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New Stuff!

-Andy (3/13/04)

Yea, I had some problems with Adware on my computer and stuff, and then I had finals in school...well, I could make a lot of excuses for not updating. But I finally did! We now have a Visitor of the Month! Every month Savvy will recognize one of its favorite visitors by posting them on our main page! This is taking the place of our monthly poll. Also, I created a new logo (thanks to It's now up on our all our sub-pages. I'm thinking of adding some more games and possibly puting crap into somemore subpages. If your site would like to be liked right here on Savvy's homepage, email us and we'll work something out. Hopefully we can start some link exchanges.


-Andy (2/28/04)

Sorry for lack of any updates or progress at Savvy, we've been REALLY busy with other stuff lately. Tonight and this week I'm hoping to change a lot of stuff around here, this is what's planned.

1) I don't like the layout right now. I'll hopefully make it a little more interesting or do something, I'm not real sure yet.
2) New logo. I gotta talk to Scott about this, but we may look for something a little smaller and simpler.
3) I really really hope that I can get some pictures up on here. We just got a new computer at my house and I've been reinstalling a bunch of crap, and I have to install this one program that goes with my camera in order to get pics on here, so we'll see how that goes.
4) (Hopefully) Scott can put up some stories.

For some future-Savvy stuff we really want to be able to make some sort of funny animations and cartoon type things. Right now we're not really set up with the programs and knowledge on how to do that, so if anyone has any info on the please email us. Or if any of you would like to send your animations to us via email, we will post them in the LoL section (all credit going to you of course). Email to if you're interested, either me or Scott will get back to you. Until then we're hoping to generate some hits and get visitors, cya.

Links Added

-Andy (1/27/04)

I added all the subpages and links today, so far nothing has content though. All links are now working. I put up the new background that Scott made, and the "pre-design" of his the logo (it's not final but I'll keep it up). There's a poll, there's a counter, not much else yet. I might add some games later if I find time...

Update: The Games link now has content. There are now a few games for you to play if you click on Games in the menu.


Smitty McTwist
Dumbsville, WA

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