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.::Wed 04.Jun.2003

w00t! w00t!
SourceForge accepted my MLA Auto-Generator project. They gave me a wonderful account, and even 100 MB of webspace for my project, which is about 450 KB per revision.

MLA Auto-Generator

Visit it now and download the latest version! Tell me what you think; e-mail me at calculusguy[at]

In a short while, I'll update this website to incorporate my new gem in the Programs section. I'll even put up the source code, if you don't feel like going to SourceForge and downloading it from there.

by Pat Do

.::Tue 03.Jun.2003

I got a bloody nose while taking one of Sr. Losada's legendary finals..

He allowed everybody to use notes, as many pages as desired, for the final[which included cultural and geographical questions]. I of course, don't bother with the notes. Besides the fact that I'm lazy and don't care anymore, I think going it alone with my brain impressed don Antonio.

I spent 3/4 of English outside talking to seniors, reminiscing and recalling the good times and the bad.

My good buddy Erwin.. the very first friend I had at Rio, is *sob* leaving. I am completely indebted to him for his friendship... and now.. he's gone. Even though he'll still be here at AR, I don't know what ever I could do next year without him.

by Pat Do

.::Mon 02.Jun.2003
John Glenn

So I have to give a 10 minute presentation on John Glenn, the famous astronaut... the esteemed Mr. Blenner sets it up so that I go last[he's saving the best for last].. but there's no break, so everybody's sick and tired of presentations. I'm the 5th person to go, and Blenner's like "This is our last ever presentation of 2003 APUSH. This better be good."

So I go up there, with my poster[which was, quite frankly, a piece of shit; that's beside the point], and give the bestest presentation of the whole class! Everybody was listening intently.. picking up their heads from signing yearbooks, and focusing on my beautiful masterpiece. When it's all over, I got the loudest applause in my life and chants of "Pat Do! Pat Do!" in appreciation of my greatness.

Blenner was so shocked and awed by my speech that he was speechless, finally muttering that John Glenn "wasn't the first person to travel in space". To some, this could be true on a technicality, as Alan Shepard actually went to space[but didn't go anywhere besides his arrival point] shortly before Glenn, but it depends on each individual's interpretation of "travel". I'll admit that Shepard travelled _to space_, but the point is that I didn't say that Glenn was the first to travel _to space_; I said "in space", as he actually orbited the earth 3 times.

This turned out to be Blenner's only comment other than "Excellent presentation. He pretty much covered it all about John Glenn, so we're on to the movie!" [Blenner typically talks for ~5 minutes after each presentation, filling in any holes in their biographies.]

by Pat Do

Last updated: Wed 04.Jun.2003 19:15