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I'm looking for people who listen to black metal and enjoy surfing. Yes surfing, the sport where you take a board into the ocean and try to beat the living shit out of sharks. I'm a surfer and have been for quite some years now, although I don't get many chances to surf anymore due to how far away I live from the ocean. I want to find bmer's who are into surfing so I can talk on another level with someone interested in the same sport. Get ahold of me if you can. Thanks.

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This page is still underconstuction. I started it on March 24, 2003. It's a new page from my old one at I'm hoping it'll be better than that one. I'm still deciding what to put on here, hopefully it will be unsuccessful. =)

This is a list of things I have that I will probably be putting on this page...
Interviews (from mags and various other places or my own if I feel like interviewing bands.)
Tapes/Cd covers, since it's rare as hell to find any. (I'll put as many as I can find, and I'll also put a list of ones I have made myself in case anyone wants to use them.)
A general list of albums I have in mp3 format on my comp.
I will try to create a page specifically for any bands who wish to advertise on my page in hopes they get "known" and spread around their goodies.
List of new albums coming out.
If you can think of anything else that should be on here, go ahead and let me know, by emailing me or if you know me tell me.

~ Be patient and worship me. ~

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