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EBHS Reunion for the class of '94!

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EBHS Reunion for the class of '94!


Welcome to the site dedicated to a 10 Year reunion for those leaving in 1994!

Some of us are planning a school reunion for all the people who were slaving (and those who weren't!!) over their GCSE's 10 years ago next year!!

If you have been contacted by us through, please help us by letting us know if you are interested in coming along and seeing old friends, or if you know someone who is not on the list but might be interested. Click here or follow the "Interested" link

It is likely it will be held in the East Bergholt area, and we will make sure there is a bar!! There may be a small charge to cover the costs of hiring a place, but obviously the more people we can get to come along, the less the cost!! so PASS THE WORD !!!!