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70s invasion ; MOUTH AND MACNEAL


This band were a dutch trio who recorded pop music, but experimental pop music at that, and were on the fringe of glam-pop, and rock....see page 5 for reviews....


excert from MEATSTINKS.COM

n 1997, McDonald? was found ?ulpably responsible?for cruelty to animals in a court of law. Here are just three examples, among many, of McDonald? indifference to animal suffering:

Chickens raised for McDonald? are crammed into crowded, filthy warehouses with less space per bird than a standard sheet of paper. This overcrowding causes

disease, suffocation, and heart attacks. Some breeding pigs raised for McDonald? live their entire lives in cement stalls, unable to turn around, lie in a comfortable position, or nuzzle their babies.

U.S. federal standards for slaughter say that all animals should be fully stunned before their throats are slit, but McDonald?

considers it acceptable if slaughterhouses inadequately stun 1 in 20 animals, and refuses to even ask their suppliers to hire extra

stunners, an action their own animal welfare experts say would markedly improve stunning efficacy. ( Excert from article ) -

The meaning of this part of the leaflet, associating McDonald's food with cancer of the breast and bowel and heart disease was so hotly contested that the parties agreed that I should decide its meaning and some related matters as the trial proceeded, the better to decide just what further evidence to call.

On the 20th November,1995, I therefore gave a reasoned ruling on the meaning of the words complained of in this part of the leaflet and the question of whether they were defamatory of the Plaintiffs.

The meaning pleaded in amended form in the Statement of Claim is as follows: "The words in their natural and ordinary meaning meant and were understood to mean that the Plaintiffs and each of them: (1) Sell meals which cause cancer of the breast and bowel and heart disease in their customers.

(2) Despite knowing that this is an accepted Page 206 medical fact, deliberately and dishonestly conceal that fact from the public by publishing nutritional guides which

(a) suppress that fact; and (b) falsely claim that their meals are a useful and nutritional part of any diet."

The Plaintiffs pleaded other, additional meanings, but they added nothing in my view. Ms Steel, speaking for herself and Mr Morris argued that the leaflet meant: "McDonald's portray their food as a useful and nutritious part of any diet, when the reality is that an average McDonald's meal is high in fat, sugar, animal products and salt (sodium) and low in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and that if your diet is high in fat, sugar, animal products and salt (sodium) and low in fibre, vitamins and minerals, the medical profession considers that you are at greater risk of suffering cancer of the breast and bowel and heart disease. The type of food sold at McDonald's encourages over-eating, because it lacks in bulk and also because its high sugar and sodium content can lead to a craving for this type of food. This increases profits for McDonald's, but when people over-eat this type of food it can lead to problems such as constipation, clogged arteries and heart attacks".



( a GREAT song we think )

Spread out now Rosie, doctor come cut loose her mama's reins, You know playin' Blind Man's Bluff is a little baby's game, You pick up Little Dynamite, I'll pick up Little Gun And together we're gonna go out tonight and make that highway run

You don't have to call me lieutenant, Rosie, and I don't want to be your son, The only lover I'm ever gonna need's your soft, sweet little girl's tongue, And Rosie, you're the one.

Dynamite's in the belfry, baby, playin' with the bats, Little Gun's downtown in front of Woolworth's tryin' out his attitude on all the cats, Papa's on the corner waitin' for the bus, Mama, she's home in the window, waitin' up for us, She'll be there in that chair when they wrestle her upstairs cause you know we ain't gonna come, I ain't here on business, baby, I'm only here for fun And Rosie, you're the one.

Rosalita, jump a little higher Senorita, come sit by my fire I just want to be your lover, ain't no liar Rosalita, you're my stone desire. Jack the Rabbit and Weak Knee Willie, don't you know they're gonna be there, Sloppy Sue and Big Bone Billy, they'll be coming up for air, We're gonna play some pool, skip some school, act real cool, stay out all night, it's gonna feel alright,

So Rosie come out tonight, little baby come out tonight Windows are for cheaters, chim'neys for the poor, Closets are for hangers, winners use the door, So use it Rosie, that's what it's there for. (Repeat Chorus) Now I know your mama, she don't like me cause I play in a rock and roll band, And I know your daddy, he don't dig me but he never did understand, Your papa lowered the boom, he locked you in your room I'm comin' to lend a hand, I'm comin' to liberate you, confiscate you, I want to be your man Some day we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny

But now you're sad, your momma's mad, and your papa says he knows that I don't have any money and your papa says he knows that I don't have any money and your papa says he knows that I don't have any money Well tell him this is his last chance to get his daughter in a fine romance, Cause Rosie the record company just gave me a big advance.

And my tires were slashed and I almost crashed but the Lord had mercy, And my machine, she's a dud, out stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of Jersey Well hold on tight, stay up all night, cause Rosie I'm comin' on strong, By the time we meet the morning light I will hold you in my arms

I know a pretty little place in Southern California, down San Diego way, There's a little cafe, where they play guitars all night and day You can hear them in the back room strummin', so hold tight baby cause don't you know daddy's comin' Everybody sing.

(Repeat Chorus)