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The Matrix Revolutions

An anonymous spokesman for Warner Bros announced yesterday that the third installment in the Matrix trilogy has - despite the continual insistance by fans that the Matrix Revolutions is coming out in November - been axed.

The news came as a shock to matrix fans, and many of them have begun to protest the decision.

It was ordered by the high court that the third movie be axed, and that the second movie be phased out as soon as possible. This follows a lawsuit led by Dr Albert Oxford, who is sueing Warner Bros for causing the Columbine shootings, and refusing to aid starving children.

He does, however, have huge support from the American public, and indeed the majority of the globe. It is also interesting to note that the average I.Q. of those who support Dr Albert Oxford's claim is in the mid 120's, while those who disagree have little intelligence to speak of whatsoever. The obesity rate in matrix fans is climbing rapidly, and if anyone is standing for what is morally right, it is certainly Dr Oxford.

Those who support the Matrix, however, do have much to say. For example, the common phrase "AAaliahaa is NOT dEaD!!1" can be seen repeatedly across the internet. Aaliyah last week stated that, "those who deny my existance are even greater racists than those who fired me from the cast of The Matrix."

Dr Albert Oxford's most recently published article can be found here.
