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. front? .. journal .. about Peter .. look at Peter .

Wednesday July 8 11:51pm
squamish b.c.

well, i had a great 9 days in squamish. i feel like i had a chance to make some good connections with both my cousins aswell as my aunt and uncle. it's really neat to see keri go through the same things that i did when i was her age, and i'm interested to see if they bring her to the same point that they've brought me. i'm amazed at how smart leah is, and i'm really excited to see the choices she'll be making in the next couple years, especially after her graduation. i'm heading to vancouver tomorow, and never before have i seen a more open road ahead of me. these last 9 days of very little pot have really cleared my head. i hate to jump to conclusions but i don't think i'll be smoking nearly as much pot any more, maybe because i've found better things to do with my body and mind. hahaha, all that is going to sound very lame if i'm back to the daily pot thing a month from now, but i really feel happier, more emotionally steady, smarter, and more motivated than i've been for awhile. if anything this will all be something to ponder next time i find myself in a difficult situation. blah blah blah blah. hopefully the next update will be sooner than this one was. for now i must depart to smoke a cigarette out my bedroom (not MY bedroom, but that's what everyone in this house calls it) window.

June 25 10:00pm

I guess no new shits going on. Maybe some content by the end of the night?

Boredom, and no website, STILL...

STILL looking for someone to play with...
I put some effort into what you see before you the other night, but does it look fucking done?