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The AOL Hall of Fame

I got the idea for my hall of fame from Its a good site, but you might want to read my hall of fame before you read theirs so you dont have a higher expectation of mine LOLOLOL.

*Classic Jesse*

GarbageDiablo: I hope a Jew dies so an angel gets its wings.

*Ahhh....the "which is worse" game.*

Prymary Kolorz: an hour with my bird or an hour with a vicious rotweiler
Robotic Coke Can: could the dog eat me?
Robotic Coke Can: so your pretty much asking if i'd rather be with your bird or be eaten by a dog
Robotic Coke Can: i'd rather be eaten by a dog
Prymary Kolorz: i hate you
Robotic Coke Can: luv u 2

PsychoChik586: im going to die alone
Prymary Kolorz: no you wont
PsychoChik586: well yeah, i mean unless i die in a plane crash
Prymary Kolorz: lol
PsychoChik586: then ill be surrounded by dozens of screaming passengers

Prymary Kolorz: does your computer still not have sound?
ILoveWang586: nope
ILoveWang586: or yes
Prymary Kolorz: wait im confused too
ILoveWang586: me 2
Prymary Kolorz: does your computer not have sound?
ILoveWang586: yes
Prymary Kolorz: wait
ILoveWang586: as in it doesnt
Prymary Kolorz: Oh ok

Prymary Kolorz: if i stop resonding its because i fell asleep k?
Prymary Kolorz: sponding*
GiMmE429: lol aight but
GiMmE429: u no what
Prymary Kolorz: what
Prymary Kolorz: that didnt help at all

Robotic Coke Can: what is it that jewish people say when they raise their glasses for a toast?
Prymary Kolorz: oi vey?
Robotic Coke Can: hahaha
Robotic Coke Can: no..
Robotic Coke Can: its really bugging me...
Prymary Kolorz: ach hach nah hach?
Robotic Coke Can: thats it!

GiMmE429: i have so much work to do
GiMmE429: make up work
Prymary Kolorz: ill bet
GiMmE429: it sucks
GiMmE429: wanna do it for me kevin :-)
Prymary Kolorz: for a blowjob
*since im not an asshole im X'ing out this screenname and changed some names (though some of it may give away who this is ;)*

XXXXX: o hey yeah sneakin on right now
XXXXX: did i miss ne thing today n class again
Prymary Kolorz: we took the book of ruth test
Prymary Kolorz: wait a fucking second
Prymary Kolorz: did you run away again?
XXXXX: haha naw jus went to c dennis n didnt go home cuz umm i lost track of time than he came lookin at me at 8 n i was gonna call her like at 4 but i was so fuckin scared what he would do if he found out i didnt come straight home n i was wit dennis
Prymary Kolorz: if that made sense id agree with you
*Josh speaks his mind*

c 0 chise 05: why the fuck aren't i in your hall of fame

GarbageDiablo: I've come to the conclusion that they hire people with ADD to run Nickelodeon.
*Oh Jesse and his crazy ideas*

GarbageDiablo: A cool idea for an updated Nickelodeon show could be: "DOUBLE DARE 2003!" It's basically unchanged, except a member of each family is tied by rope over sulfuric acid, the winner gets daddy back and a year's supply of Adderol, and the loser gets a brick to the face.

GarbageDiablo: Remember Global Guts? 2003 version could have the giant mountain the foreign people have to climb up be made of lacerated steel and actual falling boulders would keep them from winning the prize. And if one of them falls they get pelted with stones (donated by the middle east) or they fall into the national debt. Never to be heard of again. They'd surely have to get that british lady to be the referee.

Prymary Kolorz: im just sitting here with my wad of cash in my hand
robinisgay2: wow
robinisgay2: i bet you feel like a black pimp
robinisgay2: or a latino drug lord
robinisgay2: or better yet, a latino drug pimp

Prymary Kolorz: allie
Prymary Kolorz: you and your attention span
workingonmellow: it happens when im this bored
Prymary Kolorz: i like fruit
Prymary Kolorz: my socks are white
workingonmellow: i mainly like apples
Prymary Kolorz: OMG A NICKEL!
workingonmellow: hold on
Prymary Kolorz: where did my mom buy this shirt?
Prymary Kolorz: allie lets talk about politics
workingonmellow: your making fun of me
Prymary Kolorz: so i like the orange tic tacs, how about you

GarbageDiablo: chest! agh!
Prymary Kolorz: jesse i dont think your body is built to handle smoking
GarbageDiablo: Probably not.
GarbageDiablo: I'm not built for anything
Prymary Kolorz: yeah you are you crazy mexican
Prymary Kolorz: you build houses!

Prymary Kolorz: whats new
workingonmellow: just sitting here desperatly trying to recover all my lost work with no avail so im quitting
workingonmellow: you?
Prymary Kolorz: listening to my new CD and fanning myslef with my fucking huge wad of bills
workingonmellow: lol what all'd you get?
Prymary Kolorz: a new CD and a wad of cash
Prymary Kolorz: wtf

Prymary Kolorz: fatality
GarbageDiablo: Flawless victory
GarbageDiablo: Animality
Prymary Kolorz: babality
Prymary Kolorz: brutality
GarbageDiablo: Friendship.
Prymary Kolorz: friendship?!

GarbageDiablo: Like. Putting a live chicken and Matt Deigaard together in a room for a day. Which will be forced into retardation? Take a farm-yard guess.

Prymary Kolorz: you sound like a girl who just got dumped
GarbageDiablo: Hahaha.
GarbageDiablo: Well. Something like that.
Prymary Kolorz: go eat some ice cream out of the bucket ya loser
GarbageDiablo: hmmm that sounds good, brb

Prymary Kolorz: pop-culture is the stupidest word ever
MattTheRipper77: yeh
MattTheRipper77: it reminds me of bubbles
Prymary Kolorz: it reminds me of a guy with a fat face and a lisp eating popcorn
MattTheRipper77: bruce villanche?

KellMunky5: hey dickweed
Prymary Kolorz: dickweed
Prymary Kolorz: that doesnt make sense
KellMunky5: i made it up
Prymary Kolorz: oh but of course
Prymary Kolorz: god damn Kurt youre stupid

Prymary Kolorz: i met this girl at the show
MattTheRipper77: cool
MattTheRipper77: is she hot
Prymary Kolorz: well
Prymary Kolorz: think of her as
Prymary Kolorz: "someone kevin might date"
Prymary Kolorz: does that make more sense?

MattTheRipper77: whilst peering over the XXL-XXXXL treasures at the local wal-mart, i came across a gigantic shirt that said "I didn't choose to be Queen"
MattTheRipper77: 2 things ran through my mind:
MattTheRipper77: "I thought it said "I didn't choose to be Queer""
MattTheRipper77: and
MattTheRipper77: "If the Queen was that big she would eat the townspeople"

Prymary Kolorz: im updating my aol hall of fame
Prymary Kolorz: you should say something funny and maybe ill put you in it
munchkin3546: lol
munchkin3546: what shuold i say
munchkin3546: shoulud*
munchkin3546: shuold***
munchkin3546: souhld*******
munchkin3546: should***************!!!
munchkin3546: FUCK
Prymary Kolorz: you did that on purpose
Prymary Kolorz: nice try

FrDragon459: he did a stupid little joke, he goes "whats the capital of taiwan? bangCOCK" and uppercuts my balls
FrDragon459: so i punch his face in as hard as i can
FrDragon459: then he leaves me alone
Prymary Kolorz: why
Prymary Kolorz: the bangkok joke is hilarious

Prymary Kolorz: is courtney steen still in colorguard?
munchkin3546: helllll nooooo thank God and Jesus
Prymary Kolorz: fucking goat girl
Prymary Kolorz: i said she looked like a goat, and when matt and michael looked over at her she was chewing on a bottle

workingonmellow: kevin i hurt my ankle
Prymary Kolorz: good
workingonmellow: you know what THIS means dont you?
Prymary Kolorz: no more masturbating with your feet?
workingonmellow: well BESIDES that...

Prymary Kolorz: holy fag on a stick! its nate!
EinZiGeR924: no
EinZiGeR924: this is his mother
Prymary Kolorz: tee hee sorry mrs white :-)

MattTheRipper77: i heard a rumor that some glory hole actions going down at the football game tomorrow
Prymary Kolorz: really now
MattTheRipper77: yeah
MattTheRipper77: Coach Downes told me

Prymary Kolorz: hieey
Robotic Coke Can: hey
Prymary Kolorz: im reading "5 ways to be more romantic"
Robotic Coke Can: are you really?
Prymary Kolorz: mmm hmm
Robotic Coke Can: learn anything?
Prymary Kolorz: be sure to spend a lot of money and to kiss your social life goodbye

GarbageDiablo: What's with this kid generation with their card games and yu-gi-oh and all this?
GarbageDiablo: and a new pokemon pinball...
Prymary Kolorz: i dont know but it sure is gay
GarbageDiablo: Damn straight it's gay.
Prymary Kolorz: wait did you say a NEW Pokemon Pinball?!?!?!?!?

Prymary Kolorz: whats the community service for
SpinJoel: burglary and making pipebombs
Prymary Kolorz: psh thats hardly a reason
SpinJoel: hardly

MattTheRipper77: man
MattTheRipper77: losing your virginity
MattTheRipper77: is totally punk rock
MattTheRipper77: Oi,
Prymary Kolorz: what the fuck?
Prymary Kolorz: shut up matt
MattTheRipper77: Oi the night away.
MattTheRipper77: Oi! Oi! Oi! kevin

KellMunky5: canadien
Prymary Kolorz: you spelled it wrong dipshit
Prymary Kolorz: thats why people hate america, because of people like you

Prymary Kolorz: dude i found the ultimate love-making song today
Prymary Kolorz: Playground love by air
MattTheRipper77: i like toxic narcotic better
MattTheRipper77: cuz after you fuck her
MattTheRipper77: you can completely dismantle her head with a shotgun
MattTheRipper77: and it will rock

le deux maschine: no one to talk to
Prymary Kolorz: other than your momma!
le deux maschine: i like to tell people that my mom is dead when they say that