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Name: Jessica Anabella K****la
Nicknames: Pooh, Bunnie & Jae
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthday: August 14th
Location: Syr, New York
Eye Color: Blue, Green, Brown & Gray
Hair Color: Blonde, Brown & Light Brown
Body Size: Skinny
Height: About 5'3
Weight: About 120lbs
Interests & Hobbies: Cars, Computers, Talking, Internet, Graphics, and more.
Status: Taken


Wearing: Jeans and a Tee-Shirt
Listening to: Audioslave
Watching: Me type
Doing: Thinking of Dale and working on site
Talking to: Nobody
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing


Email: Punkbunnie27
AIM: sry poohbunnie & syr poohbunnie88
Message Boards: Torngated & Torngated ... Bunnie


Nothing Yet, sorry.

About The Site

Created on July 7th, 2003. The owner is me, Jessica anabella K****la. It's on version 1: SCREAMS.


This layout was made by me. This layout features a doll originally created by Carolyn. It was made on July 7th. It also features part of a poem I created long ago under the version number and name.

Why Broken Chains?

I chose Broken Chains because I always feel chained up and then at the end of my journies or the day the chains feel broken because I have been released or broke out. I kept thinking of names and for some reason broken chains just stuck with me. This name is copyrighted to me. So no one can say that I stole it because I thought of it on my own.


I currently have no affliates, if you are interested.. email me.

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MONDAY - JULY 7th, 2003 ______ JESSICA ______ 001 | COMMENTS|

Posted at: 11:37 PM
I can't believe For LOVE or MONEY. It was the last episode and the guy picked Erin. I feel bad for the other girl. She actually liked him. Personally, I thought he was quite dull. Erin picked the million dollars then gave it up to be the lady of the next one and hope to be choosen over money to get 2 Million dollars over just keeping the Million. She's pretty and got a nice package so I hope she gets picked over money. The guys picked for For LOVE or MONEY2 are pritty hott, so I hope she ends up picking the right one. Well, today my mom and sister went shopping for a few gifts for my birthday and my sister's grill for her birthday. My birthday is about 39 days away, August 14th. My sister's is August 15th and my boyfriend's is August 13th. Isn't that cool? All Leo's in a row. I wanted to talk to my boyfriend more than I did today, but he left so I couldn't. I really like him a lot, even though my family almost dispisse him. He didn't do anything and he has a job, so I don't see what's so bad about him. He may be 16 turning 17, but big whoop. Who really cares. I'm so bored. But I'm not tired. I have nothing to do, except work on my site and I can't even do that for long. I just created my site BROKEN CHAINS.. Which is this site. It isn't just one thing at the moment because I haven't decided if it is personal, writing, graphic or what yet.. So I'll hopefully figure out soon. No matter what it is. It will always have my blog on it.