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The Process of Making a Website

Making a Website

Before I Say Anything I Want To Give Some Special Thanks To Some People, But I Won't Mention Their Names So I Don't Embarrass Them. So Lets Get On With This Presentation Because I Don't Have Anything Else To Say!

First of all you have to learn HTML to make a website. You can't just type what you want to say. You also have to use a special program called Notepad and save the document specially. As you might have guessed by now this is not child's play. It is very difficult if you don't know HTML. I'm not going to tell you how to do it because I want you to figure it out for yourself.

HTML is very difficult to learn. It was especially difficult for me because I had almost no help at all. Half the time, I had to go to someone's website and then have the computer convert into HTML so that I could find out what does what. I did have a bit of help from one person but that is pretty much it. I was all by myself. Some of the things in HTML are so difficult to learn that it would take hours even days to memorize how to do them. It is worth it though because you can do almost anything with HTML.

I've suddenly had a change of heart. I'm going to teach you how to do HTML. Everything you do to make something do something in HTML is in these< >. There are two things for HTML that you absolutely positively need. They are html and body. Remember to put this stuff in these < > when typing it. html is what makes your website a website. Basically anything after you do the html command is website. Body on the other hand is what you need to write on the website. If you don't have body, you can't put anything on the web page. The title is what you want to appear on the bar on top of screen when you are on your website. Now I'll get into p. p is how you separate your paragraphs. This is not necessary but it will help if you make a web page. Here is one of my all time favorites. It is A HREF="". In between the quotation marks you put whatever website you want your hyperlink to lead to. You have to put the full web address including http:/www.and html if it has that. When you want to end a hyperlink, paragraph or something else, you put a / right behind <. For example, if you didn't do this on p you wouldn't end the paragraph, you would just keep going even if you wrote p again. If you didn't understand this read this paragraph again. If you still dont understand this go to some place like web monkey for kids

Down below are some examples of what I told you about in the last paragraph.

Here's Gregs site.

Well I Guess The Hyperlink is all that I could show you, sorry.