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  "You have 6 Stat Points to spend!"
Uruz Ilgauskas Level : 7
EXP : 102/400

RP : 150

Wealth : $1050
Wins : 2
  Weapon : Exile
Revolver : Dmg+1, Hit+2, Spd+2, Def-2

Tech Slots
: 2
HP : 31/31
STR : 03
INT : 04
DEX : 14
AGI : 09
VIT : 07
DMG : 8

HIT : 16+1
SPD : 11
DEF : 1+1
  Tech Slot 1 Barrier Tech 3/3
Tech Slot 2 Focus Tech 3/3
Head : Bandana (Def+1, Hit+1)
Body : nil
Arm : nil
Item : Herb x3 (Restore 2 HP)
Inventory : nil
Sub-quest History :
- Cerebos Hunt (+50)

Personality Description :
- Age 22
- Happy-go-lucky
- Loves to eat
- Always optimistic
- Can be deadly when severely provoked

Background Story :

Uruz was born and raised in a city in Southern Tareel. He discovered that he had inherited his family heirloom of having a natural gift of a dead-eye shooter ever since his father brought him to the woods for his very first hunting of animals.

He didn't like the rifle that he was given for hunting and chose a common revolver which he added extensive modifications.

Uruz joined the army at an age of 18 but he was not given permission to use his revolver and was issued a regular rifle like everyone else. Life in the army was tough on him and his fellow soldiers, but at least they received a reasonable pay which they mostly sent back home to their families.

When the 'Resurgence' started and wars started to break out, Uruz found himself being transferred over to one of the newly created regiments named 'Eclipse' as he was one of the top-shooters around and a seasoned soldier with experience as well.

Initially, Uruz dreaded the idea of being more involved in the wars but he slowly accepted it as he really wanted to help to bring peace back in whatever ways he could and at last. At last too , he was finally permitted to use his beloved revolver.