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Links on Economic Thought
History of Economic Thought
John Maynard Keynes
European Social Policy Experiences
The Capitalism Site

Economic Spectrum
Centrally Planned

Free Market Marx Mill Smith

Economic Spectrum

Centrally Planned Economy


Mixed Economy


Free Market Economy

Economic Systems
Command Laissez-faire
An economy in which the government uses its coercive powers (such as command and control) to answer the three questions of allocation. It emphasises on public ownership. Follows the ideas of Karl Marx.

An economy, or economic system, that relies on both markets and governments to allocate resources. While, in theory, we could have a pure market economy or a pure command economy, in the real world all economies are mixed, relying on both markets and governments for allocation decisions. Follows the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, and John Stuart Mill.

A french term that translates into "leave us alone." It's based on the belief that markets alone can achieve an efficient allocation of our resources. Follows the ideas of Adam Smith. Ownership

Economic Terms Links

Pros and Cons of Economic Systems
Everyone is taken care of, no one is left wanting for the basic necessities

People have the freedom to choose and make decisions

Consumers influence goods and services produced
No huge variation in prices, because they are controlled

The government controls the working conditions and product quality to ensure consumers are getting good products and workers have good working conditions

Rewards provide incentive to improve
The products that are sold are limited in variety

Businesses are limited in what they can do because of the restrictions placed on them by government

Consumers may be manipulated by advertising
The government controls every, or almost every aspect of people's lives

Higher taxes are necessary to pay for government expenses

The economy is not steady resulting in periods of unemployment
The Mixed system is the best system to have. It provides opportunity to succeed and gain wealth like in the market economy, but in this system, the government is still there to give social assistance when people are unemployed, and to oversee business practices. Schools and hospitals are owned and controlled by the government, but most other businesses are left in the hands of private owners.