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McDonnell Douglas F-4E PHANTOM II's

of the

Royal Australian Air Force

RAAF Phantom Phlyers & Phixers


Last Amendment 29/05/22



      On this page you will find photos of RAAF Phantom Phlyers concerned with the use of the F-4 in USAF Service only.Included is a table listing
those Australian Pilots and Navigators that flew on exchange with the USAF, but did not crew F-4's with the RAAF. Please contact me if you can
add further information or
detect any errors.

SQNLDR Lyall Klaffer with fellow crew members from the 16th TRS,USAF on the SQNLDRs
last day at Tan Son Nhut Air Base South Vietnam.(Photo:L.Klaffer)

Mount Rushmore,South Dakota from the forward oblique camera of SQNLDR Klaffers RF-4C.(Photo:Lyall Klaffer)

SQNLDR Lyall Klaffer RAAF and COL Victor Cabas USAF, the 363rd TRWs CO
celebrate 1,000 Hours flying time by SQNLDR Klaffer in the RF-4C.(Photo:Lyall Klaffer)

MAJ Jim Melton USAF Navigator (l) and SQNLDR Al Reed (r).Note the aircraft name "CAROLINA KANGAROO" "HAVE CAMERA - WILL TRAVEL"
stencilled on their RF-4C. MAJ Melton hailed from North Carolina hence the aircraft name.(Photo:Al Reed)

MAJ Melton and SQNLDR Al Reed sit on the starboard 370 US Gallon drop tank...which also features the aircraft name and motto.(Photo:Al Reed)

MAJ Melton and SQNLDR Al Reed board the "Carolina Kangaroo".
The 12th TRS /460 TRW was based at Tan Son Nhut Air Base,South Vietnam. (Photo:Al Reed)

The USAF kindly supplied SQNLDR Reed a brand new RF-4C Serial Number 67-0448.(Photo:Al Reed)

Senior Airman Doldo USAF (l) and SQNLDR Reed
with "Carolina Kangaroo".(Photo:Al Reed)

SQNLDR Al Reed, RAAF in the cockpit of 'his" RF-4C 67-0448 "Carolina Kangaroo" after his 100th mission,
but prior to the traditional hose down after such an achievement.(Photo:Al Reed)

SQNLDR Al Reed, RAAF gets the traditional hose down after completing 100 missions.(Photo:Al Reed)

SQNLDR Reed is congratulated on his 100 missions.(Photo:Al Reed)

SQNLDR Reed celebrates 100 combat missions on November 5th 1968. Reed flew most of his missions in 'Carolina Kangaroo",but was
sometimes assigned other squadron aircraft. RF-4C 67-0448 now resides in storage at AMARC, Davis Monthan AFB,Arizona.(Photo:Al Reed)

SQNLDR Reed with some USAF buddies, wearing their "Party Suits".(Photo:Al Reed)

RAAF SQNLDR Al Reed at Shaw AFB,South Carolina in 1967 during a F-4 Instructor Conversion Course.
At RAAF Amberley in April 1972 Reed attained 1,000 Phantom flight hours in
RF-4Cs and F-4Es.(Photo:Al Reed)

  FLTLT Barry Schulz poses with a USAF Fighter Weapons School F-4E at Nellis AFB,Nevada in 1972.(Photo:Barry Schulz)

FLTLT Barry Schulz with a USAF 57th Fighter Weapons Wing F-4E at Nellis AFB,Nevada.Note FLTLT Schulz
wears a black and yellow check cravat and similarly adorned helmet as worn by 57th FWW crews.(Photo:Barry Schulz)

FLTLT Barry Schulz and USAF Fighter Weapons School F-4E at Nellis AFB,Nevada.
Note the F-4E is equipped with TISEO (Target Identification Sensor Electro Optical) fairing on the
port wing inboard leading edge.(Photo:Barry Schulz).

Diploma issued to graduates of the USAF Fighter Weapons Instuctor Course.(Photo:Barry Schulz)

RAAF Crew that flew USAF F-4 PHANTOM II's only.

Last Amendment 21/11/16
Crew Rank,Name and Duty
Bruce Connell
Flew RF-4Cs Shaw AFB,South Carolina.
Later WGCDR Connell.
Leonard E Couldrey
SQNLDR Couldrey was the Australian Embassy Air Attache in Washington DC,USA when he flew in a 363rd TFW RF-4C
64-1012 from Shaw AFB,South Carolina.The Phantom piloted by Maj John Eckweiller (USAF) crashed into swamp on
Murphy's Island near McClelleanville SC on 02/06/65,killed both Maj Eckweiller and SQNLDR Couldrey.
Jack Lynch
Flew RF-4Cs Shaw AFB,South Carolina.
Later SQNLDR Lynch.
Errol J McCormack
Flew RF-4Cs Shaw AFB,South Carolina.
CO 1 Sqn RAAF F-111s.
Later AIRMSHL McCormack AO.
Lindsay Naylor DFC
Flew F-4Ds with the 389th TFS / 12th TFW during the Vietnam War (140 Ops).
Also flew RAAF Mirages.
CO 77 Sqn RAAF Mirages.
AIRCDRE Naylor DFC DFC with Oak Leaf Cluster (US) Air Medal (US).
Kym Osley
Crewed RF-4C with 12th TRS Bergstrom AFB,Texas.
CO 1 Sqn RAAF F-111s 1997-1999.
OC 82 WG RAAF F-111s 2002-2004.
CDRACG F-111/ F/A-18/ Hawk 2007-2008.
Later AVM Osley AM,CSC.
Still serving in the RAAF Active reserve.

Roger Parsons
Crewed RF-4Cs Shaw AFB,South Carolina.
Crewed RAAF Canberras with 2 Sqn during the Vietnam War.
Also crewed RAAF F-111s.
Later SQNLDR Parsons.
Trevor Richardson
Flew F-4s Nellis AFB,Nevada.
Later AVM Richardson.
Hans Jorg Friederich Roser
Flew RAAF Sabres
CO 79 Sqn Sabres
Flew USAF F-4Cs and F-4Ds with the 557th TFS / 12TFW and the 480th TFS / 37th TFW during the Vietnam War (165 Ops).
Flew RAAF Mirages.
CO 75 Sqn RAAF Mirages.
Later AVM Roser AM MID DFC (with Oak Leaf Cluster (US) Air Medal (US).
Barry Maxwell Schulz (P)
Flew RAAF Sabres
Flew RAAF Mirages
Flew as a USAF Forward Air Controller in O-2s during the Vietnam War.
Flew USAF F-4E on exchange at Fighter Weapons School,Nellis AFB,Nevada 1971 and 1973.
Flew RAAF F/A-18 Hornets
Later WGCDR Schulz AFC
Graham Miller Silcock
Crewed RF-4Cs Shaw AFB,South Carolina and Bergstrom AFB,Texas.
Crewed RAAF Canberras with 2 Sqn during the Vietnam War.
Later WGCDR Silcock.

Ian Hamilton Whisker
Also flew RAAF Sabres.
Also flew RAAF Mirages.
Flew F-4Ds with the 480th TFS / 12 th TFW during the Vietnam War (140 Ops).
Later AIRCDRE Whisker AM DFC with Oak Leaf Cluster (US) ADC.