From Sun Apr 20 11:51:49 1997 From: (Roedy Green) I would estimate that 95% of the "bug" reports I get are from people who simply don't understand what the program is SUPPOSED to do. Most of the rest really would belong in the category of requested enhancements. I would expect Sun gets swamped with fallacious bug reports or with ones they cannot understand or reproduce. Until you have built a reputation with them, how does Sun know your bug is a real one? Sun is much more likely to respond/react to a bug IF: 1. they hear it from many sources. 2. unambiguous instructions for readily reproducing it are included, including platform information. 3. the bug can be reproduced with a TINY program with as few distractions as possible. It pays to post your supposed bugs publicly too. It may help others narrow down the problem or report them better that you do. -- Roedy Green ( anadian Mind Products ------------------------------------------ 1.4 How do I check on known bugs in JDK 1.1? A. Look at After you have checked whether the bug is already listed, you can submit a bug report through: You can even send in an RFE or ease-of-use issue there!