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About Me Work Experiences School Experiences Contact Me
My online resume.
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About Me
Hey there! My name is Steve Partridge and welcome to my site! Before I get into all the good stuff I just want to take a moment and outline the purpose of this site and what I hope to achieve by the end of your visit. I believe the internet is a great medium for information and research, as well as a form of entertainment. If in your travels across the WWW, you happen to learn even the most trivial piece of information, then I would say that the travel was worth while, so while you are floating through my site I hope that you can learn atleast 1 new thing, even if it is trivial. Not to mention, be entertained at the same time. If you have not experienced either than I have contributed to the pile of garbage that rests here in cyber space. (If the later is true please inform me ASAP!!) In the next few moments I will give a brief look at some of the things I enjoy doing in my spare time, I will also outline some of my work experiences, and give a brief look at some of the topics I have learned and studied at Sheridan College.

As already mentioned my name is Steve Partridge, but online my friends refer to me as the "Birdman", (if you can't make the connection I suggest you rehearse some Christmas Charols) I am a computer science student at Sheridan College in Oakville ON. now in my second year. Needless to say I spend alot of time right here on my computer, since next to friends and family it is my favorite way to spend time. I do however have many interests outside of the digital world, such as: Volleyball (court in the winter and beach in the summer), Downhill skiing, white water rafting, and most recently I have taken a liking to gardening (HEY, don't knock it till you try it!). If you would like to check out some of my favorite links or see some pictures of my excursions you can click HERE!
