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mY aNgSt

This is all about my angst. Angst is everywhere in my life, like those annoying pop-up ads.

What is 'angst' you ask?

Angst is a combination of anxiety and anger, which I have a lot of.

I feel anxious and angry when I am driving in the area of someone that is going too slow for the speed limit, or people that go slow in the left freeway lanes, semi-trucks that drive in the left freeway lanes, people that cut other drivers off, and I hate to say it but Asian people are terrible drivers. They really are.

I am anxious and angry when I have to wait in line for a really long time. Especially at the bank. I hate it when the grocery clerk gets finished ringing up my purchase and I barely have a second to put away my change and they're already ringing up the next person's purchase and the next person sort of shuffles their way forward and practically pushes me out of the way.

Where has good service gone? Doesn't anyone give good service anymore?

These days one has to shop at high-end retail stores or stay at a Four Seasons Hotel to get great service. Great service used to be a social custom and a business practice, now it's all about greasing palms and kissing ass.

The city where I live caters to the rich. They won't fix fixable road problems because they're too busy squabbling over the same problems year after year. We have a very dangerous freeway in my city. It is going to collapse when we have our next big earthquake (it's already a published fact) and yet no one in charge of our city roads will do anything about it. I can already see the lawsuits in the future when the freeway goes down... just like Oakland in the Loma Priata earthquake.

I hate people that say they will call when they know that they won't call.

I hate men that make obviously unwanted advances. I hate men that think that everything that I do and say is a come-on, just because I am pretty. (This is especially true of older men). Talking about older men.... don't you think that they'd know better? You'd think that after 55 years they'd figure women out, or at least exercise more intelligence, instead of hearing everything I say as; "blah..blah..blah...I want"

On the other hand... nice men are great. They don't assume that I am coming on to them just because I say hello. (Maybe it is just wishful thinking on the part of the older guys)....

tHiNgS tHaT pRoDuCe AnGsT, aNd ThErEfOrE SuCk;