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Neil's Path to Enlightenment.

There was a beautiful flower that was blowing in the wind today. The pedels were so vibrant that you actually just sat there and admired it. Moments later a little blond girl, about (four)ish came up to it and picked it. But the greatest thing was that she handed it to me, giggled, and and ran to her mother. I still have that flower, and even though it is wilted, it is just as beautiful. And I remember the girls face who picked it for me, something I never had the courage to do myself.

Picture this.

Two lovers in the sand, under the stars. One gazing at the horizon thinking that they could never be happier, and the other gazing at their lover, thinking just the same.

There are things that I say sometimes that are quote: dramatic. But these alagations are in fact correct. I can't classify it as a blessing or a curse but my brain sees things in such detail, such a grandiose amount of importance, such awe and wonderment. But I do exaggerate and it does get me in trouble. I am sorry for any confusion or anger I caused to ANYBODY. I AM GETTING BETTER. I just love to blow things up in my mind. ;)

Pouring, it was pouring when you decided to kiss me. It was pooring when you decided to take me. Pouring, it was pouring when you decided to kiss me for the first time. I was lost somewhere in that rain Floating on some distant plain, And when you kissed me i knew i was gone.