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Trot Rodeo Association

TROT Rodeo Association Links

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Hello and welcome to the TROT Rodeo Association. This Group is open to all ages and all breeds of horses within reason.(draft horses and ponies were not bred for rodeo and are frowned upon by judges.) We offer 4 different age groups which are: PEE WEE-9 and under JUNIOR-10 to 17 SENIOR-18 and older OPEN-open to all ages All rough staock and livestock will be included. This includes bulls, bucking horses, goats, cows, steers, etc. Points are earned and recorded at each rodeo to decide the National Finals and World Championships and also as often as possible, the high points and reserve high points at each individual rodeo. RULES 1. Only registered horses are allowed to compete. Rough stock will be provided by the rodeo so does not applyto this. 2. Enter your horses reasonably. You may enter you and your horse in as many events as you are both cappable of. If you over enter your horse you will be reported. Horses may run 1 time per event and riders can ride 2 times per event. 3.Please be respectful of all people and animals. 4.Be carful when entering and pay attention to age, gender, and ability requirements. 5.If you have questions, ask. Dont wing it and there are no stupid questions. 6.No shockers, extreme spurs, or electrical devices may be used on ANY livestock- including your own. 7.Riders must be in proper atire at all time: jeans, long sleeved button up blouse with a colar, boots, and cowboy hat. ENTRY FORM-email all entries to Class name and Number Horses Name-Rider- Barn Innitials (I will keep all entries so there is no need to resend them unless you need to make changes.) FEES: ~PEE WEE-$10.00 per horse per class ~Junior, Adult, and Open-$. ~Classes with livestock/rough stock-$25.00 per entry per class ~Timed Classes-$15.00 per horse per entry ~Jackpots(round robin roping, etc)-$30.00 CLASSES 9 and under-PEE WEE 1.goat catcher 2.dummy roping 3.sheep busting 4.goat heeling 5.barrel racing 6.pole bending 7.single barrel race 8.stick pony barrel race 9.stick pony pole bending 10.goat tying Ages 10 to 17-JUNIOR 11.calf roping-boys 12.pole bending-open roping-open to juniors only(list name of header and heeler) 14.saddle bronc riding-open 15.goat tying-girls 16.steer stopping-open 17.bareback riding-open 18.barrel racing-open 19.dally team heading-open 20.dally team heeling-open 21.break-away ropin-open 22.steer riding-open 23.chute dogging-open Ages 18 and up- SENIOR 24.calf roping-men 25.pole bending-open roping-open(name header and heeler) 27.saddle bronc riding-open 28.goat tying-women 29.steer stopping-open 30.bareback riding- open 31.barrel racing-women 32.dally team heading-open 33.dally team heeling-open 34.break-away roping-women 35.bull riding-open 36.steer wrestling-men Open- ALL AGES penning-open(name all 3 horses and riders) 38.ribbon roping-open(name roper, runner,and horse) 39.cutting-open 40.cutting jackpot-open 41.round robbin roping-(soecify whether header or heeler) 42.barrel racing jackpot-open 43.W.C.R.A.#5 roping-open(list header and heeler) 44.W.C.R.A.#9 roping-open(list header and heeler) 45.mixed team roping-open(list header and heeler) Thats all for now ya'll. Good luck!