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Leaders Wanted

Stop Spam!

Program Owner

The program was put together by one of the Internets top marketers, Mike Glaspie, owner of So there should be no question in your mind as to whether this is a legitimate program or not. Just imagine if you had the opportunity to join in the first few days of pre launch!

To protect to the actual name of the program before the official launch, we will refer to it as Stop Spam.

How it Works!

Many spam-filtering software programs fall short when it comes down to actually catching and eliminating mail YOU DON'T WANT. This is because of the inadequate methods of spam-blocking the "other guys" use.

For example:

  • Stop Spam does not use a VOTE system. You'll never stop receiving mail you want because other members of the spam blocking program voted on a popular widespread ezine or newsletter.

  • Stop Spam is not based on a WORD SEARCH. If a friend, associate, or any trusted mail sender sends or forwards a message you might be interested in, and that message contains a single word or phrase that word-search programs have selected as a blocking parameter, you will be assured of getting it with Stop Spam... unlike with other filtering software.

  • Stop Spam is not web based, meaning you will not have to change your email address... In fact, on your setup & control panel you can setup as many addresses at which you wish to receive spam-free email!

  • Stop Spam works with ANY kind of email account or email software! You aren't constrained to a single email program, like Outlook Express... you can use Stop Spam in conjunction with any email software on the market. Plus. many programs are not compatible with Hotmail, AOL, MSN, Yahoo, etc... But Stop Spam can protect these accounts perfectly if you use the optional pop access these services provide!

  • Stop Spam even works to automatically filter out foreign language email! (You simply select English as your primary and any other language as your secondary language).

  • Stop Spam does not, will not, inadvertently block mail from ANY source or program you opted-in to, or people you WANT to receive email from. (However, if you wish, Stop Spam will allow you to permanently block or unblock email from any source you select!)

  • Stop Spam does not require the sender to "register." Systems that require registration will block email from DESIRED sending sources, such as your favored ezine, various programs you have joined or may join in the future, and autoresponders where you may request information from a web site.

  • Many so-called "blocking" software programs don't even block spam email at all, they just redirect it to another "quarantine" folder which you have to constantly check for email you really did want! But Stop Spam zaps, trashes, and gets rid of ALL spam... permanently!

Instead, Stop Spam takes the fight to the spammers by using their own guerilla-warfare tactics against them! Stop Spam identifies the "tricks" and subterfuge the bad guys use to infiltrate your in-box, and blocks them, every time. But not only that, it tracks and targets mail that you don't want by performing a variety of high-tech processes. Like:

  • Checking if incoming email is in a foreign language. I don't know about you, but I am unable to read Chinese. Or Russian. Or Hungarian. Or... you get the picture. Yet, much of the garbage I receive in my in-box is written in a foreign language! If you're bilingual, no problem... you just tell the software your primary and secondary languages and Stop Spam zaps the rest!

  • Blocking any email that requires you to install foreign characters. If you want to read an email with foreign characters, chances are you've already installed them, right? Stop Spam terminates 'em.

  • Blocks mail with no one entered in the "From:" field. A dead giveaway to spam! Gone!

  • Blocks mail if the mail is not addressed (or cc'd) to you. Another spammer trick, where the "To:" field is masked. Blocked!

  • Optionally blocks any email containing an attachment but with no subject line, or any email containing an attachment but no message body. Two very common ways viruses are transmitted.

  • Blocks any mail that contains the same email address in the "To:" and "From:" fields if the real sender is different. Sometimes I send myself an email message for whatever reason... I want to get those. But a common way a spammer will mask his identity is by assuming yours! Fortunately, Stop Spam spots these by determining the actual sender of the message, and if it wasn't you, it eliminates them on the spot!

  • Checks against a central database of KNOWN domestic and international spammer servers. These are the guys who operate servers for the express purpose of sending spam... either their own or on behalf of their scumbag spammer clients... and we protect your in-box from them by zapping every message they ever try to send you... automatically! (This list is updated constantly!) ...Another reason for the free updates you receive - just click "Yes, update now!" when notified at pc startup/bootup.

  • Verifies the sender has a valid email address by sending a "ping" message... if it returns an error message of any kind, the message is targeted and terminated without you ever having to see it! This function applies only the first time Stop Spam sees a message from a new sender, and is not absolutely certain the sender is not spamming you.

  • Many other methods to identify messages from spammers are employed - all to ensure you a trouble free, spam-free email environment!

Automatic Viral Marketing!

All you do is invite others to get their free trial download! Then, after Stop Spam proves itself to your prospects (which it will) we take it from there and do all the auto-follow up to get them PAID!

But the best part is, Stop Spam will AUTOMATICALLY market itself on your behalf! Any time it receives an email from someone not on your "acceptable source" list, it fires off a quick message to verify that the email address from which the message originated is an actual email address (if it isn't, the "bounce-back" will let the software know that it was a phony address - one of the many spam-blocking features of the software!). And in this message, Stop Spam will offer the recipient the opportunity to protect THEIR in-box from spam also... and YOU will get the credit and commissions when they do!

You'll also have the option of telling Stop Spam to send a message to everyone in your address book that you are using Stop Spam and to let them know about the great benefits of doing so. It's so easy, just one click and everyone you know will have the chance to be part of your downline.

3x10 Forced Matrix

Each of the ten tiers in your downline has 3 positions. And, when the positions on each tier are filled, any new customers get rolled down to the next tier. So, for example, if you sign up three people, you entire first tier would be filled. Sign up just one more person, and that person goes to one of the NINE positions of your downline's second tier... UNDER someone on your first tier.

One Time Annual Fee of $34.95

There are 3 payment options when joining

  • e-gold
  • E-Bullion
  • Paypal

So how much do you make?

Each direct sale you SIX U.S. DOLLARS! It doesn't matter if this person goes on your first, second, five, or tenth level. You get a direct sale "bonus" of $6.

And then, on each level, you earn:



So, for example, if you refer a sale that is placed on your 2nd tier, you earn your $6 direct sale bonus, PLUS the Level 2 commission of $2 for a total of $8!

With the built-in viral aspect of this program, your organization could grow like a Texas grassfire out of control!

You earn monthly income as new sales occur...

Residual Income Chart
Residual Commissions
Level 1
3 Customers
= $6
Level 2
9 Customers
= $18
Level 3
27 Customers
= $27
Level 4
81 Customers
= $81
Level 5
243 Customers
= $243
Level 6
729 Customers
= $729
Level 7
2,187 Customers
= $2,187
Level 8
6,561 Customers
= $6,561
Level 9
19,683 Customers
= $19,683
Level 10
59,049 Customers
= $59,049
88,572 Customers
= $88,584

Our Objective!

As Leaders our objective is to use these remaining days before the official launch to Blow This Out of The Water. By referring 9 strong Leaders each, our Matrix will be built by the time we launch. Job's done!

Are You Ready?

If you are ready to take a Leaders Position, and start placing your Leaders today! Get back to the person who referred you to this website, and they will walk you through the sing up process by phone.

Leaders Wanted

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