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Here are some of my writings, though obviousnly no poetry (you'll have to go the 33 cows and a tire iron for that one) ;) Anyhoo, some of these (well, just one at the moment) writings require some mp3's to go along with it... you should be able to just click on them before reading the story and they should download (assuming my html works, please let me know if it doesn't)

words...this was something I wrote earlier this summer when I was rather bored and/or upset, and there are probably grammatical errors throughout, also, its not a "typical" short story, just a rant.

girl with flaxen hair...this actually *is* a short story, one requiring mp3's (I like this concept). I think this is my first actual short-story-with-a-plot that I've ever completed, so I am quite proud ;)

eyes...I wrote this one evening a Caribou while procrastinating about my homework. Its written about a girl I know, we were friends then, though I no longer doubt my inate ability to read people...

paperclip...I was in one of my more maniacle moods when I wrote this, some time during my freshman year. This one is also a rant, though by far less beatiful than words, merely a slightly entertaining bit. I may do more with it eventually, perhaps a children's story? (hehe)

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