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Jack Sparrow, Pirate Captain of the Black Pearl,
Good man, good pirate.

He was walking again. That mesmerizing -saunter- that he always used. Hips swayed back and forth in a manner that should never have been allowed--not by a man at least.
But he looked good doing it, and anything else would have seemed wrong. He swayed to the left and right as he moved along--as if he could never quite keep to a straight line.
One of his hands bobbed up and down in the air as he walked, giving him quite the lofty appearance. Fingers wiggled to emphasis words, as well as expressions. His hands sparkled--rings of gold and silver adorning every other finger--and they were just clean enough to have enough life to glitter when those fingers flitted.
Dark and charcoal lined eyes saw and took in all--even when his mouth (tanned pinkish lips, that were more often than not upturned into a smile) did not reveal it.
He was an observant, crafty pirate who played the role of a half drunk man a little bit too well. But then, that was a good thing. Who wouldn't underestimate a man who couldn't walk in a straight line, or keep his hands in one spot for more than a minutes time...?

OOC: Mun is Frost, and a girl. It's really not a problem, I swear.
IM and Room RP is liked.
Characters that are actually from the movie are prefered in play, but almost anyone is accepted.
Intelligence is a -must-, and that is all I ask.
Am really quite friendly, so IM me. SavvyCaptainJack

Oh, and Jack likes all sorts of people--gender isn't really of much importance if you don't want it to be. Savvy?