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“To expand our opportunities together as a team of highly motivated professionals through collaboration, skill transfer and dedication without stressing out.”


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AnalysisParalysis - Journal reading

Project Success Technical Article

Good Project Managers Article

SIXX- Welcome to our Knowledge Share -

Team in Action

This site was designed for the SIXX Project Team and Cohort03 Members of the Masters of Project Management programme, Unitec NewZealand.

The idea behind this is a forum to share gained knowledge and encourage collaboration between teams and team members.

Follow the links to the message board to find useful information on assignments and team projects, or post your own messages to team members.

Our team welcome any input you may have in terms of the MPM programme. 

Dates to remember: 

2 June 2003:  Individual Assignment Due

16 June 2003: Draft Integrating Project Report Due

03 July 2003: Integrating Project Presentation Due