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Heterosexism In The Music Industry

<h1> <font color=#0033CC>Heterosexism In Music and Music Video's</font color#0033CC> </head>

The term heterosexism began in the 1960's and is defined by a "reasoned system of bias about human sexual orientation...rooted in a largely cognitive constellation of beliefs about human sexuality." Basically, heterosexism is another way of explaining someone's dislike for anothers choice in sexuality; a form of prejudice. Dr Gregory Herek, "an internationally recognised authority on sexual prejudice (or homophobia), describes heterosexism as an ideological system that denies, denigrates, and stigmatises any non-heterosexual form of behaviour, identity, relationship, or community." Is is also "based on social values which teach that everyone is or should be heterosexual. Expressions of dislike, hate or fear based on heterosexism are also known as homophobia, lesbophobia and biphobia.

Heterosexism can show itself through the practices of social institutions and the personal behaviours of individuals. These are commonly known as systemic heterosexism and personal heterosexism respectively. The reactions to same-sex oriented people can range from indifference, to denied personal and professional opportunities, through to personal harassment and violence. These reactions often leave lesbians, gays and bisexuals feeling excluded and unsafe in a heterosexist environment."

Heterosexism is a commonly used word when talking about many prejudice issues and one in peticular is the music industry. This issue in music is often debated. It is argued if people who have been acknowledged as role models in music can use their power to speak their opinions when dealing with such personal subjects. Rap is commonly pinpointed as being heterosexist. It is believed that a large deal of rap lyrics, mostly today's popular music, deals with speaking to its impressionable audeince about the mistreatment of gays and lesbians and that it can even desensitize these youths. Not only is this an issue when one looks at all of the acted out violence caused by this prejudice, but it may also cause even more confusion amoung the young people who are still trying to determine their own sexual orientation. For those people who are confused with their own sexual preference listening to this type of heterosexist music only instills fear. All of these artists who are expressing their own opions and who do not have any intent of instilling this in their audience, the issue at hand it that although they are not telling peole to act on this, they are reinforcing heteronormavity.

The best example of heterosexism in the music industry today is probably Eminem or Marshall Mathers. Not only has it been debated and fought and taken to court, but the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation, or glaad have personally attacked his lyrics stating that they are heterosexist and there have been incidences of Eminems easily influenced adolences acting out his beliefs. In a media release from glaad, the organization stated that: "The hatred and hostility on (Eminem’s) CD have a real effect on people’s lives as they encourage violence against gay men and lesbians. At time when hate crimes against gay people are on the rise, these epithets create even more bias and intolerance toward an entire community. The real danger comes from the artist’s fan base of easily influenced adolescents who emulate Eminem’s dress, mannerisms, words and beliefs (, 2000b)".

Heterosexism is along with being a problem in music through song lyrics is also often discriminating, possibly worse, through music videos. Each music video has a sends a heterosexist message and reinforces the sexual preference of heterosexuals. With each Jennifer Lopez music video or Brittney Spears pop video their are men surrounding them, men dancing with them, men being sexual with them. On the other hand for each Justin Timberlake video and every 50cent music video their are women flocking to them, hanging on them, prancing around in tiny clothes and being sexual with the. Once again reinforcing heteronormavity.
