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Should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being involved in an motor accident, we at Platinum Bodyworks are there to ensure your cars road to recovery is a smooth one.

With over 20 years experience in accident repairs we have thousands of satisfied customers on our books and have used our services more than once when needed.

The family owned business is committed to the continued provision of our exceptionally high service levels.


For the highest quality and a fast efficient service, contact Platinum Bodyworks.

E-mail video damage of your vehicle to us and we can give a estimated cost of repair without any inconvenience to you. 

Our company are approved repairers and are recognized by Renault UK, Norwich Union (Gold approved repairers), Hill House Hammond (approved repairers network) and Mitsubishi (approved repairers).

Members of the R.M.I Federation.

Products or Location  

You can contact Platinum Body Works by telephone on 01708 552628 or Fax 01708 557789 or by e-mail at

Send mail to CompanyWebmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Platinum Bodyworks UK. (LTD)