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This girl would like to thank Y/you for visiting her webpage, and wants to say one thing from the beginning. talena has been labeled a psycho because of her deep submission and passion for Master Tarl Cabot. Well if that is what makes a person a psycho, then this girl is proud to be one.

Master Tarl touched this girls heart and submission so so long ago and no Other Master has been able to do it. One came close, Master Eagle, but He never did touch girls heart as deep, but would have if W/we had stayed together.

talena is going to put up some of her poems, stories, and try to gather information on Gor. she has no Master to serve so will show her love and devotion for Master Tarl this way.

One more thing before anything else is said or done, and when this girl says this she knows there will be some out there that disagree and some that understand. But, talena goes on record saying, she is happily married and would leave Hubby for no Master online, but YES girl's heart loves Master Tarl deeply. He and this girl has had many talks about this fact, and even tho like He says, W/we love here online, and very deeply, there is a line, that will never be crossed. But it doesn't make this online love any less important or as painful and special.

Now with that said,,, girl shall begin building and prays Y/you enjoy. Thank Y/you once again.

Tarl and talena both stay in the chat program called Palace Chat. It is a 3 D chat that can be very intense and rewarding. To download go to link below, Y/you will not be sorry.

Master Tarl Cabot calls Castle Brundisium Home, can find Him at the follow addy in Palace.

talena can be found at Red Mountain City, can find her at the following addy in Palace.


Wisedom from Great Masters

talena's story

Special Masters

Master that has her soul

How talena lives without Master

talena's sister 'tasta'

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