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Dual Disorders: A Blurred Path to Recovery


Dual disorders are thought to be more common than once thought. To be diagnosed with a dual disorder is to say that an individual has a mental illness as well as a chemical dependency disorder. Most of the time, one of the disorders is more apparent than the other, therefore, it might mask symptoms of one of the disorders. It is hard to determine which disorder came first. The picture above represents the duality that is experienced by a clients with dual disorders. Chemical dependency and mental illness are two dfferent aspects that define that person.


The big problem that dually diagnosed clients face is where do they turn for help. As illustrated in the above picture, dual disordered clients have to knock on two different doors, mental health centers and chemical dependency treatment centers, in order to find some help. Unfortunately, chemical dependency professionals and mental health professionals aren't always skilled in working with the other field and in turn, the dually diagnosed client gets shuffled between the two. Dually diagnosed clients need to have simultaneous treatment for both disorders, in order to benefit from treatment. Since they tend to get lost in the shuffle, a lot of times they give up on getting better, like the woman below.


It is important to integrate the mental health field and the chemical dependency field, so that this category of clients can get the help they need and deserve. I am very interested in being more informed on mental illness and chemical dependency, so I can be better qualified to work with these individuals. I don't think it's right to shuffle these people around in the system. More and more information is becoming available about dually diagnosed clients, but assessment tools and treatment plans need to be created and implemented more readily. Chemical dependency professionals and mental health professionals need to work together, like this picture below, so that these clients don't suffer in the process.


There is a lot of information on the internet at various sites for dual disorders. Information ranges from facts, research, possible treatment plans, and support groups. I would hate to think that any professional would turn a client away, because they don't know enough information about his/her disorders. I think a professional should find out as much information as s/he can and if s/he can't relate all the facts, then s/he should have a source that can. I have listed some websites below that give information on dual disorders, treatment centers in Ohio that can handle dually diagnosed clients, support groups, and various research on this subject. Thanks for visiting my site.


Co-Occuring Center for Excellence
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. This site gives definitions, classifications, assessment tools, treatment options, and information on integration and workforce development.

Foundations Recovery Network
Presents model of addiction treatment, research, information on dual diagnosis, treatment centers, and various articles.

Help Guide For Dual Diagnosis
Information and treatment types, support groups, challenges, and other links.

Dual Recovery Anonymous
Support group, lists area meetings, 12-step program, and beliefs about recovery.

Ohio Treatment Centers
Lists treatment centers in Ohio that can help dual diagnosed clients and has a 24-hour hotline.