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Alyssa Enrielle(Wild Force White Noble Tiger Ranger)

She wanted to study animal science, her father wanted her to be a martial artist, like him. Good thing Alyssa trained to accomplish both goals. Her current job requires both her knowledge of nature and her martial arts skills to save the world.

After Alyssa saved an animal from an Org, she was chosen by the Noble Tiger Zord to become the White Ranger.

Alyssa is a kind and gentle soul, who loves to learn. She divides her time between saving the world and taking classes at Turtle Cove University. She also has a crush on Red Ranger Cole. As the White Ranger, Alyssa wields the Tiger Baton and controls the White Noble Tiger Zord,the Elephant Zord, and the Deer Zord.

After Master Org was defeated, Alyssa focused more on college. Eventually, she graduated and became a kindergarden teacher. She currently keeps the Ranger legacy alive by telling her students the adventures of the Wild Force Rangers

Alyssa is played by Jessica Rey

Image provided by: Fox Kids.Com

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