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Under the banner of the so-called "war on terrorism", Bush is trying to tighten U.S. domination over the world. And insuring control of the oil resources of the Persian Gulf has long been a top priority of the U.S. corporations and government. It's these imperial ambitions which lie behind the frenzied war preparations against Iraq. The U.S. rulers' problem is that there's a rival bully, Saddam Hussein (more)


The current war drive is not merely the personal crusade of Bush or some other politician. It springs from the drive to exploit the whole world by the same huge corporations that dominate the American economy. These huge monopolies are constantly seeking greater profits, and they aren't satisfied with only exploiting the working class here. They are on a never-ending drive for global domination in order to secure markets (more)


The Democratic Party lost the 2002 elections. It isn't just that it lost control of the Senate, but it showed itself bankrupt ideologically. It "me-too"-ed Bush on the "war on terrorism" and on the economy. It didn't do this mainly for fear of losing votes, but because it is another party that represents the bourgeoisie and the corporations. It too wants to see the U.S. corporations dominate the world, a (more)


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-this page is made by matt and phil, we stole this shit from other people, because were didn't see a need to write the same thing twice.