{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fdecor\fcharset0 Tempus Sans ITC;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs24 Manifesto For All Men:\par Ode To Alcohol\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080 I.\tab My first commandment is that girls lie and alcohol doesn\rquote t. It tells the truth no matter whether if you want it to or not.\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080 II.\tab Alcohol will always will be there for you, girls just play head games to make you think they are.\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080 III.\tab BEER is such a wonderful thing.\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080 IV.\tab Girls play head games and Alcohol plays what ever you want it to.\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080 V.\tab Beer, Beer, such a wonder full thing you can drink it with a string, you can drink it wit a straw, you can even drink through a beer ball, but the thing that does it for me is to shotgun it in large quantity. When I do keg stands I use my hands, when I get drunk I wake bear naked nude in the mall.\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080 VI.\tab And most importantly at the end of it all it comes down to the fact that girls will always take your time out of drinking. And when they do, they just make you just drink that much more to make up for the time you wasted on them.\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080 VII.\tab Women are no substitute for a Play Station or Nintendo.\par \pard\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080\cf0 VIII.\tab They say that Satan is the most evil person in existence well they are all wrong, girls are truly the most evil thing\rquote s ever to walk the earth. They lie, cheat steal and destroy all they see fit without no remorse what so ever.\par \pard\f1\par \pard\fi-720\li1080\tx1080\f0 IX.\tab This is my beer there are many like it but this one is mine, my beer is my best friend it is my life, I must master it as I must master my life, with out me my beer is useless, with out my beer I am useless.\b0\par \pard\li360\cf1\b\par \par \pard\fi360 A Prelude to any men that try to talk to any girls that say they \ldblquote might\rdblquote be seeing someone\'85. Don\rquote t do it because they all lie and try to ruin your life. But Alcohol on the other hand always tells the truth. I have come to this conclusion by the fact that I have tried to many times to even talk to a girl they tell me one thing and they are SO far from telling the truth. If you ever have the chance to choose between your friends and a whore that will only be there for 2 seconds of your life choose your friends because they can always get you ALCOHOL to forget anything in your life, included that bitch. If there are any girls that read this manifesto it may offend you, but I really don\rquote t give a fuck since you never gave a fuck about me. \fs36\par }