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Exposing Posers All Over America

Why are we taking time out of our day to inform you?

Posers In The Flesh!!

Naked Posers Caught on my Webcam!
Clothed Posers Caught on my Webcam!
Posers at Their Worst!


Thanks for checking out the poser patrol! We believe that it is our job to help notify America of the thousands of idiots that walk our nation each day. Now, don't confuse us with those arragont assholes who call everyone a poser, we actually have a goal by conducting this help serve the community and the individuals placed on the webpage. Hopefully, these people will see themselves on here, and come to realize what they really are, fake. This is a page for the people with their own ideas to laugh at the people who take them, and a page for the people who are taking these ideas to hit a new realization...their way is wrong.

If you are offended in any way by this site, please contact us at :
Or feel free to send us envelopes filled with hate mail and white powder at:
Dontgive A. Fuck
764 Happy Trail
Bellybuttonaville, LintConsin 12345
Well, keep checking back four updates, until then here are three easy tips to avoid POSERDOM!
1.) Be yourself! (unless yourself is an idea stealing mindless moron)
2.) Buy an album, don't settle for downloads/mp3's and burnt CD's.
3.) See above.
Remember, "Don't follow a trend, be an individual," says Homegrown.