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The spread of bad ideas...

Ever wonder how people get bad ideas or ideas that when heard makes your IQ drop and you start to feel the need to flee? Well my opinion on this is simple. Bad ideas (or ones that make you wonder if people are really that stupid) are spread like any communicable disease.

Mostly through person to person contact. So if you are sitting in a public place and hear something like this: Woman A and woman B are in a store. They are discussing leather goods. Woman A "I wonder how they get the leather to look so different (referring to texture)." Woman B "They have different types of cows in China." Now if that isn't enough to make someone twitch the thought that this woman is now going to assume that her friend is right and will probably pass the horribly stupid information to others, therefore spreading it like a virus...

There is also the tragic fact that this starts with parents who give their children information that is well to be nice horribly inaccurate. This then passes through the generations (until someone has an epiphany that maybe the information isn't correct).

There is always that fact that most people lack common sense. An example of this would be to illustrate a conversation an acquaintance had to endure while at school one day. People 1 “So did you two do it?” Person 2 “Yeah, but we didn’t use any protection: but I don’t think anything will happen.” Notice the Key words here “Don’t think” and that is exactly their problem, they’re not thinking! All I can say is that I hope no child was ever spawned from them, because if that were so I would feel bad for the kid because their mother is going to raise them with just as much common sense as her. And well that is just a plainly terrifying thought. My solution to this (or so I wish) is that there was such a thing as a common sense stick that you could use to beat some sense into people with. Which reminds me, about 50% of all pregnancies are unexpected. Are you an accident?

Moral of all this, stupidity is spread like a virus, beware of information you acquire it might not be accurate...


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