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..::Remember Me Trying::..

Randy's little 14 year old lovin ass, dude's 18, *laugh*

Randy's Boyfriend Taking Up For Him... How Sweet.

Wodyo [6:16 PM]: haha
Wodyo [6:17 PM]: funny shit dude
RememberMeTrying [6:17 PM]: you think I'm fucking playing around with you?
Wodyo [6:17 PM]: I wish I could be that funny
RememberMeTrying [6:17 PM]: wait and see dude
RememberMeTrying [6:17 PM]: you wanna side with randy then you're gonna get hurt
RememberMeTrying [6:17 PM]: because I AM going to beat the shit out of him
Wodyo [6:17 PM]: okay
Wodyo [6:17 PM]: okay
Wodyo [6:17 PM]: okay
Wodyo [6:18 PM]: go y ou Wodyo [6:18 PM]: keep going tho... this is fucking hilarious
RememberMeTrying [6:19 PM]: lol and you obviously have never seen bobby mad, because if so then you would know thinking you could beat his ass really isnt the smartest thing, you must not know about Donnie huh? lol you like what 140lb? lol, all I have to say you wanna do something, then thats on you. Don't say I didnt warn you
RememberMeTrying [6:20 PM]: randy knows where I live, you guys can come try to jump me if thats how you wanna do it, I dont give a fuck.
Wodyo [6:20 PM]: I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of bobby. I'm not afraid of any of you dumb mother fuckers
RememberMeTrying [6:20 PM]: or we can meet somewhere
RememberMeTrying [6:20 PM]: and settle this shit
RememberMeTrying [6:21 PM]: don't be afraid, just be warned
RememberMeTrying [6:21 PM]: you can bring as many dudes as you feel you need
Wodyo [6:21 PM]: to be warned is to be told of danger.... I know theres no fucking danger with you queers
Wodyo [6:22 PM]: I'll fuckin' bring myself mother fucker
RememberMeTrying [6:22 PM]: lol, right. Then lets see how big and bad your little chump ass when we see face to face, cause I wouldnt feel to safe with shawn or randy if I was you, I punked both those bitches, niether one of them had shit to say, cept for randy "please dont hit me dude" lmfao
RememberMeTrying [6:22 PM]: thats your crew?
RememberMeTrying [6:23 PM]: laugh
Wodyo [6:23 PM]: I'm my own fucking crew
RememberMeTrying [6:23 PM]: you feeling real big behind a monitor huh you little punk ass bitch?
Wodyo [6:24 PM]: I don't give a shit who u punk... but I don't appreciate anyone doing any fuckin punk'in but me. so now shut the fuck up you burnt out dumb shit mother fucker
Wodyo [6:24 PM]: 835 Norway Avenue.
Wodyo [6:24 PM]: bring it
RememberMeTrying [6:25 PM]: we'll see bitch, lol, we'll see, you better not let me catch you out anywhere you little piece of shit, or you're gonna wish you hadnt
Wodyo [6:25 PM]: .... 835 Norway Avenue.
Wodyo [6:25 PM]: I said fucking bring it mother fucker
RememberMeTrying [6:25 PM]: nah, fuck that I'm not going on anyones property, thats grounds for charges, fuck that you wanna do this shit we can meet some where
Wodyo [6:26 PM]: pussy ass mother fucker
RememberMeTrying [6:26 PM]: lol shit then come to my house, you wanna call people pussies, I'd fuckin love to see you outside of my house
Wodyo [6:26 PM]: a dumb one at that
Wodyo [6:27 PM]: nah, I got better things to do. like get drunk
RememberMeTrying [6:27 PM]: you mean like suck randy's dick?
Wodyo [6:27 PM]: if u got beef with me, then come fuckin settle
RememberMeTrying [6:27 PM]: lol fag
Wodyo [6:27 PM]: till then shut the fuck up and back the fuck up
RememberMeTrying [6:27 PM]: you shut the fuck up you little bitch, meet me somewhere you pussy
Wodyo [6:27 PM]: I'm the fag?
RememberMeTrying [6:28 PM]: if you dont have the balls to do that, you have no right running your cocksucking mouth you little bitch
Wodyo [6:28 PM]: try singing... we'll see who the fag is
RememberMeTrying [6:28 PM]: try drumming jackass
Wodyo [6:28 PM]: rofl
Wodyo [6:28 PM]: funny
RememberMeTrying [6:28 PM]: I've heard you TRY
Wodyo [6:28 PM]: haha
Wodyo [6:29 PM]: you haven't seen me play dude :P
RememberMeTrying [6:29 PM]: Just let me know when you and randy go down to the riverfront, I'll meet you there
Wodyo [6:29 PM]: once, when I sat behind randy's kit wow lol
Wodyo [6:29 PM]: haha
Wodyo [6:29 PM]: sure
RememberMeTrying [6:29 PM]: how about Friday? sound good?
RememberMeTrying [6:30 PM]: you and randy can go down there about 10pm
RememberMeTrying [6:30 PM]: and shawn if you like to, I honestly dont give a fuck whos with you
Wodyo [6:30 PM]: haha
Wodyo [6:30 PM]: dude your so retarded
RememberMeTrying [6:30 PM]: thats what I thought pussy
Wodyo [6:30 PM]: I'm having fun while you try and plan this shit :P
Wodyo [6:30 PM]: haha
Wodyo [6:31 PM]: hahaha
Wodyo [6:31 PM]: great :P
RememberMeTrying [6:31 PM]: dont run your mouth unless you plan to back it up, I'm not afraid to back it up, you little fucking retarded ass cunt
Wodyo [6:31 PM]: see what happens when burn outs think ? :P
RememberMeTrying [6:31 PM]: meet me at the riverfront, then you can talk all the shit you want
Wodyo [6:31 PM]: just shut the fuck up man lol your fucking retardedd
RememberMeTrying [6:31 PM]: lol ur scared
Wodyo [6:31 PM]: haha
Wodyo [6:31 PM]: ass cunt ... nice :P dumb ass
Wodyo [6:31 PM]: lol
Wodyo [6:32 PM]: nah
Wodyo [6:32 PM]: of what ? your punk ass ? lol
RememberMeTrying [6:32 PM]: Wodyo [6:31 PM]: just shut the fuck up man lol your fucking retardedd
RememberMeTrying [6:32 PM]: I'd talk
Wodyo [6:32 PM]: so fucking funny lol
RememberMeTrying [6:32 PM]: yea
RememberMeTrying [6:32 PM]: if you werent then you wouldnt be afraid to meet me at the riverfront
Wodyo [6:32 PM]: your not gonna beat anyones ass haha
RememberMeTrying [6:32 PM]: right
RememberMeTrying [6:32 PM]: come down there and we'll see
Wodyo [6:33 PM]: u touch randy tho... I'll kick bobby's ass for the hell of it... then we'll settle shit
Wodyo [6:33 PM]: but I don't think u will fuck with randy... your too stupid
RememberMeTrying [6:33 PM]: lol I'd love to see you try and kick bobby's ass
Wodyo [6:33 PM]: lol sure
RememberMeTrying [6:33 PM]: oh I'm going to beat the living fuck out of him, and your not gonna do a fucking thing about it
RememberMeTrying [6:34 PM]: because all you do is talk shit
RememberMeTrying [6:34 PM]: "meet me at my house durr" what type of shit is that? lol if I'm gonna fight someone its not gonna be on their property where I can get charges filed against me
RememberMeTrying [6:35 PM]: fuck that
RememberMeTrying [6:35 PM]: you wanna settle this shit, we'll meet somewhere
RememberMeTrying [6:35 PM]: until then shut your fucking mouth

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