70s invasion - 70s Pop Girl - TINA WERNER

TINA ( aka Christina )WERNER was a singer for LES HUMPHRIES singers who were popular in europe in the early - mid 70s, see page 5 for reviews of that band....

"For all things are made by the Word, and without the Word was not anything made that was made.

But is it first wholly necessary that you learn HOW to think, how to know your thoughts, those directed by Me, from the thoughts of others; how to trace thoughts back to their source and to banish undesirable ones at will from your consciousness; and finally how to control and utilize your desires so that they will always serve You, instead of your being a slave to them.

All these conditions and expierences in life which you entered into, and which when pleasing seemed Good, and when displeasing seemed Evil, were merely incidents created by Desire to quicken in you certain Soul faculties, which would enable you to recognize the Truths that I, within, wished at one time to impress upon your consciousness.

excerts from the book ' THE IMPERSONAL LIFE ' '71