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I want to cry now
I really do
We cant even talk now..
Or hug or Kiss or Even Laugh
Like we use to
Its not the same.
I miss him so much
But he broke my heart in 2
He wasnt like regualr boyz
he was one of a kind
I wish i could just hold him again..
Its like im being Stabbed in the Back
How can i explain this feeling to him
I really want to tell him..
but i cant find the words to say
Hes the one i think about night and day
When im layin wide awake at night
My eyes fill with tears of the
thought not bein wit him
I know i should tell him
Wuts going on in my heart
But i just cant tell him..
He told me he loved me..
But i guess it was a lie
He said he will always be ther for me..
But where his he now?
He dosnt relize how much he means to me
I had these feelings for so long
When i fianlly got a chance with him
eveythin went wrong..
I wish i could be with him again
just one last time
But i just know i will end up gettin hurt again
Even if we arent together
i will love him forever
I want to try to stop lovin him
but its so hard to do
I cant take the pain anymore that he puts my through
I want to get over him
but i always end up thinkin of him
His smile, The way he would make me laugh,
Just eveything he does
He would take away all my fears ,
He means the world to me and much more
When he came into my life
i was blessed
He was the best
But now we are nothing..
I cant go on without him
I just want to die, just drop to the floor
Sometimes i wish that would happen
But i guess this is just the real world
This is LIFE!
