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Adam's Writings
Fight Club Trivia

I understand that many people had visited my so called "SkateLife" webpage. Even the thought of this page was not to hit anyone's ears, thereforeI have created a page which is quite more appropriate, and was created more out of intrest than boredom. Also if I hurt anyone's feelings with the last site than I am terribly sorry and it will never happen again. Actually I will be more inclined to do it again , but that is just how I am. This page should focus more on ideas that I and fellow persons have had running through our heads and decided would be fun to share with our peers. Enjoy our opinions! If you don't agree with the things I say, or if you think this site is a "joke", I don't care and "Fuck off!"

Top Ten Movies


Beauty is power the same way money is power the same way a gun is power.