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This is our lame excuse for a page... let us update you on our so called lives, this may become a weekly routine, for example next week we will write on what happened that week (important stuff that you probably dont care about...)=D. this week we are gonna talk about couples and how we need ones... anyway sorry to get caught off in a dream... the couples this week are, well, no one... but if you know any, give us a shout! now, lets talk about the guys we know, which are very few. but the ones we do know we can tell you about now. first we have travis. although i cant remember the last time he had a girlfriend or liked one(which is kinda scary when you think about it...) we all love him anyway! class just wounldnt be the same without him talking the whole way threw it and making you lose track of your notes..maybe thats why joc got a 59 on her social studies test! josh and jordan, we usually count them as one saying as they are twins. when we first met them we thought it was so amazing that they were identical but now you can definately tell them apart, all you have to do is look at the feet, the turned out ones are jordans. josh got the good genes obviosly. chris, what can we say... he brought fake crap to school one day and i guess that tells you all you need to know... what a doink.. shawn, aka stephanies lover, we dont really hang around with shawn but we have to write about him for her sake. :'( shawn is probably the one in a group that can always make you laugh (u probably know who typing now...joc thinks nothing of him.) mason (also know as odissiniss).. o dear, here we go. he is the one that raped joc and she is now carrying his son, ohpissiniss (not really) mason is always there wether its to make you feel better or to make you feel like a pile of shit that just got stepped in... he thinks he is SssSsSmMMmmMMmmooOoOoOooTtttTTthHhHh.. but we dont.. thats it for our guys, pretty pathetic huh? we will have more for you guys next week, so if you wanna be bored tune into this site! p.s. once we get some pics of our friends we will shove them in, untill then you can enjoy some that we find quite amusing

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