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         welcome to Rajesh's Home Page
        I welcome you all to my website. I am Rajesh Sivapalan from Pune,  India.
        I am a website designer, graphic designer and e commerce analysist by
        Today world is become small as people from far of countries can be in          regular touch and even do business through internet. Today Internet is a          powerful medium. Internet has brought revolution in
         information technology globally.
        Today When i am working as a web designer/e - commerce analysist I can not think
        anything else but internet and its related things.
        Here in my website you will see some of my projects done as well as my collections of painting.
        I call my paintings "Idea Paintings" as my paintings are full of imaginations
        put together in the form colours. My paintings depict today's contemporary world
        and more specifically Indian life.
        Since I am a Freelance website designer and graphic designer I take projects and give
        my best. This reason my clients say "you are a machine". I believe that customer satisfaction
        is our satisfaction and reward of work done. I hope that my website tour will be pleasure
        for you all. Please click contact me to "contact me".