eyes as she wriggled out of the boxers. Grabbing her hips in a firm grasp he used his hold to slam her down onto his cock. "Tell me Faith." He didn't thrust just ground his hips into hers in slow figure 8.

* Faith, gasped and moaned arching hard into him, as he pulled her into him. "Fuck! Fuck me hard and fast... we can worry about slow and long later...I'm a creature of action... we both are... please... ahhh, yes... fuck me Angelus... make me scream for you..." She whimpered, begging for his special brand of torture. This was divine. She arched again, reangling her hips, hissing as he slid just a little further in.

* Angelust starts thrusting, slowly at first quickly picking up his pace until he was slamming into her tight hot body, walking that thin line between pain and pleasure, slipping first one side and then the other.

* _Faith_ screamed as his thrusting picked up, and she began to thrash that place between pain and pleasure dwindling with every second... "Oh god...Baby! Angel.. please,.. Ohh, shit it hurts... this is worse the first you know how good this feels!?"

* _Faith_ was dieing her body felt as if it were begin attacked, and but gods it was wonderful. "Yes... harder... fuck me Angelus... make me cum, please..ohh, god it hurts Baby!" She was practically singing for him. Her heels clamped tight against it all, as she went wild beneath him.

* Angelust watched her with glee, savouring every sound and move, still pounding into her he leant over her and bit down on her nipple with his blunt human teeth.

* Angelust speed up his strokes, forcing her body to keep pace with him, wrapping her legs around his hips, leaning over her body further and kissing up her neck, nipping her scarred flesh. Then licking his mark, showing his claim, "Cum for me Faith. My Faith."

* _Faith_ arches, his tongue on the mark all it takes to start her barrelling over the edge, his words, forcing the waves of ecstasy to envelop her, dragging her down in their undertow. "Yes... fuck yes... ohhh, annnnAngelus... Ang.... fuck please baby!!! YOU HAVE TO CUM TO!" She's screaming with out realising it, need it complete he has to cum with her. {He has to cum too.} Her mind chants, and her mouth soon fallowing as she is again lost.

* Angelust growls and vamps out, biting over his mark in her flesh. At the first taste of her sweet, powerful blood he cum hard, shooting his cum deepinto her body, growling and snarling.

* _Faith_ feels his canines sink deep into her skin and feels dizzy at the even stronger orgasm approaching! She arches clinging to him, desperate for more, her body screaming for less. She feels every muscle tighten before she passes out, not yet able to take it all. "Angelus..."

Angelus rips his fangs from her neck and howls in pleasure before he joins Faith in sweet unconsciousness. Still buried deep in her body, ecstasy still rippling through him. Slowly he comes too and with muscle of lead manages to roll them over, purring deeply. Watching the woman sprawled on his chest, waiting for her to wake.

* Faith is content to stay sleep all day, and growls slightly when he moves. "No move." She whispers, before she herself stretches the kinks form her body. "How the hell am I supposed to go shopping after that?" She insists, pretending to be angry with him, then peppers his chest with butterfly kisses.

Angelus chuckles at her and with an evil glint thrusts his hips up, pushing his still hard dick deeper, "If you don't wanna shop, I can think of other things to do that are just as amusing, even more so." Watching her stretch he feels a growl building up, "You look like that cat that got the cream baby."

* Faith looks up a Cheshire grin appearing on her face. "Hmmm...cream..." Whimpering she removes herself from Angelus' hard dick. "Good idea..." She murmurs, moving down his body, first kissing his head, then licking him clean of their mingled juices. "No.. no touching any where but my UPPER body... my fun." She warned, stopping for a minute. Then moving to kiss, fondle and lick his balls. Batting her eyes, she looked him in the eye as she slowly took all of his erection into her mouth. Then moved back up, loving the look in his eyes as he watched her give him head.

Angelus let his fingers caress Faith's face softly before threading them through her hair. Smirking down at her he complained, "Wouldn't you rather bring those lushes thighs up here so I can get to play too?" Moaning softly at her antics he struggled to keep his eyes open, wanting to watch her face as she wrapped her lips around him.

Angelus felt his face trying to morph and didn't restrain it, watching Faith with burning gold eyes, "Come up here Faith, I wanna taste you now!!"

* Faith looked up raising an eyebrow. Stopping to speak she continued to stroke him with her hand. "No. Now behave or I'm going to shower... Angel's bathroom." Swiftly she took his whole length back into her warm mouth, nipping the skin here and there, just to torture him.

Angelus snarled at Faith and abruptly sat up, landing a spank on her firm ass before grasping her hips and pulling her around and over his body as he lay back down, "I said I wanted to taste you Faith." He growled again even as he pulled her closer to his mouth and attached his lips to her clit, sucking strongly, enjoying their combined tastes.

* Faith cries out arching her back like a cat, whimpering as he began to suck her clit. "FUCK! You ass... ohh yeah... right there... right... ahhh...yes Baby... yes..." She whimpers a few more minutes, before continuing her ministrations on Angelus' body. Sucking him harder, and deeper into her to her throat as she neared her own climax.

Angelus growls loudly and sucks her clit into his mouth, laving it with his tongue, his hip thrusting up, pushing his aching cock down her throat. One hand came up to her body and without warning he thrust two fingers into her body, pressing against her inner walls and pushing her closer, even as the unbearable heat and wet of her mouth drove him closer to the edge. Adding another finger he pumped them in the rhythm of his thrusting hips.

* Faith sucked harder, her body began to shake and as a smothered moan escaped her lips, Faith scrapped the head of his erection with her teeth. Sucking hard doubling her efforts she whimpered, cumming hard, creaming his face, pumping with her hand she sucked, then took him in the back of her throat, before using her teeth again.

Angelus snarled into her folds at the feel of her teeth on the sensitive head of his erection, while gleefully lapping up every drop if cum her body released. When he felt her teeth scrap again he vamped out and sunk his fanged into the flesh surrounding her clit, sucking strongly. At the taste of her blood and the incredible things her mouth was doing he came strongly, shooting endlessly into the burning heat of her mouth.

* Faith arched, letting his cock go, screaming as another orgasm hit her full force, with his fangs deep in her pussy. "ANGELUS!!!! FUCK! BABY! Please... ohhh hell... Satan fucking take me now...." She's screaming not caring about his cum, shooting all over her breasts, and stomach. " please... fuck I can't take any more...." She felt herself, whimpering, knowing she was reaching her limit, and not wanting to pass out on him again.

Angelus grinned in demonic pleasure and added another finger to the three already stretching her. Removing his fangs he nuzzled deeper into her wet folds and started purring, still shuddering from his own release. He wanted to push her hard, make he want to die before he stopped, he wanted to bring her more pleasure than any other lover ever had.

Angelus let the vibrations from his purr caress her engorged, sensitive clit and let his tongue brush over the tip every so lightly, before lapping around the abused nub of flesh.

* Faith screamed, thrusting down hard on both his fingers and his face, her body wanting more even as it screamed and begged for it to end. "Angelus..please... please... please... please... Angel..." Her chant continued, alternating between his name and please, begging for something... something she didn't know existed. Tears streamed her face as she peaked yet again. Ready to fall she whimpered moving off him, crawling back up the bed to the pillows, crying into them. Her whole body still shuddering, she hugged her pillow to her chest, allowing it to soak up her tears.

Angelus reluctantly stoped when she crawled off his body and spooned behind her, wrapping his body around hers, purring to her whispering soft words in her ear, "Hush baby, shhh it will all be ok." Rocking her slightly, holding her close he stoked her arm softly, a soothing movement, "Shhh baby, please? Don't cry?"

* Faith felt totally spent, but still wide awake and alive. Her shudders were swallowed by Angelus' hulking form. "I... I.... love you..." She sniffled. Her tears weren't for pain, they were a release from her own release. She didn't understand why she couldn't stop now. Turning into him, she sobbed herself to sleep, nuzzling his chest.

* Faith awoke some time later to his soothing purr. Blinking she looked up at his face, he was watching her. "I'm sorry..." she whispered hoarsely, before burying her head into the pillows again, preparing to turn from him.

Angelus spent the entire time she was asleep totally stunned. He had never expected Faith to ever say those words to him. And he was unsure how to respond. Unsure if what he felt for her in return was love or a combination for lust and desire and the need to protect her. He cared about her, he knew that much but love.. Love was almost totally outside his experience.

Angelus held her still shaking form closer to his body and realised he was still purring, still trying to comfort her, {SoulBoy, what do I DO now??}

< Angel > {What not the great Angelus wants advice from his me??}

Angelus could feel Angel laughing at him and he fought the rage it inspired, {Yes I want advice. You knew I had mated with her before. And I don't know what I'm feeling. I want her to stay here, not even in that apartment downstairs. I don't want to upset her, I wanna make her happy. I want to wake up with her and fall asleep with her everyday. Is that all love? I never felt like this before.}

Angelus growled softly at the mental chuckle that Angel sent him in response, but realised he had answered his own question. When faith woke and trued to turn away form him he held her still, "I. I love you Faith."

* Faith gasped when he spoke, shaking her head she stared at him. Quickly moving fro the bed, she began to shake her head again. "N... no... no! Angelus... don't say stupid shit like that. Love is for blind fuckers with nothing better to do with their time then dream about lemon fresh kitchens and white picket fences!" She through on a shirt, and moved to Angel's room, knowing he would fallow her, unless he was totally shocked. Quickly grabbing one of Buffy's short leather minis's that on Faith barely overed her ass, and a red baby t-shirt that said "Devil's Own" on it, in black letters. She slipped on boots, not bothering with underwear or anything else. "I'll see you later Angelus...." She was out the apartment door, and down in the lobby within a matter of seconds. Her only intent making it to her apartment, before Angelus got his shit together and tracked her down. "FUCKING-A Faith... you sure know how to fuck a good thing up! FUCK!!! She was cursing herself, as she made her way toward the part of the city where she kept house.

Angelus didn't follow her for a moment, not realising her plans and by the time he had made it to the main room he was greeted but the sound of the door slamming. Glancing at the window he cursed when he realised he couldn't follow. Pulling on clothes hurriedly needed their protesting in the light hallway he was in the basement and then the sewers within 5 minuets of her leaving.

Angelus let Angel navigate through the sewers while he stewed over what had happened. {Fucking hell, bloody fucking hell!!!!!! Damn it all to hell}Reaching the sewer access under the rattrap faith was currently calling home he let himself into the basement and worked his to faith's door, to see her turning the corridor, approaching him.

* Faith rounded the corner, glaring at the balding man next to her, with his hand firmly clamped on her ass. Faith stopped short, seeing Angelus' at her door. "FUCK! Go away Angelus." She demanded, staying 5 feet from her vampiric mate. "I said I'd see you later... just go away and I'll leave you a letter before I skip town." She growled, moving to leave again, when the balding man grabbed at her arm, missing and grabbing her breast. "Damn it! Fucking dick!" Pushing him into the wall, Faith moved, unlocking her door. "YOU are not invited!" She insisted shutting the door, but not locking it. Going to her bedroom, she searched out the silk shirt he'd left their first night together, stripping she slipped it on and curled up under her covers.

Angelus took a moment to flatten the male that had been groping his mate with one fast punch, "If you ever touch her again I will rip off your cock and feed it to you, understood?" At the terrified whimper he opened Faith's door and walked in, watching her curl up under the covers of her bed. Moving over to her he absently licked the blood off his hand before sliding onto the bed behind her and gathering her in his arm, holding her tightly, "Want to explain to me why you freaked?"

* Faith fought to free herself from his arms. "Please... let me go! You can't love me... now let me go. Angelus.... you fucking own me as it is...don't ask for something i don't have! Something I can't say or give." She was screaming, angry at him. Since when did demons start to love? The great exceptions were taken, he was Angelus... Scourge of Europe... he couldn't love. Not her. Not any one. She was Faith, hardened Slayer. Killer of vampire, demon and man alike. "I'm not moving." She finally said, her voice controlled. "You know where to find me, when he... they.... when you are let out." She stilled frozen and stiff in his arms. "Now, go away."

Angelus held he fast, not letting her escape from his grasp, "I'm not asking for anything you can't give Faith. Right now all I'm asking is that you moving into the apartment. I know you can't like living here, it's horrible. I won't go away though, I won't leave you alone. I don't say things I don't mean Faith. And if I own you baby, you own me right back." Dropping a kiss on her neck he held her closer, "Now. why won't you move into the apartment?"

* Faith sighed, "I can't move in... we've had this discussion. I need my space, I couldn't stomach waking up to B fucking your body! I can't begin to deal with B... the shit i did to her... Angelus... the shit i did to Angel. He forgave me... and he would kill me... I'm a terrible house guest... look at my place... I haven't dusted since shit the first of the month... three weeks ago... my laundry is over a week old... I'm really... Please don't ask me to do this, Angelus. You know you own me... this whole mating thing... it's just... god, this is happening so fast. I... why did you say... what you said earlier? You didn't have to..." She babbled, trying to keep just one thought strait but nothing was working, she even used her rather spotless apartment as an excuse. "Angelus... are you sure this is such a good idea?" She turned in his arms, gripping his shirt, unconsciously opening it, to nuzzle and touch his chest. "I don't know why I feel like this... I never stay with one guy to long... what if the novelty wears off? And I'd castrate you if YOU ever fucked B!!!" She continued her lips now kissing his pecs.

Angelus sighed and pulled Faith up to met his eyes, "Stop, now is really not the time for this baby. Ok, you won't move in with us. Will you move into the apartment I got? And as for castrating me if I fuck Buffy. Once you and Angel come to your own arrangement that won't be a problem. And this mark." He ran his fingers over his mark on her skin, "Will never fade, there is not  novelty to this, it is permanent." He dropped a kiss on her forehead and smiled at her, "I don't know if this is a good idea or not. And I am sure we have a lot of things that we are gonna have to work out. And I said it because I feel it. I may be a vampire but I do feel things. It's one of the perks in being a childe, not a minion." Kissing her lips again he rolled onto his back and looked up a the ceiling shrugging slightly, "This is new to me too Faith."

* Faith shook her head sighing, "No... people like me... people like YOU and ME... we don't love. A good fuck is cool... a great fuck is better. Hell, I'm even all for the you and me as some sort of twisted couple... but the L-word... that's a whole other ball game. One I'm not fully ready for... one I don't want to play in at all." She sighed, rolling away from him again. She found she could only stay away for a few seconds, before rolling back and kissing his chest again, something made her need to touch him, when he was close. She shuddered as his fingers grazed her mark again. "Your body can do what it wants in Angel's possession. I can honestly say if Buffy was like my better half, living in my body I wouldn't give a fuck if YOU fucked her either. But tell me exactly what you think of me going out and fucking ANOTHER body?" She questioned looking up at him. Then raised an eyebrow. "Or... did you like it, when I got off on that other vamp?"

Angelus found himself surprised by her question, "Did I like watching you? Yes, but knowing you were doing it when I wasn't there? That I wouldn't like, not at all." He started stroking her neck softly, thinking about the odd situation they were in. "I would hate knowing your were fucking someone when you were away from me. From us I guess. And Faith you used the dreaded L-word before I did. I won't say it again if you want, if it freaks you too much, but I won't pretend that I don't feel what I do." Pulling her against his side he nuzzled her neck, licking his mark on her skin, "So what do you wanna take to your new place?"

* Faith growled, "You have hearing problems? I can tell...." She shook her head, allowing him better access to her neck. "I wouldn't say that... I can't even form the words... not and mean them... not consciously any way." She shrugged. "I will stay right here! Thank you." She whimpered as his blunt teeth gripped her neck. "Angelus... I can't stay this close... that close... do you know how hard it is to stay away from you? To walk away from you?" She whispered her fingers threading through his hair.

Angelus bit down on the scared flesh between his teeth and growled at the idea of her walking away, "Why do you need to stay away baby? I don't want to stay away and I don't want you staying away form me, so why do you want to? And you are not staying in this rat trap with ass holes like that one I just decked." Going back to nibbling on her neck he whispered into her ear, "I want to know you are close to me and that you are in a place you like. One that makes you happy. One that I can get to without resorting to the sewers"

* Faith smiled when he informed her he'd decked the landlord. Moaning she gave him small kisses on the skin of his shoulder. "I need distance. If I know you're that close, that accessible... I'd never be able to leave you alone. I've taken so much from B. She deserves a chance with Angel. To hear them going at it right above me. If he's anything like you in bed... and B... is still B... I'm surprised the neighbours haven't complained." She moaned, as his teeth suck into her flesh, not breaking it again. "Stop fucking teasing, " She gasped. "I'm fine... happiness is... over rated. This place isn't that bad...." She arched into his mouth.

Angelus snarled, "I'm not leaving you living here Faith. And your happiness is very important. And this place IS that bad. It maybe comes worse, but not by much. I don't like the idea of you being here, you deserve more than this. And you aren't taking anything from Buff. I'm not hers and never had been." Still nibbling at her neck he purred into her ear, "Come on Faith, the apartment has a hot tub and everything. I imagine how good that will feel after a hard night of hunting and fucking."

* Faith whimpered as the images flashed in her mind's eye. "Angelus..." She exhaled the name, needing something more from him. "I want to be close to you... with you... but being that close... I could feel you right up there... or you in him... and I'd want you... I'm not a very controlled person, baby." She tried to make her thoughts gel together, she was really having a hard time. She moaned, "And if I fucked Angel... B would really hate me... and who's to say you wouldn't really be the one pushing for it? I know you see everything he does." She whimpered. "I'm so confused... I do want you... to be with you...."

Angelus howled internally when Angel shoved him aside and took control over the body.

Angel sat up and looked at Faith, "Don't you think this is something you and I should talk about? Instead of you and him?" Pulling the reluctant brunet into his lap he held her and spoke softly to her, "Buffy Angelus and I have an arrangement, one that you could easily be added to. I may be the one mated to Buffy and him to you but it's not that simple in this case. Buffy and Angelus have a bond too as you and I will develop. I can promise that when Buffy isn't around I will let Angelus out when you want him, or he you. Except when we are working of course. When Buffy is around? Well, I know you swing both ways."

Angel chuckled at her expression and dropped a kiss on her lips, "It will work out Faith. You don't need to deny yourself contact with Angelus because you think you are taking anything from Buffy and me ok?"

* Faith took a minute, then struggled from his lap, standing on the bed she glared down the slugged Angelus. "You bastard! I would NEVER touch B like that!" She jumps off the bed needing to distance them, before she pummels her lover's body. "I don't WANT to sleep with you... and I would go nuts listening to you and B, right above me... knowing damn good and well it could very easily be MY Angelus." She's pacing the floor, glancing up to be sure he's keeping his distance. "How the FUCK do you know anything about whom and what I fuck any how!?" She glares at him, her hands falling to her hips.

* Faith was totally on edge. "Bonded or not... I don't have to like them sleeping together... and you know exactly how I feel about what I've done to Buffy... she shouldn't have to even know I'm still alive... let alone share the body of... and probably her lover with me!" Faith's finger ran through her curls. "Being with Angelus scares me... I see the difference between him and you... and it's the only thing keeping me from touching every inch of exposed skin! If you were him... I'm not sure what I'd do... the distance helps me control that. Being that close... but not close enough... would just... shit... I'd go nuts and start talking to dolls or some weird shit!!!" Faith through her hands up. "I need a fucking joint!" She moved towards the kitchen.

Angel catches her before she leaves the room and pushes her away from the door carefully closes and leans on it to prevent her leaving. "First thing. I gathered that you like girls because of a comment you made to Angelus, we both assumed it." Pulling her back into his arms unconsciously, he started stroking her back, purring. "You don't need drugs Faith, believe me they won't help. Now you and me? You don't have to sleep with me Faith, but if Angelus and Buffy are any indication you will find you want to spend time with me. Maybe working together will satisfy that particular itch. I don't know, this whole situation is new to me as well. I thought he and Buffy would eventually."

Angel caught her chin and tilted her face up, "I like the fact you and he are mated how ever more complicated it makes my life Faith. I think the two of you will be happy and that's something I think you deserve, even if it's with a demon. But you will have to deal with the fact you are now bonded to both him and Buffy and I until. Well I don't know for how long, normally Buffy would have been turned by now.." He trailed off, lost for a moment in his own thoughts, "I admire that you are trying to start over Faith. And I know just how hard that is, but I also know you will never truly move on until you face the people you hurt and find forgiveness."

* Faith looked up, hugging Angelus' shirt tightly to her body. "How do we do this. I still can't live below you. I can't KNOW you... he... with Buffy... that he could be that close and out of reach. I'm trying to explain that it would drive me crazy!" She growls tugging on her hair, with both fists full. "This was SUCH a bad idea. I should have told him to get bent, that night at the club... then I invited him in! I swear I was hoping he'd kill me. Hefucking drank form me... grrr... god!" She just kept getting more and more frustrated. "I wanna fuck now. So either bring him back or get naked!" She looked up wide eyed, and growled again. "I did NOT just say that! OK.. I need a joint and a drink!" Exhaling heavily. "I'll feel sorry later." She amended, stripping. She walked toward Angel, only to move around him, and out the door, this time going into the bathroom. "Cold shower. I'm taking a cold shower now. Go away." She glared, slamming the door. Glaring at thehandle with no lock. "Go away!" She called again for emphasis.

Angel followed her into the bathroom, stripping his clothes, talking with Angelus the whole time, {Well, what not Angelus? You want control again or are you gonna let her just deal with me?}

< Angelus > {Fuck you Hair Ball. You took over I didn't give control. Let me back out or I swear the next time Buffy's in town I will vamp her.}

Angel gave a mental shrug and relaxed his hold over the body, wincing at the almost violent way Angelus forced him out of control.

Angelus stood just inside the door and looked at Faith, "Baby?"

* Faith turned glaring at him. Seeing instantly him, was Angelus. She socked him again. "You bastard! Don't you EVER fucking do that to me again! I was NOT prepared to deal with Angel. Do you understand me?" She was so angry she knew her breathing was heavy and only partly in anger, her eyes were black, and she could literally smell her own arousal. "This will never work. No one can win here. Why can't we just fuck? There is NO need for any relationship at all. I can't believe I was ok with this at one time." She turned the cold water on, moving under the shower stream. Soon her lips were blue from the cold. Sighing she leaned against the wall, staring at Angelus. "Say you don't love me." She insisted... almost pleading. "Just say it, please." She slid down the wall, glaring again. "I'll go back with you. I'll live below you... with you. Whatever you want.... Just say you don't love me." She sighed, wondering if he wanted to touch her half as much as she wanted to touch him. Her fingers itched for just the slightest feel of his skin. "I need to touch you." She swallowed hard, looking up her eyes still that dark angry shade of black.

Angelus scowled at her and snarled in response, "I didn't do that to you baby. HairBall took control. I promised that you wouldn't have to deal with either of them until you were ready and I meant it. Normally he respects that but he overpowered me." Closing the distance between then he pulled her into his arms and sighed in relief even as he reached out to turn the warm water on. "I'm not gonna lie to you Faith. And I'm not in the habit of reacting well to being hit. If you have such a problem with me fucking Buffy, I won't ok? She and I will just have to deal some other way. Fucking her is not as important to me as having you is. You are my MATE that is much more than just fucking. I want you with me. I want to wake up with you every morning I can. I want you to be close to me so when Buffy visits and I can't see you I know that you are close and when she goes I can reach you without climbing through the sewers. I won't lie to you Faith."

* Faith sighed in relief the minute his arms were around her. "If I were you I'd get used to it." She scoffed. "I see the both of us having to learn to take hits... I take as good as I give. And I'm not holding back with you... no matter what." She moved her mouth drawn to his nipples, sucking and licking at them. "It can't be like that... you can't stop being with Buffy cause of me... that just means I'm taking from her... again. I can't dothat. Do you ever listen to me?" She asked, moving to the other nipple, her nails scarping the back of his neck leaving tiny bloody claw marks. "I guess I don't have to like it... I just have to accept it... but it doesn't mean I have to live with it." She moves up sucking his neck, her breathing becoming ragged again. "I want something... I don't know what I want though. I have no BLOODY FUCKING IDEA, any more." She screamed, hugging him to her "Angelus... you'd be too close. I could feel you above me... I'd die wanting you." She whispered. "When your that close... I can't stop myself from wanting you." Looking down as if ashamed she admitted. "It takes all my will power and strength not to want Angel..."

Angelus frowned at her slightly, "Why are you trying to baby? It's not like we haven't talked with Buffy about the possibility of you and Angel... She that although it was weird, she would cope with it, cause no matter what, Angel would always be her Mate and I would always yours. The two of you have a lot of things to work out, but she's not insecure about her and Angel's relationship as much any more, and I think you will find out that things are better with her because of that." Arching his back into her caresses he shakes his head, trying to clear it of the lust she raises in him so easily. "Baby, stop that? Cause we really need to TALK!" Taking hold of her hands he pinned them over her head, leaning onto her, against the wall. "It doesn't hurt me that you want Angel. He is after all a part of me, and it is the same body." Looking at her face he had to lean down for a long kiss, grinning at the resulting moan.

* Faith felt herself become fully aroused as she was pressed against the wall, held by him. Moaning as he kissed away her breath. "So.. talk.. already... cause I think I'm gonna cum from looking at you...." Her mind catching up with her mouth she growled at him wide eyed. "See! It's like a completely other thing! Like something inside me that wants you so bad it's almost painful." She whimpered again, as the water hit her clit, twisting at just the right angle, the spray beating on it, just hard enough to tease. "I want to be with you... I wanted to be with you... before I knew we were bonded. I was tempted to hunt Angel down, and beat you out of him." She looked up her eyes pleading. "I'd be too close.... How can you have me that close and not want me?" She wondered, asking him her biggest fear reversed.

Angelus groaned and ground his body into hers, snarling as his aching cock brushed her wet skin. "Does this feel like I don't want you baby? I've been like this since I walked into the apartment. Even when SoulBoy had control. You are a beautiful, desirable woman, and you happen to be my woman. How could I not want you baby? Of the two of us, you have been fighting against this. I haven't. I watched Angel do it for months and I don't wanna go through that again. I can accept you find this scary baby. But I'm not willing to let you slip away. I want you to live with me baby. I want to wake up with you. If needs be, in your apartment, but I would like." his eyes became unseeing as his voice drifted off, {A home with you.}

* Faith groaned felling hi rub against her, her head falling back, exposing her neck her eyes closed. She whimpered, as he spoke, not sure what, if anything to say. Looking up she gasped. She knew exactly what he wasn't saying. "If I live with you... I stay with some one else during B's time here.... Maybe Angel's old place." She arched into him. "Please, Angelus." She whimpered, as he obstructed the water from hitting her clit. She looked up again, gasping, needing more. "Besides... you said yourself, Angel fights it too..." She nods to herself. "I'll live with you... I couldn't stand being that close, but just far enough out of reach to drive me insane." Angelus bends his knees slightly and with a sigh slid himself into her body. Holding her totally still he rock softly against her. "Angel fought against his and Buffy's mating. Not ours baby. We haven't been mated for months, although I have trouble remembering a time when we weren't." Leaning down he kisses her, still moving ever so gently. "What ever makes you comfortable baby. Whatever makes you happy." Chucking softly he keep moving ever so slowly, "Still wanna shop baby?"

* Faith gasps, groaning she arches into him whimpering. "This is a bad idea... I should leave you..." She moans as he moves slightly. "Angelus...please.. please fuck me harder." Trying to rescue her hands from his grip she whimpers. "I want you so bad. I even hurt from thoughts of being away from you." She squeezing him hard inside her. She kisses sucking on his neck, then biting hard on his neck. "You'll be tired of me in a week..." she promises, leaning back, arching gripping him hard and thrusting her nipples towards him. < Angelus > "And just how and I meant to prove that I want you Faith? I have marked you, you have marked me. I have spent the last several hours trying to convince you to stay with me. I don't know how to prove it to you except to show you, day after day. for as long as it takes that I want you beside me. Tell me what else I can do, and I will." Pressing closer to her he kissed her softly, tenderly before looking down at her holding his unneeded breath, waiting for her reply.Angelus chuckles and keeps moving slowly retaliating to the bite by biting down on her nipple, "If I do get sick of you, I'll tell you ok? Just have to make sure you don't play with SoulBoy's hair stuff." Still chuckling he bit down harder, still moving painfully slowly, barely restraining himself. Coaxing her ley around his hips he started driving hard into her body, slamming her into the wall of the shower, "Better baby?"

* Faith gasped arching hard, nodding rappidly, she rips her wrists from his grasp. "Please...." She scratches down his chest. "Harder Angelus... I'll use his gell for proformance art if you don't fuck me... Ahhhh.... so good... ohh fuck.... yes, baby please." He was slamming into her harder now. Enjoying every minute of it. Getting daring she perposly swiped her claws across his cheek, licking the blood. "I'm gonna wear you out cow boy...." She whispered, her breath catching as she spoke. "You won't last two weeks with me in your bed.

Angelus laughed at her, "Wanna make a bet on that wild cat? Think you can wear the *old* *man* *out*." With each word he thrust harder. Grinning wildly he pound into her, showing his satisfaction in her agreeing to live with him, "My FAITH." Snarling he caught her in a long, plundering kiss. Morph mid way, his fangs cutting her lip, trickling her blood into his mouth, he kept thrusting harder until he felt himself hitting her cervix.Pulling away finally to let her breathe he bit his way down her neck to his mark and licked over it, "MINE."

* Faith shuttered, at his words, crying out as he fucked her hard. Whimpering during the kiss, she continued to scratch his body up with her nails. "Yes... yess.... ohhh Baby...hmmm... harder... right there... ohhh gods.. I'm cumming Angelus... I'm... ohh fuck! YES!!!" She screamed baring her neck to his fangs. "BIT ME!!! BITE ME NOW, DAMN YOU!.... PLEASE... cum with me... please...." She begged continuing to arching and grip him her orgasm rocking her body.

Angelus licked over his mark and with one more growled out "Mine." Slid his fangs into her skin. Cutting the scared flesh instantly, filling his mouth with her powerful blood and sending him into his own convulsions. Thrusting one last time, burring himself as deep as possible he came in wrenching heaves. His whole body centred one the feel of her tight wet heat draining him of every drop of his cold cum, bathing her insides. Ripping his fangs out of her neck he howled.

* Faith screamed his name as she came again, his fangs deeply embeded in the scar on her neck. Whimpering as she felt him bath her insides with the soothing feel of his cold seed. Her nails raked hard, this time down his shoulders, causing small racing stripes down to his elbows. When he howled she whimpered, moving to plaster herself against him. Something deep with in her, causeing her not to fight his claim, to accept it and him, she didn't bite back as an equal. She accepted his dominance. Unaware of what she may have just done, Faith cuddled into him, her tongue licking at the mark she made, kissing it, she sighed her fingers were running soothingly through his hair. Then a single digit moved down to caress the ridges still on his face. "Mine." She whispered into his neck.

Angelus purred and nodded, "Yes baby, yours." He was surprised that she hadn't bitten him back, but he knew she wouldn't understand the significance of the act. Nuzzling her fingers he kept purring as he chucking her to his chest, turning off the water and grabbing a towel, walking into the bedroom, still quite attached to his lover and fell onto the bed, hearing his creek alarmingly under their combined weight, "Baby?" Morphing back to his human guise he kisses her finger still on his face and stroked her back.

* Faith watched his face transform back into its human guise, pouting when the ridges were gone. She'd allowed him to pick her up carrying her to her room and into bed. She was lost in thought. She'd actually agreed to live with him. It had taken forever to come to the decision. One she had made in seconds. To her surprise he seemed as if he really wanted her there, too. Angel... she wasn't sure about Angel any more. She had this whole image of the soulfilled version of her demonic lover, and it was now fully washed to hell. She'd seen how he had looked at her. She'd been in his lap, and felt his reactions to her. When he called her, she snatched her hand away as if burned, looking up at him almost scared. "Yes?" the question was whispered.

Angelus sighed when her hand darted away, "Where were you just then baby? What are you thinking about?" Taking her hand he brought it back up to his face and nuzzled it, chuckling softly, "You smell so sweet baby."

* Faith quirked her head. "S'not what I thought you were going to say." Leaning up she kissed him. "I was thinking. I agreed to move in with you." She murmered, as if telling him something he didn't know. "I smell like you and sex." She grinned, "Guess I should get used to that, hu?" She asked with an almost child like fear hidden in her eyes. "So you'll call me when B, leaves right?" She asked, her fingers lightly tracing the cuts in his arms, then the ones on his face. "B's gonne freak over these..." she whispered more to herself then anyone else.

< Angelus > "How about once Angel and she 'catch' up you come over and we all talk?" Nuzzling her hand again he waits for the explosion at the idea. "I think it will help if you talk with Buffy, I think you will find she understands this. It's something you can talk about? Something you need to talk about I guess. Don't females need female friends?" Puller her up his body slightly he kisses her lips, "It's just and idea... I won't try and make you talk with her baby."

* Faith nodded, "I can try... I can't promise I can make myself come over

there... and I have to pack everything... I could be busy... very, very...busy for a long while., ya know?" She was getting nervous again. "And... and... B and I have never been 'friends'... she and I were close... but that lasted less time then the attention span of a nat." She smiled, sadly, starting at the wall.

Angelus nods slowly, "What ever makes you comfortable baby. But you do realise you will have to talk with her sometime." Kissing her again, before tucking her head under his chin he purred, trying to sooth her rising tension, "Relax baby. You won't have to anything until you are ready, ok?"

* Faith smiled snuggling into him, her fingers still caressing and reopening the small incisions made by her nails. "So... umm... living with you... means I have to sleep in your bed, hu?" She wondered. "Where will we put my cloths?"

Angelus chuckled, "Sleeping in my bed is a bad thing? And you can have a dresser of your own. When we develop to many clothes we can just move." Purring still softly he caught her hands and brought them to his mouth, licking his blood off her finger tips, "You scratch more than a cat baby. I like it." Kissing her fingers and hands now he asked, "Shopping now baby? Or are we gonna stay in bed? Or move you in before Buff get to town?"

* Faith's eyes widened. "We'll move me in... seeing as I'm not redecorating any more... I don't think shopping is in order....." She looked up at him and flashed a smile. "Right now..." Tugging her hands she moved up giving him a kiss. "Then we can stay in bed... and I'll find something to do for the next few nights..." She starting thinking of the things she could plan. "I'll stay down stairs... or maybe at a motel... I can slay and maybe I'llgo dancing or something..." she smiled, stretching again. "We have to get up so I can pack what little here is mine." She kissed him again. "No sex... till we move me in." She demanded.

Angelus snarled at her before getting off the bed and pulling her with him. Catching her in another longer kiss before getting up and searching for his clothes and pulling on his leathers. Looking around he spied a suitcase and pulling in onto the bed smiled at her and sat back down, "What's yours baby?"

* Faith gasped at the snarl, moaned into the kiss and stood stunned as he dressed and found her suitcases. Dressing herself, in a pair of tiny black cut offs and Kermit baby-t, she found a pony tail holder pulling her hair up. "Everything in the drawers... and hanging in the closet. DON'T go in the night stand drawers... slaying stuff is kept there... and stuff in the top one... you should never see." She warned, moving to the kitchen, grabbing the wood serving as a tabletop, and taking the crates that served as its legs to pack the kitchen, bathroom and living room up. Starting with the bathroom.

* Faith packed her hair stuff, and make up, as well as her few skin care products. In the living room, she had very little, her Kermit and piggy dolls, a few throw pillows, and some x-rated nick knacks. The kitchen used up the other crate. Both packed she went in to see if Angelus had made any progress. It was getting late, they could leave soon. She found the closet open and empty as well as the dresser top and drawers. "You packed my make up?" She raised an eyebrow seeing him hunched over the bedside table. "Didn't I SAY stay out!!!" She moved to it, slamming the top drawer shut. "Not for you." She growled, crossing her arms.

Angelus looking up at her with a twinkle in his eyes before pulling her into his arms and kissing her soundly. "Baby? You wanna explain that draw to me? Cause otherwise my mind will be forced to come up with it's own ides and then. well you might not like that. Then again you might?"

* Faith returned the kiss, and smiled innocently. "Drawer? What drawer?" She shook her head, pouting cutely. "There was NOTHING in the drawer. Nope... not a thing, why? What did you think you saw?" She wondered, her mind more worried he had found her small spiral, where she kept all her close encounters of the sexual kind... and any feelings she had about anything, including drawings and the like, randomness from her mind. But it wasn't a diary... only girlie chicks like Buffy kept diaries. "I still don't knowwhat your talking about, Angelus..." She tried to push him away from the night stand.

Angelus didn't let her divert him and kept looking at her steadily "How about the hands cuffs baby? And I know I saw wicked looking nipple clamps in there. What other games have you been hiding from me lover?" Pulling open the draw again he pulled out a leather corset with a leer, "I like this baby. You need to show me this side more often. So tell me baby, who have you been playing these games with?"

* Faith gasped, blushing as she squeals! Reaching out she grabs the corset. "ANGELUS!!!" Tossing it back in the drawer, and leaning against it. "Angelus... those are... umm... not mine?" She looks to the floor. "It's stuff.... umm... ya know... just stuff, I found... and was um... there..." She swallowed. "Me use them? On people?" She gets a wicked idea. "Toys for Xander..." She jumps up running out the room, hearing him hot on her tail.

Angelus followed her out of the room only a few steps behind her, catching her quickly he pushes her up against the wall and started tickling her mercilessly. "Xander? You wanna fuck Xander? And you just *found* them baby? I really don't like it when you lie to me baby." Still tickling her he grinned, "Now tell your mate the truth Faith, who have you been playing with?"

* Faith choked squealing, and laughing. "Stop!! PLEASE!!! Mercy! I give!!! UNCLE!!! Whatever!!! STOP PLEASE!!!" She giggled until he stopped. "I've ALREADY slept with Xander.. Remember? Safety words?" She laughed at the look on his face. "When Angel had me chained up?" She shrugged, walking back to the room, dumping the drawer into the crate having bathroom stuff. The drawer filled with slaying gear went into a gym bag, that was under the bed. "You gonna go get your car?" she wondered. The sun had set and was now dark outside. Silently she hoped he didn't notice her avoidance of his question.

< Angelus > "I had forgotten about that baby. Very carefully." Stalking her across the room he cornered her and ran his finger lightly over her ribs, "Now, answer my question and I'll go get *my* car and we will move you into my place and I will then fuck you in the shower I think. But FIRST. Who have you been playing these games with baby? And when are you gonna dress up in leather for me?"

* Faith made a muffled sound, her head falling revealing her nape to him. She whimpered slightly. "You and the shower..." She mumbled. "It depended on who I brought home..." She shrugged, silently wondering if he'd be terribly upset to know she'd been doming practically every man who neared her bed. "Maybe... I'll wear leather for you if your a really good boy." she whispered turning to him her eyes black again this time twinkling, in something akin to mischief and lust.

Angelus eyed her carefully before her look and choice of word clued him in, "You've been playing Mistress have you baby? Playing at being a Dom huh? I am not a sub baby. Not ever. does nothing for me. However I can't wait to see you in leather. I'll take you dancing baby, at this little club I like, believe me you will too." Kissing her again he grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the door. "Let's grab my car, get you something to eat and then we can pick up your stuff and take it home ok lover?"

* Faith raised an eyebrow, and shruged. "Ok... I don't call it playing, but whatever." She smiled cruely. "Angelus.... *baby* everyone has an innersub... you just have to find it." She kissed his cheak before grabbing her keys, locking the door and starting down the hallway. "I'm really not all that hungry." She called back over her shoulder.

Angelus caught Faith's hand and pulled her around to look at him, catching her eye and holding it, "Faith I have been fucking for over 240 years, trust me, being submissive does nothing for me. Pain can be arousing but being submissive, tied up all those things, nothing."

* Faith rubbed against him suggestively. "Well see, Baby... we'll see." She smiled turning. "So get your car, and get my stuff... then... what shall we do?" Looking over at him she grinned wolfishly. "I don't think I want to fuck you any more.... Least not right now." She shrugged as they made their way to the street. "Wait... why don't we just get a taxi... and go to your place? Saves us a trip." She watched the yellow car zoom by them. "It would be kinda smart..."

Angelus snorted, "Don't ever try it lover, you really won't like the reaction. You however do need to eat. A bowl of ice cream isn't enough, I may not have been human for a while, well except for that day than never really happened, but I do remember you need to eat more than that. We don't want you to lose those lush curves, we like them. a lot. Do you wanna take you stuff home first and then go eat?"

* Faith quirked her eye brow then frowned in confusion. "UH-hu..." She nodded. Moving back to her apartment, the best she could understand they were gonna move her in now, and then something about eating people that never happened. Shrugging she jugged back up the stairs. "Ohhh... and one more thing. STOP talking like your the Queen of England... "We this," and "We that..." You are not a we... you are a me. Got it?" She choose to carry the suit cases, leaving the crates to him. "Coming Lover?" She asked, perpsely adding her hips further into her walk.

Angelus watched her walk while trying to understand what she had said, not having realised that he had been speaking for both himself and Angel and therefore saying we instead of I. Grabbing the two crates he followed her down the stairs and out of the building, putting the boxes down on the curb and hailing a Taxi. Minds snapping back into focus he turned to her and grinned, "I meant we baby. I was speaking for both myself and SoulBoy." Helping her load the Taxi they were on their was quickly.

* Faith let him load the taxi's trunk and scooted next to him, when he joined her in the back of the car. Angelus gave his address and Faith looked up at him. "Well, don't. "WE" don't need to worry so much about my curves. They definitely aren't going any where..." She grinned at him, "I think it comes with my job and all... the work out is great. And trust me... I eat. I eat a lot. Angel never had to sit down at a table with me did he?" She laughed. As his words caught up with her, Faith looked up slightly shocked, possibly disturbed. "Angel likes my curves?!"

Angelus chuckled wickedly, "What's not to like?" reaching out he pulled her closer and curved one hand around her breast, weight it in his hand. Brushing his thumb teasingly over her nipple until it had formed a tight bud before pinching it lightly. Dragging his hand down over her body. Cupping her hips and then her ass, rubbing the flesh beneath his fingers, smirking, "Really, tell me, what's not to love?"

* Fath bites back a moan, letting it escape when she see's the driver watching, pressing into the fingers, she flashes the driver a wicked grin, before, straddling Angelus' lap, grinding down into him. Grabbing his head, she presses a kiss to his lips, her tongue demanding entranc eto his mouth, tiny moans coming from the back of her throat. Taking things just a step further she undoes the scrap of lace and silk of a bra, flinging it to the

floor board, lifting her shirt and pressing Angelus' face to the flesh. "Hmmm... suck baby... please...." She whimpered, playing the part of a desperate nympho, something she wasn't far from being.

Angelus's chuckle was muffled by the delicious mounds of flesh his face was pressed to. Licking a path to her nipple he took it into his mouth and sucks gently, hand coming up to roll and pinch her other nipple. Growling contently he increased the force of his sucking and groaned as she moved on his lap, grinding his rock hard erection up against her body. Bitting lightly her started moving from breast to breast. Coving both with small nips.

* Faith whimpered, soaking strait through her denim shorts in a matter of seconds. Panting she tugged the button andzipper of her shorts, her hand slipping down to rub her clit. Her head fell back, as the other hand pressed Angelus further into her breasts. "Ohh..." She gasped, silently noting the driver had just taken a wrong turn on the long way to Angelus' apartment. A smile played at her lips, before she moaned again, his teeth biting at her nipple. "More..." She whispered.

Angelus found himself unable to keep from laughing. The cabby's face was reflected in the window and he was obviously trying hard not to crash the car. He also only had one hand on the wheel. Turning his attention back to the moaning body in his lap. Bitting harder on her hard nipples he vamped out and lightly scraped her surrounding aurora with a razor sharp fang. Pulling back to watch the blood seep slowly to the surface he whispered to her loudly enough for the driver to hear, "Cum for me Faith." Leaning back down he lapped up the blood already on her skin before sinking his fangs shallowly into her nipple and sucking.

* Faith spasmed in his lap as his fangs entered the skin. "Oh fuck!" She scram out, gripping him tight to her, her fingers working her clit as she road out the orgasm. "Yes... fuck.. uhhh.... uhhh... Angelus.... ohh fuck..." She whimpered, biting her lip to keep from screaming again, causing it to bleed.

Angelus purred softly and retracting his fangs licked the cuts closed before sitting up and pulling her face down to his, lapping at her lip before kissing her softly, feeling her relax in his arms by degrees. "Baby?" looking out his window her raised that they were out front of his building, "We're home, do you wanna grab your bra?"

* Faith looked up slightly dazed. She wanted to just enjoy the feel of being in his arms, under the purr of a nice running motor. She pouted slightly, and pulled her top down looking at the black garment on the floor. "Naw... I really don't like that one any way... and I lost the matching undies, left them at some guys apartment." She shrugged, not thinking about what she was saying, in her haze. She got out of the car, stretching high, the top revealing the under side of her breasts, she moaned the kinks out of her body. As Angelus took care of the cabbie, she fingered over one of the doormen. "There's stuff in the trunk. I need it taken to apartment 6-9-6-9, please." She requested, when she turned back, Angelus was beside her. Smiling she bounced up and planted a kiss on his lips. "Bed?" She questioned.

Angelus threw his arms around faith's shoulders and pulled her tight into his body, stating his claim unconsciously, "Food baby, then bed. If you wanna order in we can do food in bed. But you'll need your strength up tonight." Grinning like a feral cat he kept her close to his side, running his fingers over the skin of her neck softly, caressing his mark on her skin, "That's my girl, horny as ever." Walking with her into the apartment he waved her over to the phone, "Menus for the delivery places are under the phone." And disappeared into Angel's room

* Faith rolled her eyes, enjoying the feel of him so close, so publicly. Sighing as he again mentioned her eating she moved to the phone watching him disappear into Angel's room. "Angelus... I though B was supposed to be back tonight?" She questioned, looking over the menus. She quickly ordered two pizza's one plain cheese, the other sausage, mushroom, and onion. "Yes, large... deepdish... OH and bring two two litres of coke, and those cheese bready things." She raised an eyebrow, when they stated the cost was taken care of. Shrugging she hung up. "Angelus?" She walked over standing in the doorway of Angel's room.

Angelus went striate for Angel's desk, grabbing a business card and one of the emergence credit cards and a few other things. Grinning a little he grabbed a handful of the citrus candles Angel had bought and turned to the door. "Yes baby?" Walking over to her he dropped a kiss onto her lips before nudging her back into the main room. Dropping the stuff on the coffee table he grinned at her and pulled his wallet out of his pants, dropping it next to the other things on the table, before sitting down, "Sit down lover, we have some business to talk about before your food gets here"

* Faith flipped her shoes off, and slid the already undone shorts off, moving to her stuff, which had just been brought in. She dug through a suitcase and slipped on a pair of Kermit undies. Turning back she plopped on the sofa, with a groan. "Talk? We HAVE to talk? I thought you said we could have sex now??? I ordered the food!" She made a pout. "Not to mention we only have awhile, then I'm outta here..."

Angelus grinned at her frustrated tone, "Just a small one baby, and Buff won't be here until dawn, so relax!! Firstly," opening his wallet he pulled out a key, "This is for the apartment down stairs. We can go look at it later if you want." Grabbing the key ring from the table with several keys he passed them to her, "The security door in this building, the Key for here and the ones for the office." Passing her the blank credit card, "Sign this, it's my one of my names.. Twenty five thousand limit, if you need more let me." Passing the business card he grinned at her expression, "Bank manager, call him I already told him you would be calling. He will see you up with an account and some cards in your name. Feel free to decorate the other apartment, consider it your space."

* Faith was in shock. "How much money?" She shook her head. "I can't take that... this... I don't... what the hell would I DO with that much money?" She wondered aloud. "Angelus..." She stopped short, a thought striking her. "Umm..." A slightly hurt look came over her face. "Cool." She hardened standing and grabbing her shorts. She walked out the door, her back lance strait. Knowing he was behind her, her voice grew hard. "Other apartment." She took the elevator down stairs, and quickly found the place. Walking in she looked around. The place had heavy black drapes, no furniture except inthe bedroom. Shrugging she moved to the phone, looking at him. "It'll do." She picked it up, asking to have a doorman, move the crates and suitcases, from 6969, too apt. 5959, nodding to the person on the line. "Thanks. Oh and a pizza guy will stop by with two pizza's for the same place, have them delivered here, also. Ok, bye." She turned her hands on her hips. "Anything else?"

< Angelus > "How about what the fuck are you doing? Why are you moving here, when you said you would move in with me?" He was almost is game face, eye's glowing. Talking the phone he called down and cancelled her request, "What's the problem Faith?"

* Faith glared back, she may not be able to shift her face and grow fangs, but if she wanted she knew she could cause him a world of hurt. "I thought this was what you wanted!!" She growled her hands planting them on her hips. "You gave me keys for here. This is my space... this is what all the cash if for... well this an my 'services' right?" She tapped her foot glaring him down. Seeing him start for her, she crossed her arms. "Don't! Touching me would be a BIG bad thing." She growled.

Angelus glared back at her, "Is that what you think? That I'm trying to BUY you? I gave you the keys and said this was your space because I thought seeing how uncomfortable you are around Buffy you would want somewhere you could be to be away from her. Somewhere were you felt free of her and of Angel and I if you need it. I'm trying to be fucking considerate. It don't exactly come naturally you know." Stalking her across the room, having fully morphed he growled, "I want you in my arms ever evening I wake and every morning I sleep. That's what *I* want Faith. YOU!!!"

* Faith didn't back down. Her glare was just as hard, and her reply growled just as hard. "I'm only going to say this once. This will be the LAST time I repeat myself. THIS place, offers me NOTHING! Not one goddamned thing. For one, I KNOW you can break that fucking door down, and two, if I remember correctly... B is just as big a screamer as I am... combine that with slayer hearing, and I may as well stay in your bed for all the fucking peace it will offer me." She shook her head sighing, turning away from him again, moving to sit on a kitchen counter, watching him over the bar separating kitchen and living room.

< _Faith_ > "I told you I can find a place to crash when she's here... Trust me Babe, *I* have no problems finding a bed to sleep in. Why not give these keys to some one who'll get some real use out of them?" She tossed him the keys. "You said I'm what you want... well, it ain't the first time I've heard that." She looks down at her legs, gripping the counter so tight her knuckles are white. "You're gonna have to prove it." The challenge was whispered, choked and hoarse, something she was praying he could do.

Angelus growled at her final words and in two fast moves was across the room and had her over his shoulder, rapidly making his way to his apartment, ignoring the startled looks as he carried the struggling girl up the stairs. Slamming into his room he dropped her onto the bed and pinned her down with his body, waiting for her to stop struggling and hissing in anger at him.

* Faith screamed being treated like a sack of potatoes. "Damn it Angelus!!! Put me the fuck down." She kicked beating on his back with her fists. "You ASS WHOLE!" She was angry, how dare he treat her like this! When he bust through their home, into their room. {Our Room?!?!? When the hell did that happen?} She heard him, and tears caught in her throat, along with her reply. His kiss was so soft, and loving, she thought she'd die from the implications. "Just do what you say you will... no ones ever done that for me. Be what you say you are. It's all I ask." She whispered, scared of her own voice, afraid he'd decide he couldn't be all the wonderful things he promised to be.

Angelus nodded sombrely before leaning down to kiss her softly again. The kiss quickly deepened although it stayed gentle until it's end. Rolling them so she was sprawled on his chest he purred, "My Faith." One hand threading through her hair he pulled her face to his to kiss her again, the kisses quickly growing passionate. They kissed for the longest time before he finally rolled her over and started kissing down her neck, lingering at his bite, nipping and licking her neck. Sitting up to kiss her again he snarled when the door bell rang, "Don't move." He ordered before standing up to answer it. Taking the food from the delivery guy, passing him a tip before kicking the door closed because his hands were full of food. Chuckling softly, "Not hungry huh baby?" he stood in the door and looked at her on their bed.

* Faith felt her stomach growl, and compared it to the throb between her legs. "Please fuck me first! I promise to eat after...." She cooed stripping, kneeling on the bed in nothing but bikini cut Kermit undies. "Don't you wanna hear me scream, Angelus?" She let a pout appear on her face, her hand slipping down playing with her clit, the other pulling on her taunt nipples alternating between the pebbled buds of flesh.

Angelus growled lustfully at the sight before him. Dropping the food on the bed he grabbed her hand, bringing her wet fingers to his mouth to suck clean. "Who said we can't do both?" Pulling the lid off one of the pizzas he ripped a piece off with his fingers, taking a bite he lets own to kiss her and passed the piece onto her mouth, sitting back to watch her chew it happily. Grinning at her, "Sex, food and sex, two of the best things in the world."

* Faith chews, hungrily. "Ok... food now.. sex later..." She grabs apiece of pizza, demolishing the large slice in six bites, grabbing another while she chews. Matching a hand gesture she asks for the clicker. "Wemote...?" She asks, wanting to see if the PowerPuff Girls was on. "Pwease?" She asks, reaching for a third slice.

Angelus passed her one of the bottles of drink before passing the remote from the nightstand. Kissing her chewing jaw he stood, "Getting a drink baby." He wasn't sure if she even heard him. Wandering out into the main room and then the kitchen he grabbed a packet of blood and after filling a mug, heated it up and returned to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed he pulled her into his side and started nibbling on her ear. Blood on the stand, forgotten.

* Faith moaned, her hunger slated, she turned in his arms, straddling his lap. Thankful she'd eaten plain cheeses first. She tugged the zipper on his pants. "Fuck me." She growled, breaking the zipper and button, destroying his leathers. "Fuck me now." The throbbing that had dulled came back now ten fold, making her desperate. "Please, Angelus.... I'm going to die if you're not inside me... soon. Please Baby." Her mouth found his again, and she kissed him hard, trying to show her need, her hands giving up on his pants, beginning to fuck herself. "Ahh.... fuck..." She whimpered, writing in his lap, on her own fingers, her head falling back, as she gasped.

Angelus watched her for a moment before ripping her nickers off her. Pressing her down tot he bee he took the mug of blood from the stand and poured a generous amount over her curls. Before putting the mug down and burring his face between her legs and lips. Lapping enthusiastically at her he slid his tongue between her curls and flicked at her clit lightly before plunging his tongue into her cunt, purring at the combined pleasure of his food and her sex.

* Faith moaned as the warm liquid poured over her wet sex. "Oh god...Angelus." She moaned, arching into his mouth, when his tongue found her clit. "More... more baby.... ohh fuck..." She began thrashing on the bed. She felt ready to bust. Her fingers began to brutally torture her chest. Whimpering and bucking, biting her lip till it bled. Crying out when he denighed her a release. "STOP fucking with me.... make me cum! Damn it! Angelus!" She was growling now, raw from all the use of her sensitive flesh, still wanting more.

Angelus kept cleaning away, purring at his mouth filled with the duel flavours of Faith and blood. Knowing only on thing could truly make it better he vamped out and nuzzling his face further into her folds pressed his ridged forehead against her clit while driving his tongue deeper, purring, the vibrations travelling directly into her core.

* Faith arched, gasping, electricity hitting every nerve ending in her body, she came off the bed in a silent scream as wave after wave, rocked through her system, sending her into a dizzying array of orgasms. She gripped hard at the bed bread, her legs buckling around Angelus' head, she tried to forms words to beg for him to finish it, to stop. But she couldn't form them, no sound but the tiny gasps would come from her throat, and she finally sobbed, out her plea after what seemed like hours, of his oral toucher. Collapsing to the bed, whimpering still.

Angelus kept licking and sucking at her body, purring louder and louder as her juices flowed into his mouth. When he finally registered her words, imploring him to stop and heard he whimpering he reluctantly swiped his tongue over her one last time, sucking briefly on her clit before sliding up the bed to lay beside her, pulling her into his arms, still purring, "You are so responsive baby. I love it."

* Faith whimpered at him, glaring as best she could. "If that wasn't so good, I'd kick your ass." She growled. "Fuck... Angelus... not to be demanding... but I need you... fuck me baby... I need to feel you inside me." She turned kissing his check, biting down on a pert nipple, then biting the mark she'd given him. "I need to feel you shooting your cold cum deep inside me, Angelus..." She whispered, her lips a whisper away from him.

< Angelus > "But you taste so good lover, I love drinking you down, Sweeter than Sin." Rolling her over he slammed his cock into her drenched body and held totally still. Moaning looked down at her, "You're so hot Faith. Sometime's I wonder if you might just burn me. So hot and wet and tight around me." Stating a lazy rhythm, hips moving with mind bending slowness. "Do you like me fucking your hot cunt with my cold dick Faith? Does it feel as amazing to you? Your heat and my cold?"

* Faith was sure she was going to die. Right here... right now. Nothing was ever as good as sex with Angelus. The feel of him deep inside her. She whimpered, benieth him, wanting desperatly to press her hand, to force him to go faster, needing him to move faster, something inside her was not yet ready, wanting him to set the pace. Allowing him to controle the game. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and her eyes closed rolling back as she arched her hips into him. His words were quickly doing the work his pelvis was not. "Yes..." She moaned, flashing her eyes at him, letting them settle on his face, meeting his own eyes. "Amazing." She whispered back.

* Faith didn't know if she understood exactly what was happening, the slow langid way he moved. The way his hends held her gently, not pinching or firm grips. Soft and gentle as if he could break her. Linking her legs around Angelus' waist she leaned up kissing him. "Make love to me?" She whispered, entirely afraid of the words.

Angelus kept moving slowly, propping himself on one arm the other reaching out to stroke her face, "So beautiful." He was whispering softly. Leaning into her his hand swept further down her body to cub her breast, lightly brushing her nipple, his mouth a moving caress over her face finally finding her mouth to kiss her with all the tenderness he could. "So sexy. You can drive me insane Faith. The thought of you around me, the wet heat of your cunt is enough to make me hard as a rock. And the feeling is enough to drive me over the edge."

< Angelus > "Every glance you give me makes me want to bend you over and fuck you silly. To burry my face in your pussy and see how many times I can make you cum before you pass out. To drive you to the edge and over." Pulling lightly on her nipple he kissed her again, still keeping his movements as tender as his could, almost totally at odds with violence of his tone

* Faith gasped, her heart aching at the words. The idea she had the same effect on him, as he did on her was always fleeting, he was confessing it to her. His weakness. Her. She felt the tears prick her eyes, and thrust back, tentatively in the slow rhythm. Her fingers twining in his hair. She felt so scared, like a virgin, and she wasn't afraid at all her first time. "Angelus..." She whimpered his hands still caressing and taunting her breasts, his angle shifting just enough, to hit a whole new set of nerve endings. "I've never..." He tongue snaked out moistening her suddenly dry lips. The words were lost to her, she didn't know how to express the way he made her feel. Everything came out as either a gasp, whimper or sigh. She got wet at the sight of him. Felt safe just knowing he was there. Needed and loved. She couldn't imagine not having him deep inside her body, causing these wonderful feelings. "I love you." She whispered, gasping her eyes flying up to meet his, when she heard her own voice, and her own words. Her hand caressing his cheek, thumb running over his lips, and she melted, tears falling from her eyes with out her knowledge. "I love you." She moaned, his gentle thrust finding her g-spot at long last.

Angelus leant down and kisses her tear, the wetness lapped away by his tongue, "I love you Faith. My Faith. I can't imagine my life without you any more." Catching her lips in a desperate kiss he started moving faster, hips almost beyond his conscious control. Angling himself to stroke her most sensitive nerve endings, the new angle bringing him in deeper into her body. He gasped into her mouth and broke the kiss, looking down at her. "So amazing." Catching her eye he kept the contact as he started to drive harder, moving slowly compared to their other encounters, "I love you so baby.

* Faith was gone, lost to him completely. At that very moment she would have allowed him to change her if he'd just said the words. "Yours." She agreed to his claim, again, unchallenged. "Oh god, Angelus." She arched a little higher, into the torturous thrusting of his body. "I'm cumming." She gasped at him, his curls tickling her clit. Pulling on him, kissing him until she couldn't breath she whimpered into his neck, the rather powerful orgasm shaking her. Tears falling from her eyes again, her body shaking uncontrollably. "I love you, my Angelus." She kissed the mark, the thought to bite him again came, and something inside her asked. Licking the mark, "Can I?" She nuzzled it closely.

Angelus only just held himself from cumming with her, his whole body we poised on the brink, arching his neck for her, offering her his neck he purred, "Always Faith. Yours always." Nuzzling his face into her neck in returned he licks over his mark, "Bite me baby." He whispered into her ear, nipping the lobe before returning to her neck waiting for the pleasure of her bite to bite her back in reply, "Bite baby."

* Faith growled when he granted her his flesh, licking again, only to bite into him, groaning. She felt the flesh break, and moaned at the sweet taste in her mouth. "Like candy..." She moaned, not sucking but licking at the shallow bite. She squeezed him with her again raw muscles. He needed to cum too. It wasn't right if he didn't cum. it was just fucking then. "Please...Angelus... I need to feel all of you inside me... cum baby... please..." She moaned.

Angelus snarled and at the pleasure of her bite morphed again and struck, his fangs parting her scared flesh to feast on the sweet powerful blood that filled his mouth. Growling deeply he thrust into one last time, his most powerful thrust so far and came inside her. His whole body shook as he felt his seed shooting, mixing her heat and his cool in yet another way. Unwilling to detach from her neck he stoped actively sucking and just nursed on his bite, letting the blood trickle into his mouth, purring loudly, his chest rumbling his contentment.

* Faith came a second time with him, milking him, moaning and whimpering, calling out his name. Squeezing her form harder against him. "Angelus.." She called slightly dazed. Kissing him again. Desperate to get closer, her tears overwhelming her as she began to shake with their force. "I love you. Please don't leave me."

Angelus was alarmed at her tears and unsure of how to deal with them. Rolling them over he wrapped his arms around her, pulling into his chest. "Why would I want to do a stupid thing like that Faith? I'm not going to leave you baby. I don't want to leave baby, I'm not going anywhere. Shhhh baby, please don't cry." Murmuring softly into her ear he held her tightly. "Please baby."

* Faith snuggled deeper into his arms, she felt so safe with him. It was all too good to be true. "If this is a dream and I have to wake up tomorrow without you... I'm writing Angel a letter and jumping off a building." She shook her head, holding him tight as she could. "I can't bear the thought of loosing you, to anything." She admonished, kissing her mark on his neck again. Her eyes felt heavy, but she fought sleep, still afraid she'd wake up alone.

Angelus kept purring for her softly, trying to sooth her, "Baby you won't lose me. You can't. You've marked me just as I have you. We belong to each other Faith. Nothing else is that powerful baby. Nothing." Brushing his lips across her brow he stroked he back, trying to calm her, "You need to sleep baby. It's been a big day. Buffy won't be here until dawn. That's almost 7. I will wake before that, I'll even watch more Muppets and things with you. Now sleep baby."

* Faith warmed the instant she was in his arms, her heart rate slowing, and her breathing deepening, with in seconds she was safe in his arms and sound asleep. Mumbling a gentle. "I love you."

Angelus pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist with a purr. Nuzzling his face closer he lick her neck unconsciously. "I love you too Faith. Sleep well baby." He watched her for what seemed hours, feeling her chest rising and falling with the even rhythm of her breath. Finally his eyes fell closed and he slipped into a light doze, arms still holding her as close as they could.