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Sk8 Kanata 2003
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Hey this is the official Never Land sk8 team site anyways heres some trick tips more stuff coming soon

The Ollie.. Now first things first put the ball of ur foot on ur tail. next place ur front foot just behind the front set of hardware. Now kick ur back foot down on the tail of ur board as hard as u can. Slide ur front foot to the tip of the nose of ur board. u should start to rise. When u are in the air keep ur weight centered and when ur ollie is coming to an end u will drop. When u land still keep ur weight centered and roll away.

The Kickflip... Okay first off all put ur feet in ollie position (you should be able to ollie before you atpemt a kickflip.)Now begin to ollie start to slide your foot to the tip of your board, but instead of sliding to the tip of your board kick ur foot down right behind the the front hardware. (Or you can kick down over the front hardware.) now jump in the air (be sure to stay over ur board) watch ur board flip like a barrel roll under ur feet. When it is done fliping catch it under ur feet and center ur weight on the board. when you land roll away.

The 5.0 Grind... First skate up to ur object (frontside or backside)Begin to ollie on to ur object. When you are in the air with ur ollie lean back a bit so when you land on the object with ur board that u land in a manual stance. Once you are in this stance on the object you should start sliding (if the object is metal or waxed that is)keep yourself balanced and when you are done with ur 5.0 put yor weight on the front o ur board and drop off the object keep urself centered and roll away.

Noseslide... Aproch ur object at a slight angle pointing ur nose at the object a bit (Like a sideways nosestall) Ollie up to ur object or lift ur nose to the object if u are ollieing turn ur shoulders towards the object and smack ur nose on the object if u are not ollieing then lift ur nose and smack ur nose on the object. u should start to slide (if it is metal or waxed.) keep balanced and when u are done ur Noseslide put weight on ur tail and drop then roll away.

The Primo (or to rail)... Now first put both ur heels over the harware on ur board. point ur toes straight. kick ur heels down lightly and jump. ur board should land with 2 wheels on the ground and 2 in the air and ur board should be straight. Now land on ur 2 wheels and balance. When u wanna stop ur primo kick ur feet forward and ur board will flip normal again land and roll away.

The Varial Flip... Okay heres what you do put ur backfoot in shuv-it position and ur front foot and kickflip postion. Now to begin ur varial flip kick ur backfoot like ur would for a shuv-it then as soon as you as ur board is in the middle of a shuv-it kick ur front foot like a kickflip. (This is very hard to get sometimes so keep trying if you don't get it the first time) Once you kick ur feet the right way for a varial flip jump up like a kickflip Note:you may have to jump a little to the side for ur varial flip because it may flip over to the side. while ur in the air ur board should flip like a shuv-it kickflip I guess. Once ur board is done flipping catch it and land over ur bolts. When you land on the ground stay centered and roll away.

Backside boardslide... Okay heres what you do, begin to ollie up to the object you are grinding. When you are in the air with ur ollie turn ur shoulders backside onto the object (Like turn ur body 90 degrees) Land on the object u are grinding with ur the middle of ur board. You should start sliding, keep balanced. When you are about to finish ur boardslide turn ur body and board off the object. Turn straight and ride away.

Heelflip... Put ur backfoot like you would for a kickflip and ur front foot with ur toes of the left side of ur board if you skate goofy and the right side of ur board if you skate regular. Have ur heel on the board though. Now begin ur heelflip by flicking ur heel off the side of ur board (but don't dip ur head in or else the board will go behind you) ur board should start to flip in the oppisite direction of a kickflip. Jump up as high as you can, once the board is done flipping catch it with ur feet and land of the board. Stay balanced and ride away (Or just land)

The 180.... First set ur feet up with ur backfoot like you would for and ollie and ur front foot just behind the front truck bolts. To begin ur 180 pop down on ur tail with ur backfoot and slide ur front foot up only a tiny bit. Now heres the tricky part if you skate goofy start to turn ur shoulders and a bit of ur body to the right while you are in the air and if you skate regular turn ur shoulders to the left while you are in the air. Turn ur shoulders and ur body body 180 degrees to the oppisite deriction. When you have have turn ur board and you a full 180 degrees keep ur weight over the truck bolts and land.

font color="red"> Sex Change... This is a good trick to learn after you have learned the kickflip but it may take a couple trys but it looks cool when you do it. Okay now put ur feet in kickflip position. Now to begin ur sex change pop down on the tail and flick the board like a kickflip, but heres the catch you have to as soon as you flick the board begin to turn ur body into the oppisite stance (like from regular to goofy or goofy to regular) Jump up a bit and as ur board is flipping under ur feet you should have at least turned 90 degrees by then. Once you have turned ur body a full 180 degrees catch the board flipping under you. Land over the truck bolts and ride ride away (or just land.) NEVER LAND MEMBERS

Jesse Prophet
best tricks:varial flip and kickflip
favourite bands:Ac-Dc,Goldfinger and Good Charolette
Favourite sk8ers:Geoff Rowley and Evan Herendez


best tricks:kickflip and 180
Favourite singer:Eminem
Favourite Sk8ers:Daewon Song and Rodney Mullen

Adam Cessford
best tricks:heelflip
favourite band: Ac-Dc 50 cent Simple Plan
Favourite sk8er:Evan Herendez Rodney Mullen, rob sluggo, rick mccrank, bob burnquist, tom penny.

Kiefer Honer Lloyed
best tricks:Kickflips and primos
favourite band:eminem and goldfinger
email:N/A ( he doesn't have one yet but he's gettin' one)
favourite sk8er:rodney Mullen


0-/-<): (Look at this figure sidways)
